mardi 28 février 2017

Looking for some feedback on my website, and some marketing questions.

Hi, I’ve written a document scanning and ocr application and have my website up and running for it. I was wondering if I could get some reviews on the site’s appearance and layout. Also, if I could get opinions on the pricing I’ve set that would be great. I’m trying to get this website business off the ground while working a full-time job. My target market is not the large companies that already have document scanning software and/or can afford to pay tens of thousands of dollars each year to install and maintain it. I want to reach the many smaller companies with 1-50 employees that don’t have this kind of software yet, only want to pay a “little bit” for it, and who want to install and learn it themselves. I think there’s a market for this product but I don’t know how to reach it. So far the website hasn’t really gone anywhere. I haven’t had much time to put into marketing it. I thought of joining affiliate networks but I didn’t want give control of distribution to one of these monoliths and have the hassle of dealing with them. I started an affiliate program with iDevAffiliate but I haven’t advertised it yet. My website is VeloScan - Home. If you could take a look and provide some feedback that would be great. If you know someone who could use this software I'm prepared to give them a permanent 85% discount just to get a user base. Thanks.

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