samedi 31 août 2013

Joining an existing company restaurant

I need help!! I am a manager of a small but very successful family owned restaurant. There are currently 3 people who split the shares of the restaurant. They are split 70% 27% and 3%. The two people who are the 70 and 27 do not actually work at the restaurant anymore. They each only work about 10 hours a week and even then they only do little paperwork. They approached me and asked if I would be interested in opening another store since I have the cash to do so.

Instead of giving me some of their shares, they would just add more shares to the existing store and basically I would become a 10% owner of the corporation. Now here are my questions...

1. What determines what each one of us is paid since some of us work 90 hours a pay period compared to some who only work 10?

2. Does having more shares mean you get paid more?

3. Can the 70% person take anything he wants because he is majority or do all owners have to agree what each owner is paid?

I basically don't want to get screwed over by the current owners who already take a huge income from a store where I am literally doing all the work and the hours? Because if I became owner I do not agree to what the other owners are paying themselves for the small amount of hours they work.


@Gabe Gravity Forms or Wufoo


Originally Posted by Gabe View Post

I'm curious why you use PDFs for quotes? Is there a specific reason? That seems a bit outdated when you could use something like Gravity Forms or Wufoo that's much less of a pain in the a** for you and the client. You can also integrate Gravity Forms with FreshBooks to turn estimates into invoices in a couple clicks. I think this is important because the more difficult something is, the less likely your prospects are to follow through. Using an online form will also give you the ability to track metrics. Additionally, I have a bit of a peeve for downloadable PDF forms. Not only does the user need software to view it, but it takes more time, it's an attachment, they have to find where it saved, etc. Unless there's a good reason, it doesn't make sense.

Gabe, can you elaborate on this a bit. I'm interested in sending quotes, invoices etc. I currently copy and paste a html page into an email and send it to the customer. Some customers strip off the html so the quote looks like gibberish. When I need to I print it as a pdf and attach it to an email. I consider both of these very inefficient, the pdf being the most inefficient time-wise. It takes several steps to create.

I'm assuming Gravity Forms and Wufoo create a customer accessible html page that they can print or print to file etc. Would either of these be of value if the information is taken from a cart plugin for WP? Can they take information from a non WP db / table structure? How do you envision this working for quotes and orders?


Design Studio Website Feedback - Wozcreative

Hey guys!

So I've been ripping up everyones work so now it's my turn to ask for some reliable, honest feedback on my new website that is 85% there.

I am going to have it up for you temporarily for the next couple of days, hopefully I can get some feedback, but then I'll have to take it down as I don't really want it floating around for too long as it's not complete (and may get confusing for people with the 2 sites in existance)

Anyway my ORIGINAL site is:

The original one was meant for to show that I'm a freelancer and catered towards small business and design agencies who would hire if they got too busy.

But the one I need to get feedback on is: (temporary url)Wozcreative | Elwira Wozniak | Portfolio | Toronto Mississauga Freelance Graphic and Website Designer

This new one needs to focus on me being a "design studio"... I would like less design agencies coming to me.. I want to work with clients directly.

I also don't want to seem like a huge company—because I'll never be one.. atleast for the next 3 - 5 years. My business model is to provide everything from conception (logo/branding) to print/flyers/brochures... to website design and development. So startups are fantastic for that. They also always have the most passion and that energy rubs of on you!

What I will be adding to the site that is currrently not there:


• Quote Request Form with downloadable PDFs that have fillable forms for specific projects.. ie logo design.

• Pricing Details (just a detail page about how I structure projects)

• In the future divide up all my services into separate pages and provide more information

• Add much more portfolio pieces

• Add logos to my "clients" page.. maybe restructure that page a bit better.. the list doesn't work for me.

• Add more infographics/icons to specific key information

• Maybe redesign the logo.. so far a placeholder

• Maybe re-wrod and restructure what I am saying.. I'm very bad with grammar and I know I need to re-read and re-write many many times but I'm ok with that.

Regarding style, my focus was more on "content" and the portfolio pieces themselves. I wanted to make sure the site is not extracting from the actaul work/services... and the simpler the design the less I will get bored of it. Flat design is also in ;)

So I'd be happy to hear from developers, designers and even potential clients who know nothing about design to give me honest feedback.


