mercredi 3 juin 2015

How to deal with past-due invoices

I sell products to high schools on net 30 terms, and so far for several years I have never gotten stiffed. Many schools will only do a PO, so if I require payment up-front I will disqualify myself as a vendor.

I have one school that is now 60 days past due. I have left voicemails and emails for the accounts payable lady in charge of my account at the school district. She has not responded. She did actually pay a later (and smaller) invoice that was only 30 days past due. She didn't pay the past-due 1.5% finance charges I had tacked on. I have had schools pay late sometimes, but this is the longest I've waited so far.

1. Any tips on getting paid by a school district?
2. How do I deal with unpaid finance charges for invoices they eventually pay? I'm tempted to just let it go and be happy with at least getting paid the original invoice amount, but it sort of sets a precedent.

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