mardi 28 février 2017

Getting into a "home rental" business with a neighbor

Ok here's the deal. I have rental experience and have managed rental property for around 6 years so far. I've dealt with everything from taking my tenants to court and dealing with evictions/marketing and showing my property.

I have a neighbor who is idle and wants to get into buying and flipping real estate into rentals. She and her husband wants to get into an agreement with me to buy houses and manage the repairs/leasing etc... So knows enough that a company needs to be created and we need to be employees/partners within the business. So this is what I"m thinking.

1. Create a company/LLC registered entity.
2. Create an article or incorporation/organization and outline myself/husband/wife as equal partners. Describe equal costs among the partners for the purchase of property as well as who manages the rental.

Of course there are multiple tiny things (i.e. tax accounts, ein)

Just curious is this the best way to go about this.

Looking for some feedback on my website, and some marketing questions.

Hi, I’ve written a document scanning and ocr application and have my website up and running for it. I was wondering if I could get some reviews on the site’s appearance and layout. Also, if I could get opinions on the pricing I’ve set that would be great. I’m trying to get this website business off the ground while working a full-time job. My target market is not the large companies that already have document scanning software and/or can afford to pay tens of thousands of dollars each year to install and maintain it. I want to reach the many smaller companies with 1-50 employees that don’t have this kind of software yet, only want to pay a “little bit” for it, and who want to install and learn it themselves. I think there’s a market for this product but I don’t know how to reach it. So far the website hasn’t really gone anywhere. I haven’t had much time to put into marketing it. I thought of joining affiliate networks but I didn’t want give control of distribution to one of these monoliths and have the hassle of dealing with them. I started an affiliate program with iDevAffiliate but I haven’t advertised it yet. My website is VeloScan - Home. If you could take a look and provide some feedback that would be great. If you know someone who could use this software I'm prepared to give them a permanent 85% discount just to get a user base. Thanks.

dimanche 26 février 2017

Question anout FEIN for Sole Proprietor

I was wondering if you guys could help me out with a few questions I have. I have a FEIN number from 2 years ago that I had to get in order to place a public bid on a seasonal business( i live near the shore.) I lost out on that bid so the number was never used. I honestly don't know what I was thinking even getting the number since I could have just used my social security #. Now, I am bidding on a similar seasonal lease from a township and was wondering a few things:

1. Can I use the same FEIN number? I understand that the number stays with me forever but just want to make sure I don't have to activate it again or something.

2. Am I now stuck HAVING to use this number or could I just use my S.S. number instead. It will be a sole proprietorship with no employees. This is probably my main concern since I understand it is kind of odd for a proprietorship with 0 employees to have an FEIN.

3. Is there any downside to having an FEIN as far as taxes are concerned. Can I still just include everything on my personal income taxes just as I would if I used my SS #.

Sorry if this started to sound rambling. Taxes and this kind of stuff has always made me nervous just thinking about it. I would really appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks.

SSL with EV?

I'm curious. My website does not currently use EV. Are there any great benefits to using it vs regular SSL? On google chrome my site has a green secure padlock. I noticed on microsoft edge it just has a grey padlock which got me thinking about this. According to edge only sites with EV get the green padlock. Even Amazon only has a grey padlock.

samedi 25 février 2017

Any Linux users on the forum?

I recently re-purposed my old desktop and installed Linux on it. Been curious for years. Now that I want to know more about network security, Kali Linux is one of the main tools, so no time like the present.

I know there are probably an unlimited number of Linux distros and forks. Just wondering if anyone else runs Linux either on their every day computer, or as a hobby. And if you've always run it, or started with another OS.

vendredi 24 février 2017

G'day from all at Bookmemate!

G'day everyone!

I'm Simon from Bookmemate, an Irish/Australian startup business with a mission to give small business owners back the time they waste on administrative tasks like quoting, invoicing, inventory management and financial reporting.

I've been a lurker here for sometime, and learned a lot from the community. Now that I'm part of a growing SaaS business I'd like to actively participate, continue to learn and hopefully pass on some good info that we've picked up along the way as well.

My own background is in telecoms, specifically in commercial management of MNO's in the Pacific. So if anyone has any particular queries in that area I can definitely share what I've learned.

A little about Bookmemate:

Bookmemate started as a private booking/appointment management platform for our Founder Thomas' partner who runs a salon in Melbourne. Soon enough her friends and contacts in the beauty industry were asking for access and so Bookmemate was born!

Through our research we found a lot of small business owners were using multiple programs, apps and platforms to manage the administrative side of their business. Paying for a myriad of software solutions to unsuccessfully try and solve the same problem seemed mad to us, there had to be a better way...

Thomas began to develop a suite of features onto the Bookmemate platform with the aim of creating an all-in-one solution where each feature automatically communicated with all the others. So if I run a plumbing business & I invoice a customer for labour & a u-bend, the u-bend is automatically subtracted from my inventory and the revenue is automatically updated to my P&L and financial accounts. I also have a log of the customer details, what work I've done for them and can schedule a future appointment for a follow-up if required. That's more like it!

