jeudi 30 novembre 2017

23 year old successful real estate wholesaler looking to influence

Hey Guys!
My Name Is Kevin Ramirez
I am a real estate investor in Raleigh, NC
I focus on rehabbing and wholesaling (mainly wholesaling) single family homes and small multifamily
I join the group specifically to see if there is a group of people who are in my situation or are working towards being in my situation
I currently do 50+ transactions a year, and net around a quarter M $ a year. (only reason I mention that is to establish the level that I am at, to see who can relate, I feel like honesty is key and we're all hear to learn something or connect in some way.

Anyways. I am going to be starting a youtube channel of what it is like to be a young (under 30) entrepreneur and business owner who has already surpassed some of the major hurdles (The start up phase) and has built a solid business, great systems, and great momentum.
In said youtube channel I will be documenting some of my day to day activities, speaking about systems I have in place, motivation, and many other things.
I envision my main audience being millennials who are starting a business of any kind, or millennials who have started a business and are at a similar level that I am at and that can relate to my every day, the grind, the ups, the downs, and the thrill of the entrepreneurship ride.

If this is something any of you would be interested in please comment, with ideas, approval, dissproval. I am just trying to see if there's some people out there that would be interested in it

The videos are going to be VLOG style, with a Casey Neistat feel to it, so not just me talking, but also some cool action shots, regular shots, and a TON of knowledge and golden nuggets in every video. Basically half cretive/entertainment, and half educational.

first Vlog will be up in december at some point, I'll be sure to check back here and let whoever is interested know. BTW, where can I post any youtube videos here on this forum and be compliant to rules?


Kevin Ramirez,

Syscall Pagers

I recently saw these call buttons on the tables at a coffee shop in my area from syscall and noticed their servers were very fluid with their service. Are these transmitters on tables more effective than having waiters check on tables manually or waiting for customers to call them?

Which is the better Tax election for Single-Member LLCs (Texas)

My company was started as an ecommerce firm. Entity I elected is "LLC", however, since I'm the only member of the LLC the IRS gave me two choices for tax purposes - categorize the entity as a "Sole Proprietorship", or as an "S-Corp".

Being that the business has a single member which is the better selection that gives me an advantage from a taxation point-of-view?

Once you make an election ( SMLLC /Sole Proprietorship vs SMLLC/S-Corp) can you change it.

Thanks in advance for your assistance guys. Really appreciate it.

Off shore?


One of my friends lives overseas. He is setting up is own business. He lives in a country but all the business he wants to do has nothing to do with the country where he lives (suppliers and clients are actually not located in this country). He is thinking about having an off shore company combined with an online bank account. Do you know what is the best way to do that?


Best SmartWatch fitness 2017


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(USA) Working Capital Funding - All Credit - Minimum $8k/Mo Revenue Required

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mercredi 29 novembre 2017

Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

^ What Spricigo said. The vertical stabilizer should literally not move in response to any input, and a static surface is fine for the job.

KSP's SAS function tends to correct heading deviations with yaw, and that's the wrong response with airplanes. If you want to change the heading of an airplane, you should roll into the desired heading and let the nose track around smoothly on its own. Pointing the nose at the desired heading using yaw just causes a cross-controlled condition, resulting in increased drag and weird cross-coupling responses and a reduced tendency to track cleanly.

Airplanes (other than pure aerobatic) don't need active rudders in KSP, and making them active only hampers them from flying smoothly. Hence my recommendation to never have active rudders.


-SlashyPlanes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0

i noticed on page 105 of this thread someone posted photos of a 6 bladed helicopter rotor?(sorry quoting isn't working for me for some reason, but i'm not on my normal computer so i'm not too worried about it ) was wondering exactly how to set that up as in game? i'm only finding 2 bladed rotors and from reading the post it seems like there was some configuration rinvolved?Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0

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KSP Keostationary Orbits broken


That's all I get from you for a long detailed explanation. That's all you'll get from me for an unsubstantiated opinion.KSP Keostationary Orbits broken

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Strange graphical glitch with mods.

i've been fighting this bug and found it is the trajcetories mod that was causing it (for 1.2.2 at least). I'm gonna check the forum to see if it was address in a previous version.Strange graphical glitch with mods.

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Ruggedized Wheel Problems

I'm having a problem with my new mobile base. When loaded onto the launch pad or runway, it bounces/shimmies until the TR-2L ruggerized wheels break, or in a few cases the launch pad explodes. The base masses 46.5 tons, and there are 40 wheels in 4 banks of 10. Pictures below of the the base and the wheels. I have another similar mobile base with the same wheel arrangement that does not bounce until it explodes.Ruggedized Wheel Problems

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Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

Here is the very first plane I flew in my first full career playthrough.

(Hopefully the explosive thumbnail doesn't set you off right away! It isn't often I see Jebediah with a frown! Don't worry though, he survived.)

You can ignore the FAR / Ferram Aerospace stuff and build this plane along with the video, and it should fly in Stock. You need at minimum the Aviation node unlocked for these parts, which gives you the Juno engine and small intake, the liquid fuel-only tanks, and aero parts. There's also no shame in using parachutes to land when starting out.

While this will get you off the ground, it's hardly an optimal design. You can lighten the load by replacing the Mk1 fuel fuselage with a Mk1 structural fuselage, or just empty the Mk1 tank first. You can use structural wing parts instead of the swept wings to get the same lift for less mass. You can build a complete engine nacelle with a Mk0 liquid fuel tank, small intake and Juno engine. And without the type-B tail's higher clearance, you can use a type-A tail, rotate it slightly and clip it slightly into the fuselage for a similar effect.

Getting the Aerodynamics node after this will get you Mk1 intakes and engines, better wings, retractable landing gear, and other goodies so you can graduate to this:

Again, you can ignore the FAR / Ferram Aerospace stuff and fly this plane in Stock.

If you can fly those in the air, then you can fly these to space:

...and come back safely.Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

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The Kerb-ball Run: Driving From KSC to KSC2/Baikerbanur on Only Fuel Cells.

My progress so far: 1 hour 50 minutes in. Making good progress in The Truck (slightly simplified build).

Not a speed demon, but it does a steady 38 to 41 m/s. Toned down the speed, less problems.

Lots of lights for night driving. Deck lights keyed to ladders.

4 small fuel cells, 12 OSCAR tanks in a 3 x 2 construction.

10 wheel drive, front dual steerers running at 60% torque, rear duals running at 100% Torque.The Kerb-ball Run: Driving From KSC to KSC2/Baikerbanur on Only Fuel Cells.

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Any way to restrict a module to a part?

Only if the mod itself is designed to allow it, which is why it depends on the mod. So no, specifically what you're asking doesn't exist to the best of my knowledge.

Originally, all modules had to be tied to a part. Not a specific part, but a part that referenced the module. At some point, Squad changed it so that modders could make modules that didn't have to be referenced by a part. If a mod is written to take advantage of this ability, then the only way to block this abillity is if the mod allows it to be blocked.Any way to restrict a module to a part?

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[1.3.1] [BETA] UPFM - A ScrapYard based Part Failure and Reliability Mod 0.12 (19/11/2017)

@severedsolo This is exactly the type of mod I've been hoping for! Thank you!!!

Now, I have a couple things... 1) When I replace a part in the editor with an identical part, they often come up with different failure probabilities (for new parts only) is this a bug, or intentional? If its intentional, it seems a little odd.

2) do you have any plans / the ability to make science experiments fail? It would be really disappointing (but realistic) to get your fancy probe all the way to Jool, only to have the Science, Jr.'s doors get jammed

Thanks, again! This mod rocks![1.3.1] [BETA] UPFM - A ScrapYard based Part Failure and Reliability Mod 0.12 (19/11/2017)

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Kerbalized SpaceX- (WIP)

Awesome! Yes, I will absolutely include them (credit given to you of course). But yes, post a few screen shots, I would love to see. You can post them here.Kerbalized SpaceX- (WIP)

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Eyes Turned Skywards - The Missions

You are doing the series justice. These look absolutely stunning. How did you get these renders?Eyes Turned Skywards - The Missions

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StarMods: Cetera's Suits for TextureReplacerReplaced!


first ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyStarMods: Cetera's Suits for TextureReplacerReplaced!

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[1.3.x] KWS- Cold War BDArmory extension. [0.1.4] SA-2 "Guideline", KS-19 100mm AAA, F-4E CORDS radar, and more!

Could you give me a list of all the missiles?

