lundi 10 octobre 2016

AFA Rant

I feel a bit like venting so I will use this post to vent a bit. We are at our renewal time for health insurance. I was under the impression that the past year was the last one we had before being required to be AFA compliant but I guess we have one more year. Last year we had to quit covering families and go to a much worse program to be able to afford coverage at all. This year we just got word that if we want to keep the same coverage our rates would go up 30%. By cutting back from a $ 500.00 deductible to a $ 1000.00 we are able to just have a 3% increase so that is what we are doing.

I am told that to have the same coverage with an AFA compliant program our rates will about double. Our choice for next year may be to go to really crappy coverage and I hate to do that.

I am curious if anyone else is running into this and how you are dealing with it?

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