vendredi 24 février 2017

G'day from all at Bookmemate!

G'day everyone!

I'm Simon from Bookmemate, an Irish/Australian startup business with a mission to give small business owners back the time they waste on administrative tasks like quoting, invoicing, inventory management and financial reporting.

I've been a lurker here for sometime, and learned a lot from the community. Now that I'm part of a growing SaaS business I'd like to actively participate, continue to learn and hopefully pass on some good info that we've picked up along the way as well.

My own background is in telecoms, specifically in commercial management of MNO's in the Pacific. So if anyone has any particular queries in that area I can definitely share what I've learned.

A little about Bookmemate:

Bookmemate started as a private booking/appointment management platform for our Founder Thomas' partner who runs a salon in Melbourne. Soon enough her friends and contacts in the beauty industry were asking for access and so Bookmemate was born!

Through our research we found a lot of small business owners were using multiple programs, apps and platforms to manage the administrative side of their business. Paying for a myriad of software solutions to unsuccessfully try and solve the same problem seemed mad to us, there had to be a better way...

Thomas began to develop a suite of features onto the Bookmemate platform with the aim of creating an all-in-one solution where each feature automatically communicated with all the others. So if I run a plumbing business & I invoice a customer for labour & a u-bend, the u-bend is automatically subtracted from my inventory and the revenue is automatically updated to my P&L and financial accounts. I also have a log of the customer details, what work I've done for them and can schedule a future appointment for a follow-up if required. That's more like it!

Thomas spent a long time locked away in a dark room coding like a mad alchemist and we think he's finally struck gold. Bookmemate now enables small business owners to manage quoting & invoicing (with embedded before/after photos), inventory, CRM, bulk SMS & basic financial reporting, all from one interconnected platform.

Our platform is cloud based so it can be accessed from a mobile device while on site with a customer on your home desktop at the end of the day to check your revenue & expense numbers.

So that's a bit about me & Bookmemate, thanks to you all for creating such a vibrant community here, I & Bookmemate look forward to being a part of it.

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