I have some suggestions for more missiles

Aim-4 Falcon

AGM-12 Bullpup

AGM-62 Walleye

AGM-78 Standard ARM

AGM-45 Shrike





The Mk-82

Mk-82 HDGP

Mk-82 500 LB Bomb




Mk-20 Rockeye (CBU-100 Cluster Bomb)





BLU-82 Daisy cutter



AGM-62 Walleye

BLU-3 Pineapple


















GBU-12 Paveway II

GBU-27 Paveway III

Fuel Air Bombs

Fuel air bomb[6]


I know doing all this is impossible but its a list of everything[1.3.x] KWS- Cold War BDArmory extension. [0.1.4] SA-2 "Guideline", KS-19 100mm AAA, F-4E CORDS radar, and more!

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[1.3.1] Interstellar Flight Inc. Life Support - Alpha-3 release

Update - Alpha 3

Fixed techRequired for the small radial tank, it was misplaced[1.3.1] Interstellar Flight Inc. Life Support - Alpha-3 release

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What did you do in KSP today?

Better than getting surprised by creepily large gas.

Speaking of which, pity about Titan. Was looking forward to seeing it.What did you do in KSP today?

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Why do programmers use "We"?

Scientists do the same thing when writing papers. Often because of speaking on behalf of a research team or group. Also the idea is that if you the reader are following along you too are included in the group. It's like holding your hand, so we (you and I) do this thing, not I as I'm not doing it for you.Why do programmers use "We"?

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[1.3.1] Interstellar Flight Inc. - Kerbal Life Support Mod Development thread

Alpha 3 is released[1.3.1] Interstellar Flight Inc. - Kerbal Life Support Mod Development thread

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Where does a Kerbals "experience" live?

So, is there a way to easily "UP" the Kerbals experience level? It doesn't sound like it can be done?Where does a Kerbals "experience" live?

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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 20 pg 7: I am never drawing all those again.

Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 20 pg 7: I am never drawing all those again.

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[1.3]Sci-Fi Visual Enchancements V-1.3 (high performance alt to SVE)

sorry sve but i think i leaving you for another graphics mod[1.3]Sci-Fi Visual Enchancements V-1.3 (high performance alt to SVE)

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[WIP][1.3.1] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [10-09-17]

Two choice:

1: If you want a specific content to be smaller you can edit ResourceVolumes.cfg end reduce ressource volume.

2: The other option is to change tank type capacity, you can edit VolumeContainerData.cfg change a existing or create a new SSTU_CONTAINERTYPE. Keep in mind that if you create a new one you will have to edit the part config as well to add this type as a option.

I did that in the past, but not for greater volume. I added a lightweight heat resistant tank. Damage sensitive, super expensive but heat resistant while being somewhere between the Standard and light in term of mass. Basically the perfect tank of future reusable rocket.[WIP][1.3.1] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [10-09-17]

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I understand not being able to create maneuver nodes when not connected to Commnet, but at least let us delete them!

*Sight* Is not yet clear I have commnet on but partial control disabled?

Personally I find extremely satisfying. Now I can Ignore arguments about what make sense or since we'll go with the power of imagination.I understand not being able to create maneuver nodes when not connected to Commnet, but at least let us delete them!

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Flip tank

I wonder has anyone done a stock vs bda tank battle?Flip tank

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[WIP] [1.3] The World Beyond | 100 worlds in a distant realm deep in the sky

This is a very big plan you have here. KSS, for example, has been in development for a couple years and has reached 100 bodies a few months ago, so good luck with that

The mod still looks pretty good, and I hope for the best[WIP] [1.3] The World Beyond | 100 worlds in a distant realm deep in the sky

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Hwasong-14 as Space Launch Vehicle

According to what I've seen, the belief is that the -15 is -14 with an improved second stage.Hwasong-14 as Space Launch Vehicle

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[1.3.1] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [8.0][26/11/2017][Soyuz!]

I figured it out, trying to make green progress:

The old engine doesn't have a green version, Drakenex[1.3.1] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [8.0][26/11/2017][Soyuz!]

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BDA Sandbox

Is there any chance I could fight bdarmory craft with stock armaments?BDA Sandbox

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KSP Keostationary Orbits broken

Work out how? "On rails" does not mean "perfect". There's no way to get a perfect orbit in the first place without editing.

Squad has done a good job of plumbing the limits possible with 32-bit numbers but these limits still exist.

This is not the same thing as "orbits on rails still get less accurate". That is simply wrong. Sources in this very thread contradict you on that.KSP Keostationary Orbits broken

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Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

Shouldn't need 'em. A stably-designed plane is easily flyable with keyboard alone.

It might not be as fun or as natural or as precise as using a joystick, depending on your inclinations / preferences... but if the problem is "oh noes this keeps spinning out of control", then "using keyboard" is generally not the reason for that.Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

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Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

I assumed it was my design so was downloading other people's, large and small. I have gone through 12 without success. I gave up for a while until I tried this monstrosity, because I am playing with kOS, and through it would be cool to have a large working spaceplane already scripted.Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

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Thread to complain bout stuff

Some posts in this thread have been edited. Please don't get into politics on this forum, folks. It never ends well.Thread to complain bout stuff

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KSP Keostationary Orbits broken

There's something beautiful about the Keplerian 2-body approximation when you ignore collisions and SOI transitions:

You don't need to calculate forces, velocities, positions, or anything like that timestep after timestep. You don't need to integrate any laws of motion, because there's a closed-form solution to position given time.

You just take your 6 stored orbital elements, the current clock, plug it into an equation, and get out your new position.

That's largely what KSP does: it checks each vessel to see if there's an impact or SOI transition it has to handle, else it simply just updates the clock, and moves the vessel to the new position blissfully ignorant of where it was before.

Again, I tested this. I set up a constellation of satellites using Hyperedit, warped time forwards a few years at max timewarp, and they were still perfectly aligned.

If using some sort of iterative physics solver, solar systems will tear themselves apart given time. Even under Keplerian 2-body physics, unless you have an integration scheme that conserves all the relevant quantities, it'll tear itself apart due to these floating-point issues. Under N-body physics, not only is an iterative physics solver necessary*, it's a chaotic system; the solar system will fall apart, with some bodies colliding with the central body, and other bodies ejected off to infinity.

*Technically there's a non-iterative way to do it, but it's an infinite sequence of terms that, even when truncated, is very impractical as more than a demonstration.

While setting a large timestep makes inaccuracies manifest themselves sooner, an N-body system such as the real-world solar system is literally fated to fall apart. Major changes have already happened; it's thought that Uranus and Neptune switched places long ago in the early Solar System, and we quite possibly had another body ejected from the system entirely. Even if you had infinite precision and an infinitely short timestep (no numerical issues at all), N-body physics is inherently chaotic.KSP Keostationary Orbits broken

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Whats your favourite engine in KSP?


It's actually all of the above. Looking at the efficiency of the lifter purely as "dv expended" is misleading in a career game. What really matters is "dollars expended". You stagger the burnouts and jettison the empties in order to maximize the mechanical efficiency of the lifter *but* you also do this to make it easier for the lifter to follow an efficient trajectory and avoid brute- forcing excessive speeds at low altitudes.


-SlashyWhats your favourite engine in KSP?

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Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

@GoSlash27, I have tried setting control surfaces to only one function, but was trying to be more realistic. How in the world do real aircraft fly if they are that sensitive?

@Zeiss Ikon, I understand. I have not hundreds, but dozens of hours flying RC, and I have 200 hours in a military F-16 simulator (worked for Singer-Link in the day) and about 10 hours in Cessnas, 2 in a C-130, 6 in T-37....etc Never had so many problems. I have literally thousands of hours flying various PC based sims.

I tried using joysticks. I have four of them, but apparently, the drivers for all four of them don't work on Win7, only WinXP. Also, not sure if the 15 pin adapter to USB for one, works with the others, 3 of them are 15 pin only. Hate to buy another, my favorite was expensive, 15 years ago. I am to the point where I need a shuttle so will keep at it.Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

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KSP BD armoury war

I personally would prefer modern era and ground and space combined, where we would each have some bases on Kerbin and a base on another planet or moon. Or we could do one or the other if that becomes too complex.KSP BD armoury war

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Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical questions

Absolutely, though it would make more sense to store tanks of nitrous oxide, which is can be warmed and midly pressurized to be a liquid on Titan. Lower pressure = lighter tank, and liquid = denser fuel, both of which improve overall performance. Even better, N2O has a much higher fraction of usable oxygen (by mass) than air, even at the same density.

You'll have some fun dealing with temperature swings, though -- Titan's surface temperature is low enough that impure methane falls as rain and stands in lakes and "seas" (albeit at higher than standard pressure). Combustion, however, would be at a similar temperature to what we're used to, so instead of a jet turbine's combustion section running at ~800 C in a -10 C environment (jet cruising altitude), you've got ~800 C combustion chamber in a -200 C environment.Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical questions

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Where does a Kerbals "experience" live?

