vendredi 2 août 2013

Mr. Michael from Maryland here

My name is Michael and I grew up in the state of Maryland - about an hour north of Baltimore City.

Just recently though, I moved to the top of a mountain in the state of Georgia and I really like helping people.

Since I was permanently disabled from a bad car accident in '94, I've had to teach myself how to earn a living from home on my PC. So now, I'm a self-taught webmaster as well as a network marketer and yes, there are many people out there who think network marketing is fake or not real but that's only because they know very little about it. I've been doing it since '98 and MLMing or Multi Level Marketing is the best way to earn a good living in the world.

I work when I want, I work where I want & with whomever I want but that's not all. I determine how much & how often I get paid and I love it.


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