Thomas spent a long time locked away in a dark room coding like a mad alchemist and we think he's finally struck gold. Bookmemate now enables small business owners to manage quoting & invoicing (with embedded before/after photos), inventory, CRM, bulk SMS & basic financial reporting, all from one interconnected platform.

Our platform is cloud based so it can be accessed from a mobile device while on site with a customer on your home desktop at the end of the day to check your revenue & expense numbers.

So that's a bit about me & Bookmemate, thanks to you all for creating such a vibrant community here, I & Bookmemate look forward to being a part of it.

Best offer on lenses and glasses in Bradford.

Opticamoda offers a wide range of prescription lenses for eyeglasses and sunglasses in Bradford. We have the best collection of lenses for your glasses. Lenses are very important for your eyes, Lenses are protecting your eyes and you are clearly views every think. Visit this page to learn more about each lens and their benefits and buy your needed lance from our store.

jeudi 23 février 2017


Hello All,

My name is Jack, I am Marketing Manager of a Full eCommerce Agency. My business has grown since foundation. I hope I will find nice ppl here that can share with me advice and their experience.

Greetings to all,

LLC taxed as S Corp vs S Corp

What are the differences between being established as an LLC and electing to be taxed as an S Corp, and being established as an S Corp


Are all types of equipment, machines, etc. supposed to be depreciated or are there some exceptions where you can write off the total value right away?

Business plan creator

Just curious do you guys know any websites that create business plans (preferably free). I started using Seems it's OK, but requires payment.

Hello Everyone

My name is John and I founded MyBrandBoost – Boosting your Brand roughly 1 year ago. Prior to that I was an executive in a private financial services and marketing firm for about 14 years. I decided to go it on my own in social media marketing because I think the future of advertising and marketing will be social in nature. I see small businesses try and set up their own accounts and give up shortly after and I felt I can really add value there. To combat that we invested heavily in testing different strategies and by doing so we have a strong understanding of how to grow targeted social media accounts that will earn money and raise brand awareness for your company.

I hope to add value on these forums based of my professional experiences and the experiences of my clients. If anyone has any social media specific questions please feel free to send a message via our website or via these forums.



Please tell me which is best software for accounting

hi would u please tell me which is best free accounting software for hotel business

mercredi 22 février 2017

S Corp in MA

I need to establish an S Corp in MA, any guidance appreciated...

Actual Profit vs Recorded Profit

So as a small business owner you obviously write off expenses that may not be truly a business expense, cleaning supplies, meals, etc.

how would you know what the business is truly making not counting those 'extra' expenses? would you just file those under a separate account on quickbooks?

mardi 21 février 2017

Thanks for Having Me

Hey everyone. This is a pretty happening thread so I will try to be a little different so we can get some conversation and I can get to know you.

I, personally, am a digital marketing consultant. What that means is that I help businesses optimize their search engine ratings, help them run social media, and find creative ways to get their company or product in front of their target market. I do free advice, and my consulting packages start at $30 so I am in anyone's price range.

Now for the fun part... a few questions to hopefully encourage collaboration.
1. Does anyone have advice on how I can grow my business and gain new customers?
2. Does anyone have any issues in their business that I might can give some advice on?
3. What is your favorite color?

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to meeting tons of you!!

Advice? Local Digital Marketing Consultant

Hey everyone. This is a pretty happening thread so I will try to be a little different so we can get some conversation and I can get to know you.

I, personally, am a digital marketing consultant. What that means is that I help businesses optimize their search engine ratings, help them run social media, and find creative ways to get their company or product in front of their target market. I do free advice, and my consulting packages start at $30 so I am in anyone's price range.

Now for the fun part... a few questions to hopefully encourage collaboration.
1. Does anyone have advice on how I can grow my business and gain new customers?
2. Does anyone have any issues in their business that I might can give some advice on?
3. What is your favorite color?

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to meeting tons of you!!

Bidding on a potential Printer Maintenance contract with the State

I've asked enough questions from the State to determine what this is. Just to give you heads up, I'm a new business and I'm trying to get my feet wet in a contract. The incumbent is doing the work for around $7,400 last year. So I plan to underbid them to around $7,200 since my suspicion is that they are going to bid again with a slightly higher bid.

I dealt a lot of with printer hardware and computer repair, but my concern is that the cost to perform the work would greatly outweigh the profit. We are talking around 20 printers in the state that are located in each county. Some counties are around 200 miles apart from each other. I live roughly in the center of the state. We are talking about one type of printer model/make (every printer is the same).

The state can't provide any maintenance records but what they can tell me is that the incumbent performed the work for $7,400 a year. These are high quality printers and the state has indicated to me that this contract is for repair/maintain only, no replace. They indicated that this contract does not include toner/paper/consumable supplies.

