dimanche 5 juillet 2015

Managing partners

Hi everyone. Glad to have found this forum. I just founded a business and have added in a few close relatives and friends as shareholders/partners. There will be 4 of us in total. But frankly, im not sure how much of contribution in terms of finance & work i will be getting from them. This far, i have been taking care and worrying about every single aspect of the business, from business planning to admin and getting things done including paying for everything.
I have decided a share of 40% for me and 20% each for the rest. Their targets will be to bring in customers and also work on any other problems on hand. I dont want to be doing all the work and yet split the profit. I prefer to have a fair deal such that you get paid for what you work. I'm totally new to this. What is the best approach to this?
Thanks for any valuable feedback.

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