Hi everyone, Drew here from London.

Hi everyone,

Just stopping by to say hello and hope to contribute as much as i can to forum. I run a roofing company in London, UK.

Looking forward in joining in on friendly banter and discussions!



vendredi 30 août 2013

Return Shipping Costs - Legal Obligations

A customer ordered a product from us yesterday. We accepted the transaction and sent instructions to our warehouse to fulfill the product. This morning at 5:30 AM our time, the customer sent us an email to cancel the order. We did not see this email until 11 AM and by that time the order had already shipped.

Our policy to to provide customers with a product refund if they return the items to us. We are happy to do so in this case. However, I'm concerned that the customer is going to balk about paying for the shipping because they are going to claim they "cancelled the order." In reality there wasn't sufficient time for us to stop the shipment. Are we under any obligation to pay for the return shipping in this case?


Youtube views marketing


I'm starting my own youtube views/likes business, reting a server to provide real views from social media website (facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google ... ect ) it cost me about $500 per mounth.

I do not have a website to promote my business, I know that my rates are cheaper than most of other providers.

starting at 50,000 Worldwide Views for only $15,99 in less than 3 days (good retention) , I need some help to find costumers for my business

I know it's difficult without a website but if I made a website I know that I have to invest again for it, you know ...

thanks for reading, Best regards

Saul Hudston


jeudi 29 août 2013

Hello, I'm excited to start contributing.

Hi, my name is Nathan, I created this account for myself and my team. We are building a web site as a resource for small business owners. At it's center is a weekly news and interview show aimed at very small businesses (0-10 employees). As we research news, shoot these interviews and actually run a very small business (3 people) we are constantly learning new things and I really think we can contribute a lot to this forum. Also, as we haven't yet officially launched the site, we would LOVE feedback so we can see if this is something small business owners want, and hopefully make it better.. Full disclosure, our site is a fermium business model but we are offering free premium memberships for evaluation through September 15. If anyone is interested, it would really help us make our product more useful. If you want the official spiel you can check out the site Participate in our site evaluation - FREE 2 month Premium Membership - Small Business File


Nathan and the Small Business File team.

Note: If it is inappropriate to post this link on this forum or links to out interviews we think are relevant, please let us know. We just want to be a part of the small business community and honestly need the feedback. We don't want to just spam you.


What is your biggest challenge in growing a small business?

Hi All, I wish to write a series of business articles that will add value and help small business owners in the areas they truly struggle. To help me narrow my focus I need your feedback on the above question. (Here's any opportunity to tell it like it really is.)

Many Thanks

Juliet :)


Help with some general Marketing question

As stated in my Intro thread...I am taking a marketing class and my professor is confusing and my text book have not arrived yet

it be great help if you know the answer to these

I really appreciate your help :)


Which marketing management philosophy assumes that a sale does not depend on an aggressive sales force but rather on a customer’s decision to purchase a product?

a. Product

b. Sales

c. Exchange

d. Production

e. Market


Walker Farms heard from many of its customers that they would like organic produce. As a result, Walker Farms became a certified organic farm. Walker realized that while not all consumers were willing to pay the higher prices for organic produce, his customers wanted the organic produce. Walker realized:

a. his business is about selling the cheapest vegetables

b. he is a sales-oriented farm

c. he missed sales by not concentrating on the average customer

d. different customer groups have different needs and wants

e. his aim is a goal of profit through maximum sales volume


Which of the following is an argument used to support corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

a. The free market, not companies, should decide what is best for the world.

b. CSR can be a profitable undertaking.

c. Businesses are not responsible for social or environmental problems.

d. Businesses don't have the expertise to make social decisions.

e. All of the above are arguments used in support of CSR.


Hello :)

Hello everyone,

My name is not Prince but its a nickname I use online :)

I join this forum because I am taking a marketing class and need some help...apparently my professor lecture is confusing and my book have not arrived yet

well i hope to be active around here and get to know you all :)

also I am a Graphic Design student. If you need any sort of design need I can help with that




Why does awareness marketing work?