What file contains a Kerbonauts "experience" level? Yeah, I know...that's cheating. After 17 careers since starting KSP several years ago...I want to "jump ahead". SO...where do I change my Kerbal's experience levels?Where does a Kerbals "experience" live?

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Start screen, the pool

Five stars and a like every time one of these threads is made. The menu screen behavior is archaic, frustrating, and not user-friendly.Start screen, the pool

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The Saga of Emiko Station - Chapter 88 - On the Beach

I'm telling you, those red ones are really, really evil...The Saga of Emiko Station - Chapter 88 - On the Beach

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I need a lifter

I've got a lifter capable of 120 tons in 10.625x.. comes with like 12 km/s of DeltaVI need a lifter

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[1.3.1] KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPIE) 1.16.1 (20-10-2017) SUPPORT / RELEASE THREAD

Here i am. What is missing ? Fuel seems ok, KE shows some d-v.[1.3.1] KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPIE) 1.16.1 (20-10-2017) SUPPORT / RELEASE THREAD

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I need a lifter

I made it here:I need a lifter

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[WIP][1.3.1] Antenna Helper : In-Game Antennas Range Calculation [v0.8] (17 Nov 2017)

Very cool mod! But is this normal? (look at panel on right, same goes in builder but on bottom panel)[WIP][1.3.1] Antenna Helper : In-Game Antennas Range Calculation [v0.8] (17 Nov 2017)

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Sure we do... SHARE THE SCREEN SHOTS! What else would we have an Imgur button for?Greetings...

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stuck in low minmus orbit with no option to undock for landing, any solutions?

It's more that there are 42 different ways of inducing the same undock bug. 39+ of them have been fixed now.stuck in low minmus orbit with no option to undock for landing, any solutions?

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[KSP 1.3.1] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.5.88] 28 Nov 2017]

>"Added flying creatures"

>"Flying creatures"

>C R E A T U R E S

Seriously, how do you do this stuff? Props to you![KSP 1.3.1] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.5.88] 28 Nov 2017]

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Kerbalized SpaceX- (WIP)

Making the Plume larger on the outer engines would be great, the current plume is way too small because of the size of the engine bells on the outer engines.

Making all of the BFR upper stage engines independent parts instead of one part would be a good idea, because it would allow them to operate independently and to have different plumes.

btw ditch that grey stripe at the nose, plzKerbalized SpaceX- (WIP)

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Ask the Mods questions about the Forums!

Hip hip hooray!

Not really. I just was playing around with your quote, and it seems like they both end up with the same result, which needs a double-enter between the two lines. The difference is where your cursor goes.Ask the Mods questions about the Forums!

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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!

Uhhhhhh... Granted (pssst moderators help!)?

I wish that NASA would go to Mars.

I wish that Project Rover would return.

I wish that I owned an NB-32h (clean cycle) with Moar Engines/Reactor Exhausts and a full luxury suite with faster Wi-Fi invented by humanity in 11/29/2017 AD 4:06 PM and no crashes.

I wish that nobody adds any additional details regarding these wishes or my future or past or present.Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!

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SpaceX Discussion Thread

What about Zuma?SpaceX Discussion Thread

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Ask the Mods questions about the Forums!

Oh yeah. DuhAsk the Mods questions about the Forums!

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[1.3] HyperEdit [v1.5.4, May 27, 2017] - Cheat, Teleporter, Orbit/Planet Editor, & More

How do I make this work? I press Alt + H, and nothing happens.[1.3] HyperEdit [v1.5.4, May 27, 2017] - Cheat, Teleporter, Orbit/Planet Editor, & More

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I installed mono on a portable drive. Then putting the .app and ckan in it. Everything went well until I type

mono ckan.exe

then it said

Mono: command not found. What can I do?[Mac]

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[KSP 1.3.1] Stock Size Real Solar System []

Sorry, genuine bug this time @Galileo... the radius of Mimas is 50km. The SoI of Mimas is also 50km. It's... quite difficult to get to

For my own game, I've edited the SSRSS_Kopernicus.cfg to specify an SoI of 100000 (which ended up as 150km; you have a multiplier set in SSRSS_Sigma.cfg). It's still tight AF, but at least it's visitable now





!useTheInName = True

%displayName = Mimas^N

%sphereOfInfluence = 100000


}[KSP 1.3.1] Stock Size Real Solar System []

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SpaceX Discussion Thread

Its made with real sugar and comes with a nostalgic label.SpaceX Discussion Thread

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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

On the walk home from school today I saw a jet transit the moon.

Not particularly special, but rare. According to a reddit post (only source I could find) the moon comprises 0.00106% of the sky, so, pretty rare indeed.

Also that reminds me, a few weeks back I saw the moon perfectly positioned on top of a tower of some sort, it looked like an evil genius's weapon.What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

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Ask the Mods questions about the Forums!


Odd that when it's 2 lines, the double-click on "return" alone does the job without having to go to the mouse.Ask the Mods questions about the Forums!

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Real size Eifel Tower

@TheMadKraken2297 Thank you.Real size Eifel Tower

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Extracting Power from Nuclear in Space

This argument is a clear case of "a vanablackened cat calling a kettle black". I am not against NTR, I am not an admirer of the current NTR because frankly they suck. Here is why they suck. Except for the fact that no current fissile NTR design is in use and Solar electric propulsion is one of the most popular forms of propulsion. Proof of the pudding is in the eating, and no-one want to eat NTR, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

NERVA 825 ISP = 8093 m/s. If we assume the nozzle is say 6.7 meters. a = 7,700,000 j = 30,732,000 J/kg

177 MeV is the amount of fission energy in a of 235U. This is 0.0000000000283585 J/235U. One 235U weighs 3.902E-25 kgs. Thats 72,000,000,000,000 J/kg. Lets assume that an NTR rocket has at ION drive efficiency converts 1 kg of Uranium-235 into dead fission products. How much fuel would you need to carry to make the reaction efficient you would need to carry 2364 tons of hydrogen. The big STS orange tank carried 106 t of H2.

The peewee project had 36.8 kg of uranium. 9200 m/s Ve. Lets be generous and say 40,000,000 J/Kg. The burn length was 80 sec at 12.5 kg/sec = 10t of fuel.

Available power = 36.8 kg (assuming pure U235) * 72TJ/kg = 2.6PJ of Energy available. Of this 400 GJ was used for an efficiency of .015%. If we compare this with solar electric power, the SA power utilization is 0.2 to 0.3, the power efficiency of the drive is .7 to .8 the total Power inefficiency is 14%. In terms of power utilization SEP is almost 1000 times more efficient than NTR. Even if we granted the Uranium235 mass ratio was unenriched at .0072:1 the energy efficiency of Peewee would have been 2.08%. So don't give this BS about ION drives being power inefficient. The NTR rockets are the least power efficient system right now, and it does not really give a spectacular product for the numerous risks and shortcomings. If you could come up with a closed loop fission system (such as a fast breed reactor) at 10% power efficient with a coupled ION drive system would produce a better and safer result than the NTR. At least the Soviets repeatedly placed such reactors in space, NTRs have no space track record at all. . . . .and I don't even like fission electric.

The advantage of fission electric over NTR.

No need to carry liqH2. Xenon and argon pack quite nicely. Magnesium maybe a future fuel. You could provide a fuel that both blocks radiation and can be used in the ION drive.

Fission electric can be shut down if 235U is used as a fuel because its much easier with little weight to reach to approach prompt critical.

Its much easier to shield because you are not spewing products into the space your ship is flying through.

Solar power can both provide power for ship system and manuevering and low power operations through ION drives when reactor is shut down.

The ISPs are much, much better.

Remember that the inside skin of the nozzle both slows the gas and cools it down, eventually you will have accumulation.Extracting Power from Nuclear in Space

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Kerbalized SpaceX- (WIP)

Playing around with the new textures on the BFR a little today. I think I'm going to re-texture the tanks again. It looks cool from far away, but once you zoom in all the definition added by the normal map goes to crap.Kerbalized SpaceX- (WIP)

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Why do programmers use "We"?

It's because we use the Royal We. It happens to allow us to appear inclusive and friendly.Why do programmers use "We"?

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Relay RA-15 useless?

Thanks for the replies!

I think I'll send only one cluster of RA-100 to each planet, and some RA-15 when the planet has moons, to redistribute the signal when the main one get blocked. Better than two or more clusters of RA-100.Relay RA-15 useless?

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[WIP] Universal Storage

The detail is amazing. Good job.[WIP] Universal Storage

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The magical 21 B$ number is what SpaceX might be worth if it were sold. That is not a budget. It's not even comparable to a budget.

Part of NASA's budget goes to.... SpaceX. Most all the hardware budget goes to... other companies like SpaceX.

