jeudi 4 juin 2015

Hello from StartMeUpLive - The Show for Millennial Entrepreneurs

Why Is StartMeUpLive Launching a KickStarter Campaign?


It’s not about the Money…Its about the Market, Baby!

From Pebble’s $20 Million to the $55K Potato Salad.. CrowdFunding is the fastest way to validate your market.

We believe that StartMeUpLive is the right concept, for the right audience, at the right time. We also believe that the “crowd” needs to vote to have a dedicated show on StartUps – from ideation point to the execution.

Chew on this:
Millennials are the most entrepreneurial generation yet. There are over 70 million millennials in the U.S. and a recent study conducted by Deloitte revealed 70 percent of them want to start their own business. And, hark this, 9 out of 10 fail.

So what are the barriers to success?
Getting started is the hardest part. Once they do start, entrepreneurs are overwhelmed with an overabundance of watered down, generic information about what they need to know and do in order succeed.

StartMeUpLive delivers insight from successful entrepreneurs who have been there – done that. This hard-won content is manufactured by executives who know where the stumbling blocks are. Many startups burn cash on consultants, memberships, etc. StartMeUpLIVE is entertainment thats informative – it is also priced for startups – FREE.

Why StartMeUpLive?
We know that well-produced, entertaining media has the power to connect, inform, inspire and create change. StartMeUpLive is the Startup for Startups.

We are counting on the millennial generation to build the companies that will create the jobs that fuel the economy and to develop the innovations that will change the world for the better. StartMeUpLive is the only show that specifically addresses millennial entrepreneurs.

With Kickstarter, basically, you fine folks are pre-ordering our idea.
This micro-seed capital will give us the funds we need to bring the show to the you and your startup crew – without relinquishment of ownership.

As a Startup who covers Startups, we are living and walking through the process. We literally are walking a mile in your millennial shoes..(check out that reward).

There are dozens of examples of great talent, great ideas, great innovations that were overlooked by the “experts” until the public weighed in.

Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because he “lacked imagination.” Steven Speilberg was denied admittance to film school 3 times. And the Queen of daytime television, Oprah, was fired for not being “Fit for TV”. And…Zack Danger almost never made that incredibly tasty potato salad. Thank God for Kickstarter.

Please help us get this show on the road. Take a look at the campaign. If you can’t fund, please share with your network. The Millennials are counting on us!

Click Here for more info:

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