jeudi 13 octobre 2016

Running US business from UK.

I have an existing successful small business.
I source specialist products from Europe and sell them to Labs and Research Institutions in the US and Canada.
I don't even need to handle the products since they get shipped directly to the customer.
Basically I attend trade shows and do the sales processing in the USA. To do this I need an official presence in the US.

Within a few years I need to move to the UK and be resident there for @ five years. (I'm a dual citizen, this is so my American wife can gain UK citizenship.)
Even though my wife will be limited in time outside the UK I will be able to leave as often as I need to.

I don't want to sell the business and I don't want to hire anyone. I do less than 50 sales a year which is enough, so the paperwork is not that bad.

I was wondering if I should maintain a property in the US, so that I have an address, and perhaps reincorporate from CA to Nevada to keep taxes simpler.
And then I believe I can handle sales via regular visits/email/phone.

Would appreciate any thoughts/suggestions.

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