jeudi 2 février 2017

Not sure

Ok, so I'm new to the independent contractor world and small business world. I own a pool cleaning company in AZ and we are set up as an LLC. That business part of things I have a pretty good handle on now. But my question is this, I do some independent contracting work for a friends company. When he was processing my 1099 a couple of weeks ago he asked if I wanted it go thru my EIN or my SSN. I didn't know I could have it filed thru my EIN. If that's the case, do I just have the paychecks from him sent directly to my business account? That then becomes part of the businesses revenue, subtract my expenses and such, set aside taxes and THEN see what I have left over to pay myself? Or is worth doing it that way? This is all SOOOO new me I feel like I'm in over my head.

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