As I read more about marketing, I've begun to question why awareness marketing works. Why does merely knowing about a product or service increase the chances a person will buy it? Is it not more likely the person will buy or not buy based on what others have said about the product and any previous experiences the person has had with the product or service? Since marketing cannot control what the person experiences with the product or service, why do awareness messages work?

For example, Nike commercials simply say "we exist" and "Nike is the choice for athletic people." But if you as a customer don't agree with that message (perhaps you've tried their shoes and you didn't get stronger legs from the specially designed walking shoe), how is simply saying "Nike exists as the choice for athletic people" going to sway you to think positively of their company?

Thanks for any thoughts.


Starting a theater; Need feedback!

Hello, I have a business idea of starting a movie theater that features older films and has an overall old fashioned atmosphere. For example, we would have old time popcorn machines, soda fountain, etc. All the films would be projected in the original film format, not on digital. The whole concept of the business is to solve the problem that generations are disconnected. I'd like to see people of the older generation bring their children or grandchildren and enjoy themselves, while creating a sentimental experience for the both of them. If you'd be so kind to leave some feedback or even any way I can improve, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


Hunting Expeditions In the Floridian Everglades

We are starting a hunting expedition business in the Florida everglades to hunt Burmese python. Since hunting them is always in season because they are invasive, they can be killed/captured whenever. also, we are not aware of any other companies like this that exist. anybody see any problems we should address?


advertise for free


I draw portraits from photographs, you can see them here:

I have a problem with the ad, I know that people procure them for gifts mostly for boyfriend or girlfriend.

how can I get more orders?

I do not have money for advertising

I have a 2 year-old son, so I do not want to go to work.

any ideas?

please help

Attachment 320

Attached Images


advertise for free


I draw portraits from photographs, you can see them here:

I have a problem with the ad, I know that people procure them for gifts mostly for boyfriend or girlfriend.

how can I get more orders?

I do not have money for advertising

I have a 2 year-old son, so I do not want to go to work.

any ideas?

please help

Attachment 319

Attached Images


managaing manpower in a business

It is very necessary to manage manpower in the business so that the goals of our business can be achieved as soon as possible. It becomes the formost duty of the human resource manager to mange the manpower in such a way that the company can take more advantage of labor without making them feel monotonous. And if the owner of the business succeeds in this than he can surely tackle all the hurdles in the business....


mercredi 28 août 2013

Alternative to Hoover's Subscription for Sales Prospecting


I just started as an outside sales rep, handling the South Florida market for a company with about 15 employees, 5 of which are salespeople.

We sell GPS fleet management software and hardware to SMB companies that want to track their vehicles and equipment.

Previous to this job, I had an outside sales position for a large wireless telco and sold from from a portfolio of about 300 vendors. At this company, I had access to a Hoover's subscription, as well as an internally developed CRM and funnel management system that got its sales prospecting data from D&B.

At my new company, sales reps have been using the Yellow Pages for some leads, but mainly just drive around through their assigned territories in search of businesses and prospect face to face with what they find.

I feel that I can be a ton more productive (both by foot and with teleprospecting) with the types of tools mentioned above.

I just got off the phone with Hoover's, and for the type of subscription that can filter companies by NAICS and SIC codes within a list of target zip codes, it will run $250-$300 per month.

I doubt my company will be willing to spend this much and I may be on my own to pay for anything that I come up with.

Does anyone have thoughts/advice on an alternative to a Hoover's subscription? My main objective is to take a particular zip code (or list of them), and come up with a prospecting list of companies that fit my criteria (ie: mechanical contractors, couriers, limos...etc) and then export this list to Excel.

Thank you for your help!



Feedback please

Okay, I am at the beginner stage of my website . The website is few weeks old and I'm getting some traffic.

There off course be a lot more high quality content in it. But for the start, how does it look? Any functional suggestions?

Thank you in advance


uses of blogging

So guys how does blogging earn us some money.


Landing pages that cause me to RUN...

I have NEVER seen a landing page that you have to keep scrolling down on (the never ending page) That offered a legitimate product or service.

I am wondering if anyone here has?

(I do not consider selling starter kits or information you can get free from Google legitimate uses for landing pages either!)

