vendredi 9 août 2013

When should I start my own blog?

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of setting my own business as a freelance web designer developer (career change). I am hoping to start the re-design of my own portfolio site soon as it is a few years old and was more of an online resume.

I now want to add a blog this time round and I am unsure whether I should start my blog now (as I know it will take some time to establish) whilst I am re-designing my portfolio and just simply create a new link to it from my current site.

I will probably use WordPress to host my blog as I wish to learn to design/create themes in WordPress (I actually have a lot I want to learn before I get to WordPress though!) and I am not sure if I should just use a theme for the blog design or should I wait until my portfolio is re-designed and then find out how to transfer the html, css etc into WordPress? I would prefer the blog to look the same as the portfolio, give some coherence to them? But maybe I am being to fussy for the now. Is it more important to have something up and running now and then tie everything together as I learn my new skills.

I had thought of re-designing my portfolio site in WordPress, but as I said earlier, there are other things I think I should learn that are more important first.

I am at the very beginnings of this long road, and I know I have a lot to learn (and will forever be learning too in this profession) both with web technologies/platforms and on the business side and I would appreciate any advice on this.


I hope that made sense to you all. I do tend to ramble but hey, I'm Scottish. ;)


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