mardi 7 février 2017

Hello to my all new small business and entrepreneur friends!

Hello all, I am writing this to introduce myself and getting to know all of you as well. I have a bachelor's of commerce and I had a short run in the IT field (although I am not an IT person at all hahaha) but unfortunately I was not able to continue or let's just say it was not easy to continue. In 2011-2012 I was diagnosed with an eye disease where you progressively lose your vision. I am currently considered legally blind and I can only see a tiny bit through a tunnel vision in my right eye. I decided to find alternatives to work from home or any other way that would be suitable with my condition. In 2013, I joined my friend on a little journey helping him with his business which provides marketing and web solutions...this was only for experience purposes as I didn't gain alot of money out of it. Then I moved on to becoming an Internet Marketer and ohhh boy it was a long journey of experience and gaining knowledge. I would say that I am at an intermediate level and I can def guide newbies to a strategic path that will save them alot of time and effort. I also would love for people to help me and guide me through this path as the learning curve never ends. I wish you all the best in your business and hope to see you all a successful journey.

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