You seem to think that NASA should be more efficient---but that's not what NASA is for. NASA is supposed to be inefficient. Look at the Orion and SLS twitter feeds. They crow about how many hundreds small companies in 47 States contribute to one or the other project. It's intentionally inefficient, and NASA always has been. Even if NASA were to replace SLS/Orion because of commercial competition, they would have to spread it around, because they'd not give a whole contract to one company, or only the States with SpaceX facilities would vote for it.NASA SLS/Orion/DSG/DST

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KSP Challenge: Destroy the KSC!

It was a great challenge but I won't say I'm sad to see it go. On to something slightly more doable! Or else not so doable... Anyway let's just say demolition isn't one of my strengths.KSP Challenge: Destroy the KSC!

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[1.3.0] Before Kerbin - 2 Billion Years before Stock

There is no fixing that. Please ignore it an carry on.

(The "mine Ore from Sun" contract thing is very, very well known. No planet mod is immune to it.)[1.3.0] Before Kerbin - 2 Billion Years before Stock

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Startup to proceed

Ive got so many small problems (nearly all related to governmental regulation). I want to jump off a cliff.

My list of problems and inconveniences

Biz license- town wants to know where you will do business and where you will park your commercial vehicles (commercial vehicles cannot be parked at home- code enforcers will get you..hoa will get you) I haven't determined where yet, so I cant get a business license?

County- 10k fee, nonrefundable (doable, but ouch that hurts)
- Must have a two vehicle fleet at minimum (one vehicle costs over 30k to buy and convert. Ouch this hurts worse)
*I was considering having my personal vehicle be "a part of my fleet'' so I can meet their bogus requirement (for additional problem, see bold above and below)
- Specific signage and lettering requirements on vehicles, must have company name, phone number, license and vehicle number with 4 inch lettering
- Must take pictures of vehicles with above requirements as proof
- Chauffeur license - Must name company you will work for....My company hasn't started yet.

So I need to have two vehicles in my fleet. Two possible solutions: 1) buy two vehicles (an enormous expense). 2) I was thinking about having my personal sedan as a fleet vehicle. This creates a new problem as the bolded text shows - I MUST have commercial decals, and I must not park commercial vehicles at home.

I was thinking about using a magnetic decal for the business info. I can place the decal on my car for the picture and apply it when necessary (IE: Never). Of course I will have to still insure this vehicle as a commercial vehicle for hire, which will cost me more money (not as much as buying a second handicapped van however)

Does anyone have any experience/advice/insight dealing with endless regulations?

what's the purpose of this break even graph?


I'm following along with this example of a business plan:

I linked to page 8 where it shows, among other things, a "break even analysis".

My question is: what does this graph show other than that the company needs $21,000 to break even? And break even for what? The initial cost of setting up the business? Something just seems off about it, like it's unnecessary. It doesn't show anything useful.

It's like if I went into debt by $100. All I have to say is that I need $100 to break even. Why do I need a graph to show that...

If I pay back $10, then I'll only be $90 in debt.

If I pay back $20, then I'll only be $80 in debt.

If I pay back $30, then I'll only be $70 in debt.


And finally if I play back $100, THEN I'll be out of debt.

We can do math. We know how much debt is left after paying back so much.

What did you do in KSP today?

What did you do in KSP today?

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What did you do in KSP today?

lmao. I literally broke out in laughter when I read this.What did you do in KSP today?

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Building Engines

Children of a Dead Earth. It is a realistic space combat game where you can make your own engines.Building Engines

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[1.3] Routine Mission Manager [v024]

On a replay mission like a tourist flyby of the Mun, do you have to manually initiate the return of the vehicle from the Muna orbit station?

Or is there a way for the vehicle to automatically return? I didn't see that behavior but maybe I'm missing something.[1.3] Routine Mission Manager [v024]

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Garble the post above you!

Wherp ish every sober?Garble the post above you!

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What did you do in KSP today?

I did kinda tease something yesterday. Probably won't be interesting to y'all, but it sure beats what I've been up to yesterday and so far today: drilling ore for money (twice), aerial temperature surveys on Kerbin (three of them), Mün science, garbage hauling, a rescue mission and building a new survey plane. Determined a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe was too long to fit in the cargo bay of an Auk IV probe delivery spaceplane. Hauled tourists Gusman and Moly Kerman up-and-down in an Auk I 2-passenger spaceplane; did the same for tourist Thompfred Kermin. Yep. It sure sucks when all but one of your contracts are tied up on long duration missions. On the plus side, I've only got another 20 days until the Duna mission starts begin their course correction burns, and the Tater Catcher 7 asteroid grabbing mission to haul a B-size rock into orbit of Mün has returned to Kerbin's SOI at this point, so I might be getting another contract slot/money back soon.

So, on Monday, I got a VIP contract to take tourist Kenson Kerman to the surface of Minmus. Now, I wasn't too keen on sending up just one Kerbal to Minmus in one of my ferry ships - seemed like a waste of money. I've also been on a plane-designing kick of late, so I decided that instead of sending Kenson up to the Kerbinport space station in an Auk I, I would design a single-seater spaceplane. Thus was born the Auk XIII:

The Auk XIII single-seat spaceplane. Because where tourists are involved, you can never go wrong with the number thirteen, right?

Kenson took the plane up on its maiden flight to Kerbinport:

The view from the seat of Auk XIII on approach to Kerbinport, with Next Objective, Necessary Evil and Laggin' Dragon all in dock.

Once I was there, I had the thought - "I wonder if this thing could make it out to Minmus on its own?". I decided to find out - I tanked the plane up at Kerbinport and had it undock. Lo and behold, it had sufficient fuel for a one-way trip to Minmus, so off Kenson burned - he arrived at Minmus six days later:

Auk XIII on approach to Minmusport.

Auk XIII coming into dock.

After arriving at Minmusport, the plane was refueled for the return flight to Kerbin, and meanwhile Kenson went down to the Deepwater Horizon refinery on the moon's surface to fulfill his itinerary. Upon his return, Kenson returned to the plane and made his way back to Kerbin:

Auk XIII on re-entry.

Mission accomplished.

The plane affected a successful return to KSC 09, successfully fulfilling the contract. Minmus and back for the cost of the plane's initial fuel load - I was certainly happy.

So yeah, essentially it was a re-certification of my K-prize credentials. Last time I did the K-prize was four years ago, back in v. 0.23 with this monstrosity... There's an old screenie for all y'all, from way back in the good ol' days of KSP errordynamics, when anything with wings could be made to fly with enough intakes.

Monday's flight doesn't qualify for the K-prize, unfortunately - the wings on the Auk XIII aren't stock...What did you do in KSP today?

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Add-on Request: a Mod to Restrict Module functions to a selected part

Is this possible? I have so many mods with functions I really enjoy, but many are so powerful that I feel like it'd make more sense if they were deeper behind the research wall, tied to a specific part.

To be clear, I'm asking for something that would add an option like KerbalEngineer has, to restrict a modules functionality contingent on whether or not your ship contains a given part, any given part set by the user of said mod.

So it'd look like

Bind Module X


Part Y

How's that sound?

I know I'm free to just not use them until a chosen time, but it just doesn't feel as good and it breaks my immersion. Also, if someone could create this, other mod creators could use it too.Add-on Request: a Mod to Restrict Module functions to a selected part

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[WIP] Kerbal Science Innovation [1.3.1]

Ohhhh it's supposed to be an experiment result? I see. Well I really like your mod otherwise, and the other equipment works great! Maybe I'll see about making it as infrequent as possible. Or I'll look to the config you mentioned above, and simply delete that one from the game. It gives the 3000 every time too, it doesn't even decrease each time haha So by the end of year one, using hyper time accel, I had like 30,000 science[WIP] Kerbal Science Innovation [1.3.1]

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Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

I have been trying to create usable planes and space planes for quite a while. I finally get the COL/COM balanced well, and I cannot yaw without pitch and roll being induced, and all rotations seem to induce rotations on the other axes. For example, when I try to roll 45 degrees left, I get right yaw and down pitch. Once I get on a heading, I have a VERY hard time turning. I thought I was designing them incorrectly so I downloaded an SSTO from Marcus House's page and tried it....same thing. Also, I used his kOS script to attempt to get it into orbit and the engines shutdown due to overheating well before the closed cycle starts.

I suspect I have installation issues. Either my dual core laptop (which seems to be pegged most of the time) just can't do it, or I have some difficulty setting set to hard. Any ideas? I am very frustrated with the planes.Planes / Spaceplanes unflyable!

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Any way to restrict a module to a part?

That would depend on the autopilot mod.Any way to restrict a module to a part?

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[1.3.1] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [8.0][26/11/2017][Soyuz!]

If you're OK , I can make a fork on GH, then you can add an "Extras" folder where I can add them. So people doesn't have to comb this thread finding my posts, it work OK so with BDB so far!

