samedi 11 juillet 2015

My first accounts submission, share capital issue

Dear all

I would very much appreciate some advice on the below issue. I apologise in advance for its elementary nature but these are my first returns.

Im employed myself but Im also the director of a company I opened with a friend as a hobby/side show. I created the company on Nov 13 and have to complete my accounts relating to Nov13-Nov14 by the 28th of july 15. When I opened the company I gave it share capital of £1. Subsequently I spend roughly 13k for supplies, stock and exhibition space. some of the money was paid through the company account and some through my own personal account for ease of use given I only had a cheque book for the business. What i never did was to increase the shares of the business. is this something I can do now to reflect that 13k have been "poored" into the company. there is nothing iffy about the expenses by the way, no travel entertainment or substinence all pure stock buying. I did look into professional advise and was quoted £850 which to me sounds rather steep for a company with 0 sales so far and 20 lines of expenditure. Im sure an accountant can sort this in 30mins.

Does anyone ahve any advice as to how to deal with the above?

any pointers much appreaciated

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