mercredi 1 février 2017

Under the table employees?

Hello everyone,

Well update on the mobile car wash business I am running, couple months in and work is too much for me to handle! I went to local shopping centers and handed out 1,000 business cards and had a lot more people contact me than expected and I personally can not handle alone. I did put into thought if I do hire one employee for the mobile wash that the work would still be too much for two person to handle, and since I only have one van, I can't really divide the work to work in two different areas. I was thinking into finding a shopping plaza to set up shop, probably set up a canopy that can fit around five cars under and people drive up and we wash the cars and take off the mobile part of my business. I believe this would overall be cheaper and less of a hassle instead of getting more vehicles.

Anyhow, my main question is how would employees be paid? Other hand car washes that do this in my city pay all their employees with straight cash at the end of the day for what work they do. I highly doubt the whole business is kept under the radar but isn't paying employees under the table frowned upon by the tax man? When they file their taxes, and the money made doesn't match up with how much work one employee can physically do in a year, that wouldn't raise a red flag? I really don't want to put myself into a position where I can get in trouble or even have to lie cause we all know avoiding taxes can come back to haunt us.

Any insight on maybe something you guys know that I don't would be greatly appreciated!

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