Let me know by PM if you have any problems, I'm a lazy **s but may I can make a readme

The right way is to download this and the PSD file fron GH, then save them as DDS using that tool (DXT5 and flipped). You can edit the DDS files but they won't look very good[1.3.1] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [8.0][26/11/2017][Soyuz!]

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War Thunder - Screenshots and Discussion thread!

Working my way up the Russian tank tree, 7000rp till the ASU-57.

Tiny tank, here I come.War Thunder - Screenshots and Discussion thread!

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Thread to complain bout stuff

I've always hated Twitter. Even back at its inception I took one look at it and thought, "That's the dumbest idea ever." We already have a society that is hamstrung by the fact that nobody wants to discuss and debate complex issues in complex terms, they all want everything condensed down to a 30-second sound bite. And then along comes Twitter, and suddenly 30 seconds is actually too long, now you have to boil everything down to 140 characters. And they wonder why everyone has the attention span of a four-year-old on a sugar high.Thread to complain bout stuff

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What did you do in KSP today?

That's interesting. Ill have to watch that interview. I'm going off what Elon explicitly called it during its unveiling- (what grandma doesn't want to hear). I can tell you the words Big Falcon Rocket never came out his mouth during the presentation. I personally believe SpaceX will/should release a much more family friendly name in the future. But as Elon stated, the falcon series dies with the BFR- it a one and done rocket. (- I have mixed emotions about this....)What did you do in KSP today?

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KSP in Rocket League

This is probably a suggestion for Take Two Interactive since they own the rights to all things Kerbal. They haven't made their presence felt here on the forum, so I don't know how to make this suggestion to them.

Rocket League is a hugely popular videogame where you essentially play football/soccer or ice hockey with cars. You are awarded little decorations for your cars, including such things as flags and baubles that are mounted to the antennae, and "toppers" which are decorations for the roof of your car. Some of these decorations are thematic, such as Community Flags (Reddit, IGN, Penny Arcade), NBA Team Logos, Country flags, and items from other videogames. Here is an example image of the videogame baubles and flags that are featured in Rocket League which appear on your car's antenna:

Here is a thread on Reddit, asking if people in the Rocket League community would want KSP associated baubles and flags:

This seems like a fantastic, no-brainer marketing move. I suggest Take Two Interactive contact Psyonix, Inc to discuss how to get the KSP flag and a Jebediah Kerman bauble included in this game. If Goat Simulator can afford to get their items in Rocket League (presuming it costs the IP owner as "advertisement"), there should be no reason KSP cannot.

Thanks for reading.KSP in Rocket League

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Dark Gravity discussion

Gravity causes pubic grabbing(?) . . .Dark Gravity discussion

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Kerbal Express Airlines - Regional Jet Challenge (Reboot)

Test Pilot Review: @qzgy's Kramer - SSTP-34 "Benirschke

Figures as Tested:

Price: 121.922.000

Fuel: 5120 kallons

Cruising speed: 1400m/s

Cruising altitude: 17.500m

Fuel burn rate: 1.4kal/s

Range: 5100km

Review Notes:

Overkill in engines is the first thing that came to mind when we saw this plane. Powered by 6 ramjets, the SSTP-34 is an absolute beast, it has massive acceleration and can get to blazing speeds without too much effort. Some nice design work also allows the plane to carry two pilots in what doesn't seem like that much more than a single person cockpit. We do have to note that it was very, very cramped inside, but I guess that saves us the cost of having to heat the cockpit.

Maneuverability of the plane is an odd one to be honest. Pitch control is quite random seemingly, sometimes it was very responsive, and sometimes it took ages for the plane to turn, the latter sadly being the more dominant one. We tested if speed had an impact on it, but that didn't seem to be the case, it was just...random. Roll control is quite excellent, a tad sensitive, but still very easy to control. Yaw was pretty average. Take-off speed was pretty much the biggest let down of it all. While mentioned to be "close to 80m/s", it seemed as if the plane wasn't capable of taking off below 110m/s at all. 30m/s above what is required is quite bad, this plane will need a very long runway to take-off, no matter how fast it accelerates. For landing, the drogue chute does help a fair bit in slowing down, meaning the plane doesn't need an excessively long runway to land on. Repackaging the chute does take some time, and it'll have to be replaced regularly, adding to the cost.

A range of 5100km is very good, however the fuel usage of this plane is high. In ascent it can use as much as 8kal/s, and in cruising it's still 1.4kal/s which is above average. The time in which it can cover this range is very nice though, with a cruising speed of 1400m/s, we can get anyone (given that they have the money to pay for it) anywhere, and that very fast.

Comfort is excellent, the engines are mounted behind the cabins, making for limited noise in the cabins. Them being wing mounted also makes for a more comfortable flight. The air intakes are a bit close to the cabins though, meaning that there's still some vibrations of those noticeable in the cabin. Those cabins are large and spacious though, meaning that passengers can move around and stretch their legs while the plane is cruising, walking up to the windows and seeing the burning plasma on the windows, with great views of Kerbin beyond that.

The price of this all is high though, 121.922.000 is a very high price, no matter how good the craft performs. Couple this with a part count of 98, 6 high maintenance engines and an unrivaled taste for fuel, and you get a very pricey plane indeed. Thankfully she can take 80 passengers along, which does mean that the cost per passenger is somewhat doable.

The Verdict:

While the SSTP-34 is without a doubt a great plane, it's quite hampered by its high price and bad take-off speed. Still, we'd like to buy 2 of them, our richer customers will undoubtedly want to pay the price for the excellent comfort this plane boast, and the easy and quick transport between major hubs across the globe.Kerbal Express Airlines - Regional Jet Challenge (Reboot)

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The first Electron has arrived at the launch site

Quite the opposite actually.

Now I don't know if I should watch the CRS-13 launch or this launch... oh well, the SpaceX one will probably get delayed again.The first Electron has arrived at the launch site

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[1.3.1] Kerbal Star Systems [v0.7.1 part 1*]

When I tried using SigmaDimensions with KSS it caused Kopernicus to not load the pack. I can provide logs if that would help but you said that if it doesn't work, there must be some changes to be made to the cfgs. What could be wrong in a config that would still allow the system to load normally (like KSS does) but not let it load when SigmaDimensions is used?[1.3.1] Kerbal Star Systems [v0.7.1 part 1*]

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[1.3.1] B9PartSwitch v2.0.0 (November 15) - Switch fuels, models, nodes, and more

Hey, thanks for providing the screenshot and log! It looks very much to me like your GameData/Squad folder is corrupt - you're missing all of the stock resources (looks like this is causing some other issues as well)[1.3.1] B9PartSwitch v2.0.0 (November 15) - Switch fuels, models, nodes, and more

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Problem getting back to Kerbin from Mun

I just gave it another try. I set periapsis at about 35 km and made it back on my first pass. Thanks for the help.Problem getting back to Kerbin from Mun

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[1.2.2] Real Solar System Visual Enhancements v1.2.2-RC4 [2017-09-03]

KSP: 1.2.2 Windows x64

Problem: Venus and Mars appear with solid borders around them.

Mods installed:

Environmental Visual Enhancements

Kopernicus 1.2.2-11

Modular Flight Integrator - whatever version came with Kopernicus

Real Solar System 12.0 RSS-Textures: Have tried 2k and 8k

RSSVE 1.2.2-RC4

scatterer 0.03200

Module Manager 2.7.6

Reproduction steps:

This is a fresh install with all mods left exactly as they came. I start a new game and either send a ship to Venus, or go to venus in the tracking station and see the solid border.

Log:[1.2.2] Real Solar System Visual Enhancements v1.2.2-RC4 [2017-09-03]

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Accurate Rotating Parts

I will definetly try this one. I will give a respond when it will be tested

I dont really have a problem with controlling plane. But plane was still flying little bit up. With SAS, everything was ok, but I wanted to have a possibility to fly comfy without sasAccurate Rotating Parts

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[1.3.1] Community Tech Tree (July 26th, new techs)

There's a ton of high tech nodes up there in the tech tree. Why not use one of those?

I don't know, nobody tells me nothing these days.[1.3.1] Community Tech Tree (July 26th, new techs)

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Extracting Power from Nuclear in Space

Mercury is much easier to store, but has a lower ISP. Since most NTRs require certain sustained flow characteristics one does not want to employ something like chromium or iron which might gum up the works.

For chemical rockets reductants can be anything. For example Fe0 (Cast iron) is a reductant, so is sodium metal. Can you imagine the piping system required to turbopump cast iron. lol.

Basic energy. and find the bond energy for

Take the energy and divide by the weight.

