mercredi 8 février 2017

Bad customer service and no-reply emails

I hate no-reply emails. They may have a place such as just a simple confirmation that an account has been created, but for years I've seen companies using them for all communications. As if to say you're feedback is not wanted. My biggest issue with no-reply emails is that if you do have an issue they generally don't give you any information about where you can reply to. So you have to search the website to find a way to directly contact the company, our of context from the email that you just received.

I see this used a lot with customer service responses. I'm OK with the default message that they've received your message and are working on it. But when they finally reply to your issue from a no-reply email that you cannot respond to, it's infuriating.

This also goes into my rant about companies sending you through a lot of hoops just to contact them. No email, no phone numbers, sometimes not even a form. They direct you to a quagmire of F.A.Q's that should just be normal anyway, but no in place of actual communication with people when they have a problem.

On some sites, it can take minutes before you finally navigate through a series of clicks and trial and error before you actually find a way to reach out to them directly. IMO it's gotten our of control.

Now I see Small Businesses who claim to pride themselves on service, doing the same thing. Emulating large companies is fine when you are emulating people who are doing the right thing. Not emulating bad service with automation that removes you from actually talking to people.

I supposed there's a happy medium, but it's getting rarer and rarer to find companies who do it right.

I know I'm cranky and obsessive about customer service and professionalism, but am I alone here?

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