mercredi 5 octobre 2016

New Concept in Need of Direction

Hey Everyone I appreciate you taking a minute!

I am in the later stages of launching a business and struggling to identify our product to our consumers. The premise is that we are a B2B company that evaluates attractions such as restaurants, hotels, theme parks, etc.. on the different aspects of what makes up a great guest experience. Our rubric is a point system in which we grade on things such as layout organization and employee approachability if a specific attraction reaches a certain mark they are then deemed so and may market themselves as having our certification of excellence. In going through the evaluation the attraction is also given any data we collect on areas in which they can improve and in turn implement some of these ideas. Our problem is educating our target market which is obviously attractions owners and managers about our evaluations and the benefits that they provide. We have reached out to Multiple attractions in a specific region and had minimal success. I'm here to build relationships with all of you guys in this forum and would love to hear what any of you think about our companies direction. Your advice is much appreciated!

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