jeudi 9 février 2017

Where and when do you look for business funding?

I was wondering if this would be a good place to talk about how much the average small business owner relies on business funding / cash flow finance options for day to day operations vs. pulling operation costs from monthly budget. At what point do you decide that temporary debt is the right move in order not to miss out on things like vendor discounts, seasonal advertising promotions, long term branding as well as short term call to action advertising?

Also, I would like to understand where you look for cash flow financing when you are ready.

Facebook Ads?
Local Bank or Credit Union?
Respond to Telemarketer Call?
Referred By Friend?
Mail Advertisement?

Note: I run a small business and real estate investor funding advisor platform. The reason I am here is to actually have "real world dialogue" with boots on the ground business people. :cool::confused:

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