mardi 4 août 2015

Finally I Have A Legit Company!!! (And other questions)

Ladies and gentlemen...boys and girls...I have a super special announcement for the SBF community. For those of you that know about me on this forum, you know I've been apart of like 10 different ideas since I joined and neither one of them did anything good. Yeah, I know sounds awesome right?

Anyways, since I decided to start Stacktron with Ryan (yes the guy who didn't do anything, I'll explain later) things have gotten crazy. We started off doing Minecraft for 5 minutes, then we managed to merge with a very small VPS host so now that's our main priority. I have never spent so much time on a business in my life, and what's even better is it's actually making money. Yeah, that's right. I'll put in my bid to buy SBF later ;)

I'm sure if you even care you're wondering why I'm being a huge hypocrite and working with him after all my whining on SBF. Well, since the transition over to servers and hosting and what not he all of a sudden is interested. Before he'd play video games, not care, etc. but then all of a sudden he turned 18 (his birthday is a week before mine) and then he suddenly smartened up. Everything is turning out perfectly. He's actually invested HUNDREDS of dollars into Stacktron and works 7+ hours a day (when he's working, he has a job on the side) and when he's free he's working 10+ hours. So, that's going good.

Anyways, I have quite a few questions. What are the best ways to start advertising? I want to start advertising across forums and ad networks to get the word out, but I'm not really sure what types of approaches I should take towards it and what a reasonable budget is for that. Is now a good time to register my company? I know I really still can't do anything since I'm now only 16, but I don't know if there's a purpose for it at the moment (I don't see why we'd get sued in any way and everything is usually filed in Ryan's name).

Thank you for reading this incredibly long novel about my life. :D

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