I have seen many great landing pages, always 1 page, most information above the fold and not tons of writing trying to convince you to buy!


emergency locksmith brooklyn

Reliable Lockout Service from Locksmith Brooklyn

Brooklyn Locksmith NY can help if you have any of the following problems. Have you ever suffered a lockout? Left your keys within your house or your car and have to get a way in? As all of us continuously fight through the every day mill, hurrying to combat the twenty-four hour clock, it’s really widespread that all of us encounter a lockout and require locksmith help.

emergencylocksmithbrooklyn net


Mary from GA

Hi, guys! I'm Mary and I just decided to start my own online (and physical, if my body would still allow for!) business, though I'm still not sure what would that be. If you can help me to choose what type of products to sell, you may base it with my interests, which include books, photography and jewelries. What do you guys think?

(I'm sorry if this might be a duplicate post, I didn't find my first post similar to this one so I thought of reposting it. Thanks!)


mardi 27 août 2013

Websites for internet marketing

In this day and age with the economy the way it is, job security is a thing of the past. As there becomes less and less jobs and wages are not able to keep up with the exponential increase of the "cost to live", people are resorting to alternate ways to make money.

There is a growing movement of people who are opting for a life dependent on the internet and for those who succeed, it has become quite the rewarding lifestyle. People now have the ability to make money whenever and wherever. In fact, some people spend the majority of their time on vacation and only need to put in an hour or two of work per day.

Here are 2 ways people make money with internet marketing

1. Affiliate/Internet Marketing - This is by far the most rewarding way to make money online. It is not uncommon for people to $5,000-$10,000 each month. Basically all you are doing is promoting and selling other people's products and earning commission. If you can learn the ways of mass/attraction marketing, you can earn an incredibly rewarding income with little to no up front investment.

Some of the top websites that offer affiliate programs and marketing tools are: - selling hard goods that are offered in their inventory without ever having to handle to actual product. The commissions are not huge, but you sell products in high volume, which can really add up over time. - This is a website that shows you a free video about a great marketing system where you promote and sell Motor Club of America memberships. This program does all the selling for you while you earn $80+ per sale. This system has been so effective that making $1000 per week has become the norm. - You promote and sell downloadable products, guides, and ebooks and earn commissions as high as 85%. This is a great option for those who have a high traffic blog and the great thing is that it's absolutely free. - This website works the same as clickbank.

2. Pay per click advertising - If you build a website, blog, or Youtube video, you can set them up for Google Adsense or revenue sharing. What happens is they put advertising put on your pages and you get paid every time someone clicks on one.


Manufacturing a new weapon

We are making a sling-arrow. It is essentially a slingshot that shoots arrows instead of rocks and what not. This weapon also has one main purpose; to help with eradication of the invasive Burmese Python from the Floridian Everglades. We are wondering if it is a good idea to start in the current state of the US economy. We have the design and the funds to start it up, but we are not sure if we would be able top keep it going. Please reply.


lundi 26 août 2013

Helping the Homeless

We are a group of high school students that have organized a sale of hand-made blankets to raise funds for a homeless shelter. We plan to produce a variety of different blankets and sell them at different sporting and school events. We plan to mainly target your typical "soccer mom." The money raised will be donated to the Humilaty of Mary Housing in Davenport, Iowa. We were wondering if there were any ideas or helpful information you could give us to help our charity efforts. inhate hou


What's the Biggest Problem You're Facing Right Now or Have Faced?

The title of the post says it what is it?


Donating to the Homeless Charity

idk idk idk how to delete this help me bc idk


Starting a Breast Cancer Fundraiser

We are starting a fundraiser for breast cancer, and wanted some help on what the consumers want. We are thinking about selling bracelets that are pink and white, but we still haven't decided if we are selling 1 inch or 1/2 inch bracelets. Which would you buy? We are selling them in and around our community. Do any of you have any ideas of what we could do to advertise and who we should target as our audience. Thanks for all of the suggestions.


Planing to start a business as LLC single owner.

I am planning to start a convenience store business in SC as LLC single owner. My visa status is H1 which says that i can able to invest in business but i cant able to work for that entity. SO i am planning to hire some employee to run my day to day business.But my problem is , i cant able to sign on my checks because i cant able to work for my entity . Can any body please suggest what can i do for signing the checks. If possible i am planning to keep my partner from india .who leave in india. can he run the business from india like signing the checks. is that is a problem if he send blank checks from india.


hello everyone!!!

hi everyone... I am linda and new here. :o


dimanche 25 août 2013

Hello there Members!!!