I have experience maintaining printers/devices, however no experience maintaining them over long distances and these devices aren't exactly workable remotely. I asked them how the state would contact the vendor, they indicated they would phone/email and expect the repair within 48 hours.

My suspicion is that I would need to have parts on-hand (that moment) to make the repair and make it fast. Or order the part (overnight) to be able to perform the work. Other than maintenance kits (roller/pickup/rubber components) that need regular replacement, when we are talking 20 printers, how often do they break?


Financing Questions

Alright so what I need help with is she wants to get a loan for $40,000. The store owner is going to sell her the store for $30,000 and the rest will go towards license transfers, setting up a bank account for the store because he runs it from his personal account and then inventory for the first month. The business has been up and running since 1974 and makes profit every year. I have been helping her to build credit she is 21 with a credit score of 667. So my question is what would the best route be for her to go I don't think she can get approved for a loan that size with her normal income but someone told us there is grants for young women to start a business just not sure what would be the best approach. Any help is much appreciated.

Extra info: Where located in central North Carolina. Business she is buying is a family owned pet store that's ha been profitable in the same town for over 40 years .Reason he is selling is because he wants to retire. She has been working there for 2 to 3 years 6 or 7 days every week so I am confident she will have no problem he also said he will help her with what ever she needs after he retires and I to have ran a pet store in a previous state that I lived in so I am pretty knowledgeable in this area. The bank told her if she if she doesn't have the business I'm her name and get an EIN and some other thing like an articles of corporation I think. Again any help is appreciated.

Has anyone ever rooted thier Android devices?

So I've been studying network security and penetration testing. One of the tools is Kali Linux NetHunter, and I saw that you could install it on both a Nexus 5x and Nexus 7, but only if rooted. Well, I have both of those and I wanted it. So I rooted both of my devices.


Rooting is the process of allowing users of smartphones, tablets and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to attain privileged control (known as root access) over various Android subsystems. As Android uses the Linux kernel, rooting an Android device gives similar access to administrative (superuser) permissions as on Linux or any other Unix-like operating system such as FreeBSD or OS X.
Went well on the 7. Thought I bricked the 5x, but recovered it and soldered on and got it it done.

I'm new to rooting devices, but right away one of the benefits is root access apps that give you more control than non rooted apps.

Since I'm increasingly more tin foil hat about my security and being tracked, the firewall apps that allow and disallow apps to connect to the internet are pretty sweet. Also, being able to actually uninstall bloatware ( even though it's not that bad on the Nexus devices) is a plus.

Was wondering if anyone else has rooted their devices and have any tips, warnings, or things they like to do with theirs.

lundi 20 février 2017

Buying Social Media Accounts Is A Bad Idea

I got scammed for a total of $80. I was trying to buy 2 instagram accounts, and they both blocked me as soon as I sent half the money. These kids are like 15 too. Unbelievable. These are the moments I wish I could sue if lawyers were $0.01 an hour. )): I hate humans. We need a plague.

The part that really makes me want to throw my computer out the window is the fact PayPal doesn't have 24/7 calling, so they're useless until tomorrow. >:(

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Outsourcing Work

Default Outsourcing Work

I will start off by apologizing if this isn't the right location for this post. I tried to search for similar topics, but couldn't find anything for my specific questions. I am in the process of starting an embroidery company. The plan is to embroider hats, shirts, patches, etc. Currently, I solely have done design work for a lot of clients who have gotten my designs embroidered. I would like to start doing my own embroidering, but would like to build a clientele base prior to spending the money on the necessary equipment. For now I would like to outsource all my embroidering needs to another company, but do no know the legalities behind it. If a client sends me a design and I just send it to the embroidery company, I wouldn't really play a role other than essentially being a middleman.

My main questions are, how do I do this legally? Do I need to let a client know that the embroidery work isn't mine, but another company? Do I need to let the embroidery company know that I am selling their product to someone else, but under my name?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


Proper business name

Good day,

Here is a subject that I've been thinking about lately. A short intro:
I am planing to start a small business which would offer busy people and companies the service of a purchasing manager. There are plenty of small to mid sized businesses around my area which do not have a purchasing manager in their staff, but still could use someone who knows how to find items they need for a fair price. I could be that someone, charging them a small fee for the service I provided. To my mind this is a very simple, yet profitable business, where little to no investment is required. However, I have been having some trouble coming up with a proper name, so I thought I would sign up to the forum and strike a subject for conversation at the water cooler.

I came up with the name "Mr. Supplier" and it just got stuck in my head - can not get it out of there. Asked a friend for his oppinion, and he said that if someone were to tell him that a certain Mr. Supplier got him some good stuff for a fair price, it would probably sound to him like a... a drug deal.

To me, the name of a business means a lot. Therefore, I would much appreciate if you could share your thoughts on the name or ideas for a better suited one for my planned business profile. Thoughts on the very business plan itself are also welcome.

