lundi 8 juin 2015

Why do I need 300,000 a year?

Hey guys, just need some help with something. I own my own business, and right now it's just me and my partner. We each make around 120,000 a year. Our business basically provides computer and technology support to businesses for about 900$ a month. Many other businesses have come to us saying they want to work with us, but we have enough work as it is. For whatever reason, I'm having trouble deciding on whether or not to expand and get an actual office and some employees. If we did, we would each make about 300,000 a year, because we would have enough support to handle more businesses. I have no idea what I would do with 300,000 dollars a year. I already have a nice house, a couple nice cars, and really everything I need. I don't even work that often, so I'm pretty blessed. If I hired theses employees, I would work even less. I'm only 24. Can someone help me decide whether to expand or not? To some of you this may sound weird, but I can honestly say that I wouldn't know what to do with that money. I never wanted to be an elite person, just wanted to have some nice cars(lambo), a one bedroom apartment a tv so I could watch family guy, and have enough money to pay for an upper middle class life. That was my goal. What should I do?

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