I want to have this opportunity to say hallo and I'm looking forward to communicate/seek advice from you. Thanks:)


Questions Before Starting a Niche Website?

Hello Forum:

I have an idea to start an online paid dating website based on a niche (Based on Religion).

I absolutely don't know anything about coding, web development or technicalities. So I would hire people to build and run the website.

I have a few questions in this regard:

*Does it go like this that when the site is new with a few members, the cost to run it will be relatively low. And when the members increase the cost to run the site also increase. But earnings also go up because of more members. I mean is it possible to recover one's total/partial cost and expenses as the site grow?


*The cost to run and maintain the site is fixed from the beginning, regardless of the number of members?

*Can anyone please educate me about the expenses? How much minimum capital should I have at hand?

*Also, even on a brand new dating site, they already have members. Where do these first members come from?

I shall be highly thankful for your valuable input and advice. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks a lot.


samedi 24 août 2013

Hello everyone!

My name is Stakie, I run a soap and crafts business. I'm a very small business looking to make my store more efficient.

I'm finally getting a permanent residence. However I still am a traveling vendor. Looking into a mobile POS system to use not only at my store front, but for when I am out on the go. I want to convert my laptop into my mobile POS station but not sure how.

I have lots of new ideas and happy to have found people I can throw my ideas around with!


Facebook Question on adding Friends

Can I sort add a friend list by locals alphabetically? Or can I down load it to a spread sheet ?


Your feedbak about my site


I have creates a site for finding business partners.

Find Business partners

This site is few weeks running. But still people don't use it so much. I put my site on Google add-words

Can you give me some feedback about it? do you think people will use it ? would you use it?

What can I improve?

Many thanks



Business credit card debt

Does anybody know of a good source of advice to help me settle some of my credit card debt?

I have a good business, but my business credit card debt keeps draggin me down.

Any advice would be greatly apprecated!



vendredi 23 août 2013

Some random SEO thoughts from someone who ranks well

Here are some thoughts I have regarding SEO.

Disclaimer - I rank extremely well for several excellent (and expensive) keywords in a very competitive industry. I'm talking #1 to top 3.

My basic SEO thoughts are fairly "quaint". I feel Google (et al) logically wants to give searchers the best sites for their query. So I try and be that site. I don't care about whatever silly little tricks of the moment are out there - I just have a solid website that I feel is the best, most informative site for my industry, and I keep it that way. I truly feel that approach is the winning approach over time.

  • I do all of the backend stuff, like page titles, descriptions, I make sure Google has my sitemap, etc. Wordpress has made this easy. I do admit to slipping on this a bit for pages I don't care about.

  • For competitive industries, "time online" does matter. This is an opinion, but it's a strong one. I've been at this for more than a decade.

  • I have good, clear content, and a lot of it. People actually read my website (at least the ones I want to read it do). I feel this matters too.

  • My site is extremely easy to understand. No guesswork at all as to what I do.

  • I do not spam keywords trying to get one page to rank for nine things (why do you people do this?) I basically make one page for each thing I'd like to rank for, and that's that.

  • I update and blog on a fairly regular basis. Nothing crazy, but you'll never see my last blog post two months ago, either.

  • I am patient. It took a long time to climb the rankings. If you need immediate traffic, try adwords. If you can't afford adwords, I question your business commitment. Sorry to all of you people starting a website with a $30 monthly ad budget.

Now, with all of that said, here's another thing I have found out:

Adwords outperforms even a #1 ranking

I have tested this extensively. There is no other conclusion I can reach - with competitive industries that have the full boat of ads (meaning three up top and a full list on the right) adwords beats organic rankings.

I *do* think that having a page one organic ranking *and* an adwords ad is a very strong combination. It lends a ton of credibility.


Set up your Online Business

Yes, We will help you to setup your complete online business. Free Consulting for getting ideas about online businesses. No need to send money to setup online business. No Products Required, No Shipping Required. Just manage one website and earn lot of money slowly slowly. No Risks in online business. Global Market available.

Reply this thread and get more information about online businesses.