P.S. Keep on fighting the good fight!

Hey Everybody!

My name is Matt and I'm an independent freight broker out of Louisville, KY. I've been in the business for a few years but went out on my own very recently. My business is pretty seasonal so I have tons of time on my hands in the winter to post on internet forums.

I'm not sure what else to put here... Nice to meet you all!

dimanche 19 février 2017

Looking for Investor

I am looking for an investor to purchase an existing business with passive income. I am still waiting for some bank statements and information to be supplied before I can get all the figures together but below is what I have so far.

Business Purchase (Equipment and Blue Sky): $279,000 (83 Locations)
Working Capital: $300,000
Previous Year Gross income: $132,000
Operational Expenses: Labor: $20,000 Equpment/Maintance: $10,000

This is a passive income. Machines need to service and checked once a week (Or monthly with larger working capital). Remote monitoring ensures Machines is used to ensure all machines are operational without the need to be checked every week.

There is a wide range of options available other business of this I have looked at also range from 50,000 to $3.9M with ROI around 5 to 10 years.

If you are interested in learning more please let me know. I really done want to give out too much information on this business as it has kinda been a large corporate secret for a while and done want someone else jumping into it.

samedi 18 février 2017

How do I split my current cost of goods sold accounts?

My shop is a combination of in-house inventory and drop-ship merchandise. I've been accounting for both in the same cost of goods sold and sales accounts. I think this might be a problem going forward (and maybe on taxes) because now I don't have a clear value of my in-house inventory. By that, I mean the value of the stuff I have on my shelves. I can split things going forward, but I'm not sure how to split what I have currently. Do I need to do journal entries to debit/credit things to fix this?

To illustrate, I need to split "wholesale purchases (COGS)" into "wholesale purchases" and "dropship purchases", and also

split "sales" into "in-house inventory sales" and "dropship sales"


Income tax help

I am running an electronic repair shop right now. It is a sole proprietorship as of right now. When I do my income taxes, what documents am I going to need to do them for the business?

Also this is a little off topic but what financial documents should I be doing? Documents like a balance sheet and others? Or how does that work or is best practice?

Thanks for the help!

jeudi 16 février 2017

Marketing to businesses

I run a electronic repair business in NY. I have mainly been doing non business customers but I do want to start working for businesses. Is there a way to market to businesses that will actually help. I have tried marketing numeros times and I seem to get nothing out of it. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions would be awesome!

Unclaimed items

I operate my electronic repair business from NY. I have had many customers drop their device off and then not come and get it. Or they say they will come and get it and they end up not coming. I have had some devices for 3 to 4 months and some longer.

Could I notify the customer that if they do not come in and get it I will sell it to pay for the parts and labor?

Customer Service help

I have been running an electronic repair business for almost a year now. I am not sure if other businesses in the same field have the same problem. Customers seem to bug us often for their device. I will tell a customer that their devices will be done on Friday because I have tone wait for paresponding and they are contacting me the next day using various communication channels. And they do not stop. I had one person contact me via yelp, Facebook, email and call me 8 times to see if it was done yet. I got other customers who seem to think they are telling me what they are paying for and what they are not. It is just stuff like that.

I am not sure the best way to stop this and or communicate that I will let them know when it is done

New to the forum


New to the forum.. i've been in web development, seo, ecommerce, payment processing for the last 15 years. I look forward to being an additional resource here.


starting a small business (music publishing), have filing questions

I'm based in Michigan.
The publishing company will initially be a vehicle for my own music, but I'm hoping to expand it to other artists as a quasi-record label.
So being a small, personal operation, the tax rate is not a major concern, as far as which state to file - but it always could be.
I know that filing an LLC in my home state of MI is only $50, but I also know there's a reason why people choose to file in Delaware or Nevada rather than their home state. But, unfortunately, I'm *not* exactly sure what those reasons are.
Also, I'm not sure if I should be filing as an S-corp, C-corp, or an LLC. In the present day filing as an LLC might make the most sense, but in a best-case scenario (i.e. success), there might be an impact.
Clearly my head's above water here, so I would greatly appreciate any guidance that can be provided to me.
Thank you very much.

mercredi 15 février 2017

Growing Hops Commercially

Hello everyone!

Over the last 6-8 months I've been on a journey to try my hand at growing hops commercially. With the amount of craft breweries on the rise, the lack of hop farms in our area and the readily available access to our family farm, I feel as if it's a reasonable gamble for my first business. I've done my research on the subject by speaking with local hop growers, local breweries and even some research facilities across North America. I've generated a rough run-up cost for my first year and I know that I'll be generating no revenue until my plants are established. I've also been able to save some expenses by harvesting Tamarack poles off of our property, while using the farm equipment that I have access to. My test plot is prepped for the spring with plants on order, leaving me to figure out irrigation and spraying.

