lundi 1 juin 2015

Hi everyone from me, Louise!

Hi everyone ok here it goes well my name is Louise and I am 20 years old and I have just arrived here from Toronto in Canada and I am now living in England. We came for my fathers work (he was actually born in England so no problems living here!). I have also managed to get a place studying Marketing for the next 3 years so this is kind of neat and exciting but I am also freaking out lol!!!!!!
When I say I just arrived I mean yesterday and omg I am very jet lagged and out of it and I feel like I have been awake like forever!
Anyway so I have joined here as I really want to become my own boss one day (I know I am young right now and still lots to learn) and I want to get lots of tips on how and what to do in Business.
I also have a chunk of money left from my grandparents and I want to invest in something and I guess my first question is is it best to invest in an already ongoing business or to start up my own? I am still not sure what to do but I love fashion and makeup and have a bunch of clips advertising different products but I don't want to do what everyone else does and just put them on youtube but I don't really know what to do as I am totally confused right now as to my next step!
Please find my photo this is my please please please help me face lol joking but really any ideas or help would be awesome. Thanks, Louise xx1.jpg
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