5 Health benefits of Clean Home !

1. Burns Calories

Although it might not seem like too much of a workout, cleaning is one of many unlikely calorie calculator. one can burn an average 205 calories per hour during a cleaning time.

Attachment 318

2. Reduces Stress

We all love the feeling of a clean home, and that finishing feel, as well as the process itself, can reduce anxiety.

for example , where to find your car keys,you can completely bypass that frantic and stressful search right before work. ... nd that will save your time as well !

3. Helps Your Allergies

Frequently vacuuming, washing your bedsheets and curtains, cleaning out your kitchen sink and refrigerator's, and dusting your furniture are among the best ways to control your allergies.

4. It Improves Concentration

Having a clean work space also allows you to better prioritize,think because you are able to see what's important without being bogged down by all the other surrounding you. With a little cleaning work daily, you will be able to accomplish more in less time, and will quickly feel more relaxed and in control of your surroundings.

5. It Gives You an Anger Outlet

Cleaning is a easy and successful way to release anger and frustration, which is why people reach for a vacuum after a long day on work or any heated argument.


some suggestions for best home cleaning services in delhi/ncr/gurgaon

(i). Quick Home Clean

(ii). Home cleaning Sevices

(iii). House cleaning Delhi

have a healthy life !

Regard's : harshpradhan

Attached Images


jeudi 22 août 2013

Investor wants total control of company.

First time post. Recently opened up a Pediatric Physical Therapy Clinic. Consisting of myself(not a physical therapist), and two pediatric physical therapist. We are all equal partners. Have been in talks with a capital investor. The clinics projected valuation is 1 Million dollars. Investor understands our strong need for capital. His initial offer cutting through details is $200,000 for %52 of company essentially giving him control of business. This is something we do not want to do. We feel this is a high ball offer to see what our response is. Would like some advice on how to approach this scenario. Investor will have nothing to do with clinic as far as work and clinic has been open 4 weeks. We feel with this offer we essentially will be working as employees.

Thank you


mVirtual Card Introduction


I would like to introduce you to mVirtual Card -- a new customer loyalty app company.

Many companies like this currently exist, but we distinguish ourselves in three ways:

1. Custom -- unlike other apps that put your store as part of a general loyalty program, we will customize the app to your specifications, making an app for you.After designing the app we will launch your app (again, not part of some general scheme) in the App Store and Google Play Market under your company name.

For example, say you own Joe's Coffee Shop, when customers want to download your loyalty card app, they go to the App Store or Google Play Store and

search for your app.

2. Post Launch implementation-- Many times companies will launch their app -- either by themselves or through one of the "general" companies mentioned above -- and it will just sit there with no one downloading it. At mVirtual Card we realize that launching the app marks only the beginning of the relationship, and in

order to make your loyalty program a success you will need to make sure your customers actually use your app. We have a lot of experience in "converting"

these customers, and will tailor a unique program to make sure your customers use the app, which will in turn increase sales.

3. Flexible Pricing Options -- We offer two pricing models, one that allows you to buy the app, and one that allows you to pay a monthly subscription fee. You

know what your business needs, and we want to give you as many options as possible

If you have any questions please PM me directly, or visit our site --

Look forward to hearing from you!


The mVirtual Card Team


Hello All New Business Friends


My name is Denise and i own Basket Hill Watches and Gifts. Ive been in retail for over 10 yrs. My brick and mortar store closed in 2007 and i opened up an online version on Ebay in 2008. (well id been selling extra stock for years but not in a dedicate way). I am also on Ioffer and Bonanza and just yesterday launched my webstore .(in hopes it helps me get into amazon. Im glad to be here , to meet new business folks and get help and offer what help i can.

thank you

Denise R

<please set up a signature through Settings>


Can a Normal person Backend SEO there site


Last-week we had a meeting with a SEO firm and was shocked when they typed certain keywords we didn't display anywhere in Google. I took it upon myself after the meeting and tried different keywords and even the city beside the keyword and nothing still showed.:mad:

Is Back-ending SEO your E commerce site via keywords something a normal person can complete to gain rank,I'm still shocked because I took the time to keyword all the products on my-site.