H-H is 436 kJ per mole. O=O is 498 kJ per mole. O-H is 460 kJ/mole. 872 + 498 (it takes 1370 kJ/rxn-mole to take them apart) -----> (1840 Kj/rxn-mole recieved to put them back together) = 470kJ per mole. .004 + .032 kg/mole. This means 470kJ/0.036 kg 13MJ per kg. A joule is a Newton of force accelerated over a length. Suppose a rocket nozzle is 3 meters in length then on can accelerated at 4.3 Ma. T = 0.00118. Ve =5079 ISP(sec) maximum of 517 sec. However this is not what you get from the reaction. Approximately 5-10% of the energy is bled off to run turbo pumps, generators, in H2/02 rockets energy is bled to evaporate the cryoliquids. Then there is heat within the nozzle that is lost and finally there is differential heat in the rocket gas (since the flow from the nozzle is not perfectly laminar).

C-H is 4 @ 431 kJ per mole. 2 @ O=O 498.7 -----> C=0 2 @ 749 + O-H 4@460. 3338 - 2724.1 = 613.9 kJ/rxn-mole. (.016 + 0.064 = 0.080 rxn-mole per kilogram) = 7673 Mj/kg. Once again 3 meter nozzle. a = 2.557Ma T = 0.00153. Ve = 3916 ISP is 399. This means that no methane powered rocket can ever produce more ISP than 399 sec. Take note of the fact that CH4 produce more energy per reaction mole than H2, but it adds an additional 0.012 kg/mole of reductant weight and an additional .032 kg/mole of oxidant. . . .its the light weight of the H-H bond that makes all the difference.

Benzene or coal are very poor choices for fuel because they both have resonance energy stabilization due to 4n+2 pi orbital arrangement. Also because the C-H C-C ratios are lower. kerosene is some where between Methane and Benzene in terms of performance. Note that gasoline has alot of benzene in it, for this reason it gets lower mileage than diesel fuel. You don't want to use gasoline as rocket fuel, but you could use paint thinner or hexane, pentane, pentanes, butanes, propanes, ethane, and methane. . . .from lower to higher ISPs

Hydrogen MAY someday be the choice chemical reductant for long range space craft, but there are many issues that need to be solved.

1st. The weight of fuel tanks need to come down.

2nd. While reducing the weight of tanks, the leakage rate also needs to come down.

3rd. Durable gas refrigeration needs to evolve and the weight needs also to come down.

4th. The weight of secondary containment needs to come down.

This may also involve light movable solar shields that protect the cryogenic fuels in flight from latent-heat evaporation.Extracting Power from Nuclear in Space

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[1.3.1] Stockalike Station Parts Expansion (October 27)

Hoping to start real demo releases in the dev forum in a week or so. These will be considered "stable" I think.[1.3.1] Stockalike Station Parts Expansion (October 27)

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New Small LLC - Tax and other questions

Hello Ladies and Gents!

This may get deeper than usual for you guys, but maybe not, i'm new to this, but wanted to drop everyone a warning. ;) We have spoken to friends who do their own accounting, and to one local accountant, but he wanted a crazy amount of up front money to even point us in the right direction.

My name is Marc and my brother and I have started an IT consulting LLC in Wyoming. We are both listed as Organizers.

That being said, we have always just done work via our individual socials, but never as an LLC, so I have some questions on how best to handle some things.

1) Does paying ourselves mileage lower the LLC income? Is that something that we have to then report as income individually? What documentation besides something showing the miles and dates/locations do we need for this payout? Can it be done in a lump at end of yer? Pitfalls?

2) We haven't made much in the year, sub 10k, is it best to file as an LLC or is a corp better for a 2 person low income year business?

3) Dining out for business purposes: I have receipts for this, if we reimburse ourselves how different is it from the first question if at all?

4) If my brother and I work different projects and different amounts of hours, what is the best way to pay ourselves in the end? We currently don't have any business split listed with out LLC, so I assume that means 50/50.

Hope that's not too layman. And thank you ahead of time for your thoughts and suggestions.

Forgotten Space Program

Sometimes it's the only option. Don't know how many times I've done it in the past. Just part of what makes KSP KSP.

Thanks!Forgotten Space Program

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[WIP][1.3.1] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [10-09-17]

That's probably the issue, it has no crew slots before it's deployed, so KIS can't patch it. And I'd guess Mage looked at this when he made it and there was no easy way to KIS-patch it after inflation.[WIP][1.3.1] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [10-09-17]

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[KSP 1.3.1] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.5.88] 28 Nov 2017]

Lili was actually supposed to be a secret really early on in development. We went as far as to hide it's orbit, and hide the body in map view. Not even tabbing could get you to it; it would skip right past it. It was supposed to be one of those things that the player just stumbled upon. But that was way back then. We make it visible now and everyone knows about it, but we still want to keep it shrouded in some mystery.[KSP 1.3.1] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.5.88] 28 Nov 2017]

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[KSP 1.3.1] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.5.88] 28 Nov 2017]

I discovered an interaction issue with this planet pack and Contract Configurator (specifically the Tourist Pack, though I suspect other packs may also be affected). The tourists get renamed by GPP but the contracts still have their old name and do not recognize them[KSP 1.3.1] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.5.88] 28 Nov 2017]

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KSP Keostationary Orbits broken

Stuff on the ground has to deal with hitboxes and landscape colliders.

It's difficult to align stuff in space precisely enough. Your instruments can't tell you when an orbit is correct -- they have floating point errors too. And even if you get it perfect, the orbit will probably stop being perfect a few game ticks later.

Physics and rails are always computed relative to the local sphere-of-influence, to make that dragging irrelevant. Squad did that quite intentionally, as 32-bit floats just aren't precise enough to model a mun landing with Kerbin as the center of the universe.

In pre-Mun versions of KSP, you could tear your ship apart by flying far enough away that floating point errors nudged different bits of your ship different directions. That was the original Kraken, which they "slayed" by adding references of different scales.

Timewarp doesn't have incremental errors, it puts your ship on rails. (Physwarp does, though.) The jumpiness can be many other things, but often means other things switching SOI.KSP Keostationary Orbits broken

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KSP Challenge: " Visiting Duna and Ike"

NiceKSP Challenge: " Visiting Duna and Ike"

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question about image compression and file reduction

Pretty sure this is the right answer. Every image format ends up the same when it's in GPU memory anyway.

That said... I also think that in d3d9 mode, KSP does a stupid thing whereby the images are loaded into system memory (as files) and also copied to the GPU. IIRC this is why running in OpenGL mode reduces memory footprint, because it dumps the redundant cached file once it's in the graphics memory.

I thinkquestion about image compression and file reduction

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Help with Relationships Thread

This discussion has leaked on the What Funny/Interesting things happend in your life today. It definitely deserves its own thread.

Suggesting from the people who live on this forum this threads gunna be hot.Help with Relationships Thread

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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

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KSP Challenge: " Visiting Duna and Ike"

You don't have to pinpoint them, just get to.KSP Challenge: " Visiting Duna and Ike"

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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?


I've noticed that with some people, boys with 'high confidence' are sometimes rejected by girls because they seem them as show-offs and arrogant. You have to be confident, yeah, but modest too. Don't act like you're on top of the world when you're not. Just act casually and be modest, make some jokes at your own expense even, so long as it's not insulting/demeaning.

Internal confidence, yes. Confidence to the point that you swagger around, no.

This thread is becoming a 'help with relationships thread' lolWhat funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

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[1.3.0] Ferram Aerospace Research: v0.15.9 "Liebe" 8/21/17

This is just a wild guess - but could it have something to do with FAR's voxel system, causing the aerodynamic mesh to end up not being perfectly spherical? Sort of like if you tried to approximate the shape of a sphere as close as you could with perfect cubes, there would probably be some variation. Again, this is just a shot in the dark.[1.3.0] Ferram Aerospace Research: v0.15.9 "Liebe" 8/21/17

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Naval Battles! (Defeat other player ships!)

My HAN-1 Attack Catamaran is almost ready for combat. Equipped with 4 GAU-8 avenger cannons on the front, plus 2 lasers, two millenum cannons, and 24 50cal turrets (12 on each broadside). Defence is angled armor plates, to increase the chance of a ricotchet. Designed for speed, stability, and dealing lots of damage very fast, especially to aircraft, it fills the role of a support vessel. The HAN-2 will be a lightweight vessel designed for stealth and close range attacks. Will probably not be a catamaran.Naval Battles! (Defeat other player ships!)

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The most kerbal flat-earther I have yet to see

Has anyone done the math to figure out the altitude and top speed of this vehicle?

do we know the thrust or isp of the rocket?The most kerbal flat-earther I have yet to see

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Naval Battles! (Defeat other player ships!)

Oooh, we can team up against some planes XDNaval Battles! (Defeat other player ships!)