Now for my questions. Since I'm quite close with my family, I've been given the option to use the family farm business as a way to claim my expenses until I'm established. As this is my first attempt, is it in my best interest to use the existing family business to get my business moving or should I create my own business right from the start? I've done little research into incentives for start-ups but quite honestly, I'm not even really sure where to start from this end of things. If someone could offer some insight into the matter, it would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Hello Everyone


I'm fairly new to the world of business so I'm just browsing the forum for some knowledge before I dive into things too deep. My first attempt will be at growing hops commercially and if all goes well, the craft beer market.

Hope to see you all around,


Cell Phone Headsets

For those that use their android cell phone in the office, what headset do you use. I'd prefer a decent over the head headset.

mardi 14 février 2017

Customer issued me a 1099 for purchases they made???

Hello everyone,

I had two invoices to a company (customer) last year. One was a direct purchase of candles (charged tax because they were give away items for an event). The other was a wholesale purchase as the company resales the candles on their website.

I just received a 1099 (to my DBA with my SSN number I'm a sole proprietor). The total on the 1099 was the same for both invoices.

The candles I made were complete items, ready for sale/giveaway. Are they allowed to 1099 me for this?

I mean, I purchased a TV at best buy, I know I can't 1099 best buy for my purchase... (:D)

Is there a dispute I can do about this?



Hi Everyone! I am new here. I work from home selling my handmade goods on various handmade and auction sites. The items I sell are bow ties, fleece dog shirts, scarves, and just about anything else I have the desire to create. I really like my business and don't think I would ever give it ip. I am unable to go to work, since I care for my handicapped son, and my company gives me a way I can do that.
This weekend I was doing my taxes and was once again, as in every year, gnawed by some questions about non incidental materials and supplies. So I went gonzo and picked up the phone and called the IRS to seek answers to my questions I could not find anywhere online. To my absolute surprise I spoke to a woman that was so nice and helpful that I felt all warm and squishy inside. Best thing was that I found out that I had chosen for years now to do everything correct on my taxes which was a huge relief. Because my questions were of things I could not find answers to from tax professionals, cpa's, or online, my first instinct was to find somewhere to post the information to maybe help someone with the same questions. I am happy to be here and would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day, have a great one!
P.S. If anyone needs a bow tie come see me at

lundi 13 février 2017

Video production company- LLC or Sole Proprietor

I would like to start a, I guess it would be called a video production company. But I am a bit dumbfounded on where to start. I have a youtube channel now that is growing that will become my company's major product. My expected income would be from youtube ads and patreon. But I also would like to look into making youtube commercials, product videos, and product how to videos for companies. Long term, I want to make short films and fictional video series.

From what I have learned, most youtubers do a sole proprietor. But I am unsure if this is the wisest decision. Especially since I would like to do work for other companies in the short term for income. And maybe long term if that is where the money is.

But I have also heard that an LLC won't protect me that much since somone could still sue me personally. But I'm not sure how true that is or how much of an issue it would be.

I would appreciate any guidance you guys can give me. If it matters, I live and will form the company in PA. Thanks.

New memeber

Hello From Metro Atlanta. I am a newbie on this forum. Recently started a blog for my business and interested in learning how to cost effectively market it. Look forward to ideas.

dimanche 12 février 2017

having problem on how to attract customer for enquiry

im still new in marketing furthermore i never use forum before.. for concept of forum I understand but I never knew forum can do many more than just comment on games, please help on how to improve my marketing skills

this is the example

Good Morning/Good Afternoon

We are from company A

Today we are going to introduce our new product
It is a Microsoft excel training “DISCOVER the HIDDEN SECRETS in INCREASING SALES using MICROSOFT EXCEL "using advance features.

This training offer a lot of solutions on how to generate more leads, more sales, retain customer relationship between old and new clients and more.

For more inquiries PM us or drop a comment. We love to hear your respond whether you are interested or not.


I want to open up small company business related IT

for this company my Idea is to sell service and software, for software and hardware i'm still trying to find the right price for customer,
currently my skill are repair pc, and can do some visual editing as well,
my target audience is end user and company, i also trying to find server that are affordable and compatible with the current technology,
for cctv how do we sell it as commercially?

do give some advice, I really appreciate thart

Owners and Salary of S Corp

My wife and I are purchasing a gym in a few months.

I think I want to open it under an S corp for tax purposes.

If the business is set up with me as the only owner would I be able to pay my wife a small salary and not pay myself, and avoid self-employment tax?

Or should we both be owners since either way we'll have to pay self-employment tax on our salary?

Online and local reselling / documents

Hello everybody!