We have a Google place page that's 93% complete with keywords of select equipment we carry,IE Snowboards & Longboards.

looking for advice if we should spend the $$$$$ with the SEO Company or try something else.



mercredi 21 août 2013


hey everybody! im so glad to be the part of that community and really enjoy it

here i want to share my knowledge in marketing with everybody and i hope i will leran more from forum friends:):):)


Clear Dental guard for night bruxism

Apart from the main things teeth are one of the main parts of human body but mostly people do not well care of it A mouthguard is a protective device for the mouth that covers the teeth and gums to prevent and reduce injury to the teeth, arches, lips and gums. A mouthguard is most often used to prevent injury in contact sports, as a treatment for bruxism or TMD, or as part of certain dental procedures, such as tooth bleaching. Depending on application, it may also be called a mouth protector, mouth piece, gumshield, gumguard, nightguard, occlusal splint, bite splint, or bite plane.


mardi 20 août 2013

Looking for suggestions for a 3rd party appointment/class sign up

Maybe someone here knows of a solution.

Basically, I'm looking for an online service something like Doctors use or Restirant reservations, that will allow a client to set up an account and book people to sign up for classes.

We would just link to each event/class from the website.

Some basic features I'd like, if possible:

  • Location/Google Maps

  • Take Payments at sign up

  • Notification of new sign ups

  • To be able to add an image

  • Easy to use, easy to sign up for

NOT looking for a virtual assistant. Rather it be an online service.

If anyone knows of anything like that, I'd love to see some options.



Loan Offer At Low Interest Rate.

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Loan is available to people from 18 years and above.




Loan Offer At Low Interest Rate.

I am Mr. Abdul-Hassan Kazim, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 3% per annual and within the amount of $500.00 to $50,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL :


Loan Offer At Low Interest Rate.

I am Mr. Abdul-Hassan Kazim, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 3% per annual and within the amount of $500.00 to $50,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL :


Loan Offer At Low Interest Rate.


Do you have a bad credit?

Do you need money to pay bills?

Do you need to start up a new business?

Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?

Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you? and you don't know what to do.

I am Mr. Abdul-Hassan Kazim, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 3% per annual and within the amount of $500.00 to $50,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL :


Loan Offer At Low Interest Rate.

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Loan is available to people from 18 years and above.




Loan Offer At Low Interest Rate.

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loan offer to start your business

Do you need a loan? Are you in need of any kind of loan? Apply now to ( for the best of loan. We offer all kinds of loan in both long terms and short terms. Apply now and you will share the testimony to others.

Loan is available to people from 18 years and above.




lundi 19 août 2013

Hello new friends

Hello guys,

My name is Mike. My friends and I have developed an employee tracking application. It helps businesses track employees and retrieve inefficiencies in day to day activities. Sound like fun right?:P If you want to know more about that PM me, but I'm here to learn some things and hopefully share some expertise on some topics in the field of business.


Choosing a business name and domain

So I have spent the last week pouring over tons of internet articles, godaddy, and a host of other sites, looking for a name for my new business. Im wondering from the community here if they would have any advice on the best way to choose a business name. I know from all the sites they say to find a clever name, a name that relates to my business, etc, but all these names seem to not be available domains. Also Im wondering if anyone has used Google Adwords in assisting them with finding a business name.


Does Operating Agreement Date Really Matter?

Hi guys, it's me again! Before I get into my question I just want to say thanks again. My business is official now, I have successfully filed with my state. All of which I would not have been able to do without your help. I am hoping you can come through for me again.

Now that I have my SOSL# I guess my next step is to get a bank account. Before I sent off my paperwork to form my LLC business, I already had an Operating Agreement created, signed and myself and another Member have been running operations off the terms in that agreement. So here is my question, before I go to the banks and they give me a headache over this....Our Operating Agreement is dated about three months before our LLC-1/LLC-12 was filed and confirmed. Will the banks have an issue with this? Should I change the date on the Operating Agreement for a date after the LLC-1/LLC-12 were filed? Anyone have thoughts about this? Thanks!


Registering a business in NJ for 1 person - Single Member LLC ? Something else ?

Greetings all;

I have worked as a consultant for other companies in the past. I was debating registering a company, whether I get any business or clients is unknown, but I want to register with a certain name.