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[WIP][1.3.1] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [10-09-17]

In general development news:

Petal adapter code appears to be all working as it should be with the new 'retract' feature in place and adjustable deploy limits. Should be included in the next release.

All RCS ports have been modified to use the new ModularRCS part-module, to allow for scaling, structure and fuel switching. A few new 'structure' variants have been added as well (2x and 3x truss segments).

Service module code is progressing well. Most features work already, but still a few that need a bit more development (rcs module updating). And tons of config-based work to do for it -- so many configs to write -- model definitions, part configs, texture sets. I think I might be able to pull off this part series without creating a single model specifically for it. I have enough adapter and fuel tank models of various sizes and shapes that so far I've been able to make up a decent selection of SM body variants strictly through config file. If that is the case (not needing any new models), these parts might well be available much sooner.

(The Probe-core/satellite core series of parts -will- need new models, as I would like something other than 'round' for my satellite buses, so these will likely be done at some point in the future).

Just about time to start discussing the next bits to be developed -- pretty sure it will be a couple sets of landing legs for the MFT-LV tanks. Going to try to resurrect the geometry from the old LC-LEG-HVY parts, with some adjustments for the new tank geometry (mounting points mostly). Fairly certain these will be developed as a scalable 'leg quad' that can be mounted on the bottom node of the fuel tank (can add a specific lower-interstage node if needed).

The second leg concept that I'm going to explore is actual a combination low-profile service/cargo bay + landing leg combination. The legs, when stowed, will be stored inside some of the compartments in the service bay (the other compartments will be empty, for arbitrary storage use).

And as I'll be working on service bay type setups for the landing legs, I'll likely at least work out the geometry for the entire lineup of MFT-LV cargo/service bays at the same time.

So there you have it -- the next 'official' parts will be landing legs and service bays. Certainly not going to promise any dates or give any time-frames; can only state that those will be the next focus for new part development.[WIP][1.3.1] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [10-09-17]

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[WIP][1.3.1] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [10-09-17]

@vossiewulf Is that a ST-HUB-DOS or a mount with individual docking port around it?

I had a bug like that long long time ago, before I started to play with SSTU. Just like your current station, mine had allot of part. Long story short, I decoupled a ship and from a Mun ground station and took off, as I went up my ship started to slow down, like if something was pulling it back. I looked behind my ship and few km away there were a big chunk of my ground station flying toward me! Lost the ship and the base.

More part you have, more chance Cthulhu Kraken will notice you. Which is why I fell in love with SSTU: it provide a Low Part Count Solutions that reduce the lag and the risk of bug like this.[WIP][1.3.1] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [10-09-17]

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Random Science Facts Thread!

I especially found this quote .... clarifying:

"Meaning that, if you kill your grandfather, you do it with only probability one-half," Wilde said. "Then, he's dead with probability one-half, and you are not born with probability one-half, but the opposite is a fair chance. You could have existed with probability one-half to go back and kill your grandfather."

Eh ? So, what's the sentence for one-half-probability murdering ?

The Yeti, genetically identified (that took long didn't it ?) as brown bear, black bear or one sample simply from a dog. Anybody disappointed ? :-) Science Facts Thread!

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[1.3.1] Near Future Technologies (bugfix updates Nov 28)

So in every test that I have done, in isolation the reactors perform exactly as they should. Ignoring the debug values and going by adding up core transfer numbers, any combinations of reactors work just fine.

I have to conclude that (again) there's a critical bug in stock to work around. Here's some testing of my own.

This base has enough radiators deployed to run the reactor at full power (800 kW) plus 4 drills at regular power or 2 drills at max power (200kW)

1) The reactor is enabled, nothing is enabled. Perfect stability, perfect radUsage (800kW expected, 799.98 kW used)

2) A single drill is enabled (+50kW, up to +100kW). The reactor immediately overheats and and its radUsage has dropped by ~175 kW, suggesting a lack of radiators on the base

3) 4 more small radiators are deployed, + 200 kW radiation capacity. The overheat slows, but radUsage is still 738 so the reactor will overheat.

4) I can stabilize the reactor by increasing the capacity by another 50 kW. So that one drill is using something like 350 kW of cooling.

By this we can conclude that any stock BaseConverter module is somehow requesting far, far more radiator capacity than it needs, even though the debug does not show it. This makes absolutely no sense.[1.3.1] Near Future Technologies (bugfix updates Nov 28)

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[1.3.0] [Kopernicus] Interstellar Adventure Revived v1.2.9 - A Taste of the Upcoming Grand Update! [18August17]

Have you considered the fact that maybe if you have an extensive modlist, then maybe this mod might be incompatible with one or more of your other mods?

And that if you don't that maybe you installed it incorrectly?

Don't just jump to conclusions with Kopernicus mods, or even mods in general.[1.3.0] [Kopernicus] Interstellar Adventure Revived v1.2.9 - A Taste of the Upcoming Grand Update! [18August17]

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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

I got Portal running on a school computer today, in preparation for my exorbitant amount of free time tomorrow. It worked pretty well!What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

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[1.3] Launch Towers Pack

Hmmm... odd. I'll check it out. Plenty of things I could've messed up to cause that.[1.3] Launch Towers Pack

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Air Superiority Fighter Competition

New plane:

42 parts. 6 x AMRAAM missiles, 2 GAU-8 cannons.Air Superiority Fighter Competition

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Naval Battles! (Defeat other player ships!)

80 parts and 100 parts, 50 m/s and 43 m/s, respectively: Battles! (Defeat other player ships!)

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Air Superiority Fighter Competition

sureAir Superiority Fighter Competition

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Open Source Construction Techniques for Craft Aesthetics

Holla everyone i like to remake JetFighter in real live to KSP and here the result


Sukhoi PAK FAOpen Source Construction Techniques for Craft Aesthetics

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Naval Battles! (Defeat other player ships!)

Yes, they were all running on an AI.

I could use a few more different ships to test it with, though. Most of the ships I found in the thread are huge battleships and could barely move. So I'm building a torpedo boat myself now.Naval Battles! (Defeat other player ships!)

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[1.3.1] FTL Drive Continued

The mod is great, but I think few things could be polished. I might implement these changes myself if you like, if you would agree to merge them.

- menu is cluttered, I would remove "activate/deactivate" and "report" menus and only leave "select next" and "jump".

- all important information should be moved to part menu (out of report window) and be displayed always (get rid of activate menu)

- its too easy to obtain these part, I would move them from Specialized Control (160 science to unlock?) to some 1000+ sc rocketry category.

- maybe ask Community TechTree to create a new category for FTL?

- spit time is too short for largest drive (8 seks), should be linearly proportional to other drives[1.3.1] FTL Drive Continued

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Air Superiority Fighter Competition

School and actual life takes priority. If somebody abandons the challenge because you can't be on here 24/7, then that's their loss. That being said, I can run some 2v2's for you if you want. My computer's pretty bad tho, so 3v3's and other larger battles will unfortunately not be an optionAir Superiority Fighter Competition

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No connection to send command on


I'm inclined to go with @Spricigo's answer here. You mentioned that this is at 2.5x scale, so any issues with line-of-sight at ground level would be exacerbated. It's also possible that you didn't scale the ground station location correctly and it is now technically below ground level, which could put it out of sight of everything. Change the ground station height in RemoteTech's default settings file and see whether that helps. I believe the default for a 1x scaled Kerbin is 75, so try 187.5 (or 200 if that doesn't work) and let us know whether that fixes the problem.No connection to send command on

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Что Вы делали в КСП сегодня?!

Неожиданно )Что Вы делали в КСП сегодня?!

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[1.3.x] DMagic's Modlets - KSP 1.3.1 Updates [10-6-2017]

@Noromier @wile1411 I've been trying to trigger the error using the common mods in your lists, in addition to Kopernicus, OPM, MOLE, and CommNet Constellation, but I'm not seeing anything. I've tried it with a variety of vessels and connections, and even after collecting, transmitting and recollecting data dozens of times, from different vessels, and in different situations, I still never see a freeze.

Here is a link to a modified version of the assembly with a lot of extra logging. It basically logs each step of the connection check for each vessel, which comes out to a lot of lines, so it may cause some stutter when the science results window is opened:[1.3.x] DMagic's Modlets - KSP 1.3.1 Updates [10-6-2017]

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FAR Fighter Challenge: BD Armory AI: Recontinued

@dundun92 vs @dundun93FAR Fighter Challenge: BD Armory AI: Recontinued

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Smallest SSTO Challenge

Actually I was reminiscing X15, which only flew suborbital (so I guess its sub-SSTO) but it was pretty small. Oh and it did require a Stratofortress to carry it through first stage.