I'm reselling stocks from china for like a year already, but doing it without paying taxes. I have already registered my own company, got cash register etc. But I haven't started working through the company, I don't have big budget really, don't want to pay anybody doing it for me yet. I want to deal alone with the accounting and all the documents, but since I've never worked with such before I am kinda scared and don't know how to start. Could you give me please any advises how to:

1. Order from China on company's name
2. How to sell legally, paying taxes and everything (what documents i have to keep, what do I have to register and so on)
3. Since I have no website yet, what platform do you think is better to use, I have some experience with Shopify.
4. What information should I include in the website (Company name, details, my name, address, etc ??? )

Thanks in advance! I am open to talk with anybody about business, online and offline and sharing ideas! Hopefully I can both get and give help!

Hello from Bulgaria!

Hello everybody!
My name is Ivan, I am 18 years old boy, last year in school, from Bulgaria. I have been reselling stuff from China for over an year now, goes pretty okay. Had my ups and downs, but never paid taxes. I have plans to grow my business a lot, already have registered a company and everything. I am thinking of skipping university and going straight to achieving my business plans and dreams. Hopefully I can learn better directly from practice and reading, and not with the (most) useless information given for 4-5 years in the university. I have only the best grades in school and can get into every university, not only in my country, but I really don't find it useful. Also, I am training MMA for like 3 years or more, I love traveling and I love the extreme. I have many friends and loving girlfriend and my life is getting better and better with the time. I don't have rich parents or anything, whatever I do, I do it on my own. I am new on this forum, hopefully I can stay here while growing my business a lot!

samedi 11 février 2017

Profit Division

A friend and I are starting a business which will require $60,000 in start-up funds (we will be importing European antique furniture and selling in the US via a website and at regional/national antique markets). I will invest $50,000, and she will invest $10,000. We will be dividing work responsibilities 50/50. I will be providing storage for our large inventory in a new barn we will build (our family had planned to build a much smaller barn in a few years, but to accommodate the business, we are building now - increased cost of enlarging our original planned building to accommodate our business storage needs is $40,000).

Given this funding/work structure, we would appreciate recommendations on how we should approach the division of profits, etc. Many thanks.

Need help on Commissions sales and legal advice

Hi, I have been working at a job for about 2 and a half years. The past year, the company started to pay employees commission for sales of accessories at the end of every other month. I am in a position that does not work at the front desk, which excludes me from this commission payment. I am the only one in the company assigned a task not working up front to sell accessories. I want to know what kind of legal advice can you give in order to confront the manager to allow me to work up front in order to participate in commission sales. I have also made flyers for each worker to give out to help them make commission sales and have made a small ad that is used on the front desk to get customers to buy accessories. The manager has set rules that whoever convinces the buyer to purchase the accessory gets the credit for the sale (and must be included on the ticket) even if someone else rings up the customer. Also, any google review left for the store with a worker's name in the review gets commission pay from that as well. These ads and google review flyers that I have made have been used for a year. Should I request commission back pay for the use of my ads? Is there something called that? Also what else in the commission laws can I mention to my manager in order to get some kind of compensation for lost ability to participate in commission sales? If you need more info, please ask. Thanks.

vendredi 10 février 2017

Small Digital Asset Marketplace

What if we had a small marketplace like Namepros and Digital Ocean has? Make some requirements like you have to have 5 likes on your posts and at least 20 posts or something and then make it so, for example, I can sell a domain or something really quickly or a website or a theme. :)

jeudi 9 février 2017

Where and when do you look for business funding?

I was wondering if this would be a good place to talk about how much the average small business owner relies on business funding / cash flow finance options for day to day operations vs. pulling operation costs from monthly budget. At what point do you decide that temporary debt is the right move in order not to miss out on things like vendor discounts, seasonal advertising promotions, long term branding as well as short term call to action advertising?

Also, I would like to understand where you look for cash flow financing when you are ready.

Facebook Ads?
Local Bank or Credit Union?
Respond to Telemarketer Call?
Referred By Friend?
Mail Advertisement?

Note: I run a small business and real estate investor funding advisor platform. The reason I am here is to actually have "real world dialogue" with boots on the ground business people. :cool::confused:

mercredi 8 février 2017

Bad customer service and no-reply emails

I hate no-reply emails. They may have a place such as just a simple confirmation that an account has been created, but for years I've seen companies using them for all communications. As if to say you're feedback is not wanted. My biggest issue with no-reply emails is that if you do have an issue they generally don't give you any information about where you can reply to. So you have to search the website to find a way to directly contact the company, our of context from the email that you just received.

I see this used a lot with customer service responses. I'm OK with the default message that they've received your message and are working on it. But when they finally reply to your issue from a no-reply email that you cannot respond to, it's infuriating.

This also goes into my rant about companies sending you through a lot of hoops just to contact them. No email, no phone numbers, sometimes not even a form. They direct you to a quagmire of F.A.Q's that should just be normal anyway, but no in place of actual communication with people when they have a problem.

On some sites, it can take minutes before you finally navigate through a series of clicks and trial and error before you actually find a way to reach out to them directly. IMO it's gotten our of control.

