mardi 14 février 2017


Hi Everyone! I am new here. I work from home selling my handmade goods on various handmade and auction sites. The items I sell are bow ties, fleece dog shirts, scarves, and just about anything else I have the desire to create. I really like my business and don't think I would ever give it ip. I am unable to go to work, since I care for my handicapped son, and my company gives me a way I can do that.
This weekend I was doing my taxes and was once again, as in every year, gnawed by some questions about non incidental materials and supplies. So I went gonzo and picked up the phone and called the IRS to seek answers to my questions I could not find anywhere online. To my absolute surprise I spoke to a woman that was so nice and helpful that I felt all warm and squishy inside. Best thing was that I found out that I had chosen for years now to do everything correct on my taxes which was a huge relief. Because my questions were of things I could not find answers to from tax professionals, cpa's, or online, my first instinct was to find somewhere to post the information to maybe help someone with the same questions. I am happy to be here and would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day, have a great one!
P.S. If anyone needs a bow tie come see me at

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