What made me "thumbs up" for this one, was that they put a landing gear (not takeoff gear) on it. Meaning on its tail, not a proper fulcrum for takeoff. The X37 has takeoff gear even tho its not made for horizontal takeoffs. This was probably the only spaceplace (real one) that actually had "landing gear".

See? Takeoff gear.Smallest SSTO Challenge

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KSP Challenge: Destroy the KSC!

I made a hammer that would take out the runway... and the hammer. Gave up on that idea. Rage quit several times trying to take out the satellite dishes. The first was easy, the others would not go down. So yeah, @Just Jim is the man.KSP Challenge: Destroy the KSC!

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[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017

Ahhh... K+H = KH Now I understand what those wierd looking H components are for.[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017

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[1.3.x] BDArmory Continued v1.0.0.0 [11/4/2017] + Vessel Mover, Camera Tools, BDMk22, Destruction Effects, Burn Together

Yes, I did check that one before I asked. I do believe I have PRE installed properly, but still the radar has a ridiculously small range of locking, and I'm pretty sure that's not possible considering the fact that the radars can detect the object from over 15km away.

But thank you for helping out![1.3.x] BDArmory Continued v1.0.0.0 [11/4/2017] + Vessel Mover, Camera Tools, BDMk22, Destruction Effects, Burn Together

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Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical questions

It is possible.

You'd need the 'grenade' to be shaped like a teardrop.

The teardrop is filled with an chemical propellant with a high density and specific energy. It would produce a sharp shockwave.

The conical tail of the teardrop is a wave shaping device. It bends the shockwave by using bubbles to alter the density of the medium the shock wave travels through. This focuses the shockwave down to a point. It is a shaped charge that is potentially powerful enough to detonate a fusion fuel.

At bulbous end is the fission fuel. Fission has a minimum critical mass- for uranium, it is 52kg, for californium, it is 2.73kg. However, if the fission fuel is compressed by the aforementioned shockwave, and surrounded by a neutron reflector, then the minimum mass can be significantly reduced.Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical questions

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Forgotten Space Program

Excellent as always!Forgotten Space Program

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KSP is dead?

Lets be careful not to make this personal, please. We are niceKSP is dead?

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KIS documentation

If you go to the original forum thread (there's a link in the first line of the new thread), there will be a link to the User Guide.KIS documentation

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KSP is dead?

Is @Vegatoxi dead?

So. Last visit 3 days ago last post is 5 day ago. I don't even know when he last played KSP.

No phone call.

I think is dead for now.

RIP Vegatoxi 1901 - 2017KSP is dead?

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Mobile Version of KSP

I have a very old, very poor Windows tablet, and it runs KSP well enough on low settings to actually play the game. Unfortunately, it's not possible to play properly because the UI is not designed for touch screens. But I think the suggestion is not as crazy as it sounds anymore.Mobile Version of KSP

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What did you do in KSP today?

Officially it stands for Big Falcon Rocket, but yeah... yeah...What did you do in KSP today?

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I understand not being able to create maneuver nodes when not connected to Commnet, but at least let us delete them!

Maybe my game settings are not what you assume.

An alternative: give me the option [warp until signal acquired].I understand not being able to create maneuver nodes when not connected to Commnet, but at least let us delete them!

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Electric Engines

I suggest to disregard the Dawn in your request for more eletric engines. Because I don't think you want more Ion engines, with similar low thurst density and extremely vacuum optimised.

Also, there's a mod for that, In fact several mods. And If the mod have any resemblance of balance the eletric engines will have some limitations to not make all other kind of engines obsolete.Electric Engines

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[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017

I just slap an H fuel tank on top of the last K fuselage before the KH cargo bay.[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017

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Pro Props - Wearable items for your kerbals. Updated to KIS!

The holo visor is not mine. But I have a eye patch done.

I will try to release another batch of models for the next week or before.Pro Props - Wearable items for your kerbals. Updated to KIS!

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Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical questions

Highly tabloidal, possible derivative of an April 1st PopMech article.

The radioactive decay issue should have been too obvious to even start going.

No, this part is the most impossible one. The smaller the nuke/thermonuke, the higher the radiation/blast ratio; that includes both fallout (larger bombs are more efficient at reacting their fuel) and the neutron emission - micronukes like the Davy Crockett are inherently neutron bombs.

So, no, it'd be decidedly unsafe to throw.Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical questions

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What did you do in KSP today?

Took me a while to work out what BFR might stand for xDWhat did you do in KSP today?

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[1.3.1] LonesomeRobots Aerospace: DADV-1

Exit hatch ? can't seem to find one click on EVA to one of the Kerbals and nope nothing happens .[1.3.1] LonesomeRobots Aerospace: DADV-1

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[1.3.1][Kopernicus]The Boris System (new planets) ADOPTED!! Finally

Alright, mod is working as intended, Serious thanks to @The Cuttlefish Empire for updating this to the current version. Everything seems to be working out so far.[1.3.1][Kopernicus]The Boris System (new planets) ADOPTED!! Finally

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[1.3.0] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.6.1] [27 May 2017]

sorry; I'm seeing the problem actually with *every* engine in KSPIE, but the ones I'm using regularly and am currently hitting it with are the thermal turbojet, thermal ramjet nozzle, ATTILA thruster, the closed-cycle gas core engine, and the TORY nuclear ramjet.[1.3.0] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.6.1] [27 May 2017]

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Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical questions

Could we possibly make a nuclear grenade? Aka a nuke that can fit inside your hand, can be thrown like a grenade, and having the "mushroom cloud" explosion the size of grenade blast, and still leaves radiation in a relatively small area compared to tac nukesSerious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical questions

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[1.3.1] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.7

wow, i don't know why i didn't notice that before......THX![1.3.1] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.7

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No connection to send command on

Been a while since I dealt with RT. But IIRC not exactly, there's omnidirectional and directional antennas. Only the later type needs to be pointed. Still, something to check out.

Other than that (as silly as it may sound) there's the possibility of the lainchpad not having line of sight to the nearby tracking station because both are at ground level. In that case you may use launch clamps to have control at the launchpad and will have cobtact with the tracking station after climbing a few meters.No connection to send command on

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[1.3.1] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.7

You can put them in the crew inventory that is part of any crewed part. Right click on a crew part and then click open seat inventory.[1.3.1] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.7

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Manned Venus Flyby - RSS

Very interested. I wish we would've done this.

I think the Soviets had plans to do this too right?Manned Venus Flyby - RSS

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[1.3.1] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.7

started career mode, i have the wrench and the user manual, but can't seem to place them anywhere in vab or sph, and no container to put them in, is there a way to attach them to my ship without using a container?[1.3.1] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.7

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[KSP 1.3.1] OPM_Galileo [1.2.4] [15 Nov 2017]


I'm currently at work. In a few hours, at home, I will update again to OPM 1.2.4 and make the test. I'll keep you posted.

Thank you very much.[KSP 1.3.1] OPM_Galileo [1.2.4] [15 Nov 2017]

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[1.3.0] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.6.1] [27 May 2017]

Just a thank you for all the work that goes into this mod, Sarbian![1.3.0] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.6.1] [27 May 2017]

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Тема для прохождения карьеры!

Сложная Карьера OPM+MKS с модами (1) от Kerbal101

1. Цели

- сложная карьера с минимум изменений: никаких загрузок и быстрых загрузок

- управление только с камеры! *

- никаких автопилотов, только руками.**

- никаких таблиц deltaV, только замерами.***

- Outer Planets Mod (OPM), USI MKS, USI LS, Near Future, Dmagic BasicDV/Basic Orbital

- исследовать минимум 80% тел

- построить жилые 3+ базы

- корабли будут загружены на kerbalx

* Выход от 3го лица только:

- кербонавтами при выходе в космос и нахождении рядом с деталью (EVA),

- для фотографий (нельзя управлять).

- перекачки топлива. Мне не известен мод, который позволяет перекачивать топливо из-под кнопки...

Все действия вешаются на группы действий!

Активация сбора науки через [x] Science, предполагается, что кербалы могут кнопкой удаленно включать эксперименты (если есть связь с аппаратом!)

** Можно использовать PilotAssistant - но только для удержания горизонта для полетов самолетов в атмосфере, потому что часовые полеты это немного скучно.

*** Запускается зонд, и уже на карте(М) можно посмотреть и записать m/s для отдельного маневра, это и есть deltaV.

Замеры для спуска и взлета также ручные.

Гравитация на небесных телах просчитывается астрономически и заранее известна, поэтому мод Basic_dV/KER для определения dV на небесных телах в зависимости от гравитации не считается читерским, тк это как калькулятор.

2. Настройки

Список модов в прохождении:

3. Скоро тут будут скрины настройки старта карьеры и первые миссии!Тема для прохождения карьеры!

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