Now I see Small Businesses who claim to pride themselves on service, doing the same thing. Emulating large companies is fine when you are emulating people who are doing the right thing. Not emulating bad service with automation that removes you from actually talking to people.

I supposed there's a happy medium, but it's getting rarer and rarer to find companies who do it right.

I know I'm cranky and obsessive about customer service and professionalism, but am I alone here?


Hello to all of you. I would like to take this chance and introduce myself. My name is Matt and I am an IT specialist. Currently, I am cooperating with a company called Right Hello as I am starting my own company and I need some assistance when it comes to generating new leads. However, I would not like to talk about this now. I rather wanted to discuss some issues related to start-ups. I hope I will find answers to all questions that are bothering me right now as a beginner businessman. Hope you'll help.

mardi 7 février 2017

Hello to my all new small business and entrepreneur friends!

Hello all, I am writing this to introduce myself and getting to know all of you as well. I have a bachelor's of commerce and I had a short run in the IT field (although I am not an IT person at all hahaha) but unfortunately I was not able to continue or let's just say it was not easy to continue. In 2011-2012 I was diagnosed with an eye disease where you progressively lose your vision. I am currently considered legally blind and I can only see a tiny bit through a tunnel vision in my right eye. I decided to find alternatives to work from home or any other way that would be suitable with my condition. In 2013, I joined my friend on a little journey helping him with his business which provides marketing and web solutions...this was only for experience purposes as I didn't gain alot of money out of it. Then I moved on to becoming an Internet Marketer and ohhh boy it was a long journey of experience and gaining knowledge. I would say that I am at an intermediate level and I can def guide newbies to a strategic path that will save them alot of time and effort. I also would love for people to help me and guide me through this path as the learning curve never ends. I wish you all the best in your business and hope to see you all a successful journey.

You lifelong passive income

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lundi 6 février 2017

Converting hobby to business tax question

I converted my home based hobby to an official business this past year. My question is how do I account for the tools and inventory that I already had? I make quilts, custom drapes, and other items. For example I brought my sewing machine from home to the business. Fabrics, threads, scissors etc. I know what do do with what I have acquired since, like my long arm machine, but not sure how to include what I already had.

samedi 4 février 2017

original iphone 7 and 7 plus, iphone 6s and 6s plus,Samsung S7Edge,HTC M10,Xperia Z5

New arrival WhatsApp: +2347081988887: 100% original iphone 7 and 7 plus, iphone 6s and 6s plus, Samsung S7Edge, HTC M10, Xperia Z5 factory unlocked

Serious buyer should contact me through:
Whatsapp: +2347081988887
Skype: info.elitesnm

Unlocked Iphone 7, 7 most brand new, sealed box, 32, 128, 256 Gb any color unlocked iphone 7, 7 plus model. Color - Jet Black, Black, Silver, Pink Gold, Gold
Storage capacity - 32gb, 128gb, 256gb

Camera isight 12mp with 4x Led Flash
7mp face camera
IP67 Water and dust resistant
Tap-sensitive button
Ios 10
Retina Display Hd
Earpods Lighting
Lighting for headphone adapter
N the box:
Iphone with ios 10
Headphones with Lightning Connector
Lightning-fast 3.5mm headphone adapter
Lightning to Usb cable
USB Power Adapter
100% authentic phone
Apple Copy of receipts from the store included
Vessels in double box for damage protection

These iphone are 100% factory unlocked for international use.

These phones are unlocked at the factory of the option holder and do not require any contract

You will receive a package car charger with you order

What is copyright law for selling a product with a picture of anothe product

Hi, I am selling repair guides that show you how to repair electronic devices. I am going in competition with another company that also sells repair guides with labels over the picture of the device that is being repaired. What is the copyright law in using an image of, say, an iPhone that is disassembled? Can apple sue me for using the image of a disassembled iPhone in my product? Or can they only sue me if I use their logo in the image? Also, can I use a very small picture of an iPhone the corner showing what it "looks like" not disassembled? Its very hard to find info on copyright laws for using photos of devices that everyone has. I know you can't use pictures of artwork, literature, or even cars without some kind of permission. Does electronic devices count? Thanks for your response.

vendredi 3 février 2017

Join to the small business NOW!

Hi Everyone

We have launched the writing business which attracted 100 validated PhD writers who is willing to work right now.
We calculated that each writer can bring approximately and brutally $200 income per month.
We created the website which sell "writers as serivce" but figured out that there are a lot of competitors on that market.
Finally, we found solution how to enter to this market but it requies $20 000 for SEO and 6 months of developer work.
But we out of money already.
So, I would like to find a partner who is willing to join us and cover costs and divide our risks.

Will share all detailed information in private conversation.

P.S Entrepreneur - someone who take risks and manage it.
If you do not agree please do not waste my time please.

Opinions on Brother and HP printers


I work with a market research company, and we are looking for people in the Greater London area who would like to share what they think about their printer.

