mardi 4 août 2015

I don't know what I want to do with my life!

This post came out of nowhere, but I wasn't sure where else to post this.

I am going to be 17 in a month, and I start my last year of high school in September. For the last few years, I've been constantly thinking about what I want to do with my life, with my interests taken into consideration. The occupations that I've looked into the most include being a real estate broker, car salesmen, lawyer, and just a general business owner (entrepreneur). I have a great interest in politics, economics, law, geography, and finance.

The real thing that I want to do in life though, is to open up a business. I have tons of ideas (ranging from a juicery, to a greenhouse type of idea, to a burger joint which would serve quality food at an affordable cost). I want to be in charge of my money, and I want to make my own money. I am willing to work hard, and I am willing to take risks. For the last year, I've been aiming on becoming a lawyer, and while I have gotten a firsthand impression on what it is like (I've been interning with a criminal trial lawyer for a few months), I just feel like I could accomplish so much more in life running a business, in hopes of becoming big through the process of trial and error.

I believe that with new, innovative ideas, anything can be achieved. I've realized that most successful entrepreneurs all started out very young with confidence in their ideas. I have been told for all of my life that 90% of businesses fail, and while that may be true, why cant I be that 10%? If I really have enough confidence in my idea, then I will keep going forward and keep taking that risk, just because I truly feel that my idea can grow into something more. I've realized that nearly all of America's self-made millionaires and billionaires all started with very little, and that each of these entrepreneurs all had something in common-- they all started at a young age. Through my research, I've come to the conclusion that it is all about trial and error. Most business owners seem to immediately lose all hope once one business they own fails.

Currently I have a little over $3000 saved up and I plan on saving as much as I can. I haven't spent a penny, and I do not plan on doing that. I plan on going to college, however it would be hard to run a business while attending (I would have to think this over more, whether I'd want to run a business through my college years).

In a nutshell: I kind of want to be a lawyer, but deep down I know that what I really want to do is run a business and hopefully expand. I don't want to be that little guy working for the big guy managing my paycheck. I am sounding like a giant douchebag, but I want to be the big guy managing my employees' paycheck.

Should I go for my business ideas and take some risks starting next year or the year after? I don't want to risk all of my money, but the good thing is that I'll be living rent-free through college, and I wont be paying for food expenses or anything (my dad is nice enough to cover everything). I need some opinions.

Also my apologies for rambling on and for not organizing these paragraphs.

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