dimanche 7 juin 2015

Sending a Postcards - CardSsmile


I wonder if sending a personalized postcards it still have a lot of people to enjoy it? or now everythings is basically online?

In my opinnion sending regualr mail it DIED but at the same time It would be nice to recive some maill with cool pictures and text on the back and big smile in the front of the postcard. Its not the same as just send somebody Online postcard or picture that nobody basicaly look at it or just look and DELETE because they have Millions of the same pictures everyday..

I oppened the bussines like that with sending regular mail postcards to people to make them smile :) at the same time put a little bit spicy in it and make a contest who will have the most reccomend people win prizes! :)

so far its not to much people join it but I think it will be more with time! what you think? it's gonna end up bad or there is a chance to put old mail in life again.

Best Regards

CardSSmile us

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