We are specifically looking for people who have Brother or HP A3 printers, either Laser or Inkjet.

We would visit you at your home or office (where you have the printer), at arranged times, between Monday 20th February and Friday the 24th February. The interview will take 60 minutes and there is an incentive of an £85 cash for taking part in this research.

We are looking for people who either own or regularly use specific printers in either a Small Office/Home Office or a Small Business (less than 250 staff).

If you would like to help us out, visit this link to register your interest.

Thank you!

jeudi 2 février 2017

Not sure

Ok, so I'm new to the independent contractor world and small business world. I own a pool cleaning company in AZ and we are set up as an LLC. That business part of things I have a pretty good handle on now. But my question is this, I do some independent contracting work for a friends company. When he was processing my 1099 a couple of weeks ago he asked if I wanted it go thru my EIN or my SSN. I didn't know I could have it filed thru my EIN. If that's the case, do I just have the paychecks from him sent directly to my business account? That then becomes part of the businesses revenue, subtract my expenses and such, set aside taxes and THEN see what I have left over to pay myself? Or is worth doing it that way? This is all SOOOO new me I feel like I'm in over my head.

Hello Everyone - Desert Island Pool Services

Hello - I've been a small business owner for about a year and a 1/2 and loving being my own boss. I'm still trying to work out kinks for taxes and some independent contractor work that I'm hoping to get answered while I'm on here.

mercredi 1 février 2017

Under the table employees?

Hello everyone,

Well update on the mobile car wash business I am running, couple months in and work is too much for me to handle! I went to local shopping centers and handed out 1,000 business cards and had a lot more people contact me than expected and I personally can not handle alone. I did put into thought if I do hire one employee for the mobile wash that the work would still be too much for two person to handle, and since I only have one van, I can't really divide the work to work in two different areas. I was thinking into finding a shopping plaza to set up shop, probably set up a canopy that can fit around five cars under and people drive up and we wash the cars and take off the mobile part of my business. I believe this would overall be cheaper and less of a hassle instead of getting more vehicles.

Anyhow, my main question is how would employees be paid? Other hand car washes that do this in my city pay all their employees with straight cash at the end of the day for what work they do. I highly doubt the whole business is kept under the radar but isn't paying employees under the table frowned upon by the tax man? When they file their taxes, and the money made doesn't match up with how much work one employee can physically do in a year, that wouldn't raise a red flag? I really don't want to put myself into a position where I can get in trouble or even have to lie cause we all know avoiding taxes can come back to haunt us.

Any insight on maybe something you guys know that I don't would be greatly appreciated!

Can you read this? I really need your experience! :)

Hello guys, how are you?

I'm new here in small-business-forum, just writing 'cause I read a lot of posts here...

So, let introduce myself and my family. My name is Johny, 32y old, brazilian, my wife, Aline, 27y old, italian and my daugther Stephanie, just 8y old, italian/brazilian.

I work since my 14y old, always in family business and my wife is photographer of pregnant women, newborns and families...

Me and my wife, we were in Florida (Miami and Orlando) 3 years ago and we really like the United States especially this wonderful state. Shortly after we returned from our trip, we decided that we would love to live in this country. So we researched many ways to live quietly, and we did not even think about getting illegal in the country, for many reasons known by everyone.

After a long time researching and talking with several people, we discovered the option of E-2 visa, my wife could apply to be a local investor.

Now is where I would like to count on the help, appreciation and knowledge of you guys.

So, we have an amount of approximately US$ 150,000.00, of which we can provide about US$ 100,000.00 to apply for the E-2 visa, we have to open a business or acquire one.

First we thought about buying a fuel station, but in reports read on internet I realized that it is not a big deal (please correct me if I am making a mistake). Then we thought of a Subway franchise, but I also realized that it was not something profitable.

As I said, we will be living in 3, preferably in Florida, Texas, Nevada or California.

Can you help me to understand a little more the business market of this beautiful country?

I would also very much like to be able to indicate business so that me, my wife and my daughter, had an income without exaggeration, but good.

Thank you so much guys.

Regards from Brazil :)

Hello from Central PA

Business owner of a family marble and granite countertop shop in central PA.

Happy to be here. I have some questions and just posted my first one over at the "starting your business"



Business within a business?

Good morning,

I have a family business that we are operating out of for marble and granite countertops as an S-corp. I am looking to start a side business under a different name using marble and granite scraps for a particular application.

Ideally i'm looking to run everything through my primary business just under a different name.



Hi Everyone here

Only ISO 9001:2015 paper cup machine manufacturer in India to produce quality paper cup machines, paper bag machines and tissue making machines. We do have a great team to sell our machines within India and other parts of the world.
All our machines are manufactured with extensive experienced team and quality controlled by highly trained quality staffs. We also have a good marketing team to communicate with the buyer and provide them 24/7 support. For more details contact,