mercredi 19 octobre 2016

Two businesses, competing interests

I own two businesses which most often are beneficial to each other. One is brick and mortar, and we serve people from about an hour away in all directions. It's a niche industry, and while it's gaining popularity, most cities only have a few. Larger cities have 5 to 6 at most. We're in a medium sized city, and we are one of 2.

Our second business gained steam from the first. We produce a custom product that we sell as an add on to clients in our first business. It's an ecommerce business that now sells both retail and to other business owners in the industry from our first business for resale to their clients. It's brand new at just a month old. It obviously has more room to grow as our market is national and possibly international. We already have 15 resellers, so it's seems it may do well. It's just too early to tell.

We just had an potential reseller approach us. We had no clue they even existed, but they are just an hour south of our brick and mortar business. They will almost definitely cut into our business for our b&m, so I'm debating on how to approach it from our second business. I feel the second business has more room to grow. We are the first of our kind in this business with this business model to resell. The item is just an add on to the service of the first business, so for the majority of clients, it won't be a make or break if they choose our new competitor or our b&m business. I am leaning towards accepting this new business as a reseller, but wanted to get some feedback on case to see if there are any considerations I am missing.

Sorry for all the first business second business talk. It really is such a niche, so I'm trying to leave the exact industry out of it for now.

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