Me and my wife are both US citizens and NJ residents, we file a joint return in NJ.

My wife could be part of this, although she does not have any knowledge of my industry (Information Technology, Governance, Risk, and Compliance).

I met with the small business administration person and she told me to register as an LLC. However, I did some reading and seem to gather a single member LLC is a "disregarded entity" by the IRS.

We have several options in NJ - as follows

LLC (SIngle member only - any value to doing this ?)

NJ Domentic Profit Corp - DP

NJ Domestic Professional Corp (PA) (don't think this is a fit, we do IT compliance, not medical, etc.)

Limited Partnership (the only partner could be my wife, but we prefer she is not, except for being a woman owned business, and for getting her insurance)

Limited Liability Partnership

Here are some requirements.

#1 - I want my personal assets protected.

#2 - I may or may not get clients / business. If I find a job, then the newly registered company just sits there, with no income and minimal expenses.

#3 - If my COBRA health insurance runs out, I would like my me and my wife to get medical insurance - we could do this as individuals or through the company. Ideally speaking, my wife does not want to be in the business, but depends on advice given.

#4 - If possible, we would like to keep the accounting and taxes for the business separate, which may not happen with LLC being a disregarded entity, unless, in NJ it does not matter ?

The accountant wants 250/hour - which I can't afford to pay, so here we are. If anyone provided advice, I appreciate it, my only request is, if you are not sure of something, please be clear - so I don't take off in the wrong direction.

Thanks all.


what is reason to wear mouth guard

The main reason to wear a mouth guard is that accidents happened in physical activities and everyone who is engaged in all these activities must wear a mouth guard to save from him for bad injuries.


samedi 17 août 2013

Experience with Pizza Hut Franchise

Hi All,

this is my First post and i'm working as a software consultant and owning up a business is life time dream..

I have been thinking of opening up a Pizza Hut Franchise....

I looked on internet but i couldn't find anywhere what would be the margins of profit of sales...

I would appreciate if some one of you either own or know some one who owns a pizza hut franchise to share some info ...

You can reach me at if you want to share contact details

Thanks again.. Looking forward for valuable advice



Starting, a new business.

Well i am a senior in university and a friend and i would like to start a gym after i graduate student from university.Obviously we need the cash, but how much encounter is necessary? I am preparing on getting business in university moreover to either sports/exercise technology or mindset. Any suggestions.



I am fairly new to this things but i think i have gotten pretty good. I want to provide some good income generating techniques to this group, for I have had some achievements lately. Hopefully with the same techniques other people can have achievements like me.


business of event decoration and party rentals

business of event decoration and party rentals

When you use all these things in the adornment then your beloved people praise of your happening. The occasion is adorned for some purposes such as birthday party, wedding ceremony party and also for marriage Reception


vendredi 16 août 2013

costco payroll service


I am wondering if below link from costco payroll requires to buy any additional software?or any other options. Currently there will be 2 employees but other employess may join later

<link removed>

Thank you very much!!


Taking back invested money in LLC


I have a question.My wife started LLC in 2012 and invested about 3200$ but no income that year. In 2013 she poured another 2000$.

Now LLC has some income also I got added as another member.

Can she get those 5200$ back from the company ? Are there any tax implications?

Thanks for your help and assistance!



Have you ever marketed an eBook?

If so, how did you do it? How many copies have you sold in what amount of time?

I'd love to hear about everyone's experience with eBook writing here. Not so much writing it but...

What you did to sell it. Used your current site? Bought ads? What?

I'm in the process of writing one and would love some ideas.

My goal? Sell 1,000 copies within 1 year. What is YOUR goal?


How to sell pictures? How increase sale?


I have got a little problem with my biznes. I am a photographer and i work in hospital. Every monday i go to the special room where, relax mom's (8) with new borned baby's. Then I speak everyone that i am photographer and doing one gratis foto to baby's & parents. I take several picture. If the parents agree foto are going to newspapper and FB.

In Tuesday I work in photoshop with foto's.

Wednesday that's day when parents are going off hospital. I have got with me 6 picture to one baby. One picture is gratis, but 5 picture I am selling (1st pacage). All pictures are in special album. Inside on the left is one picture on page. On the right are 5 fotos in special overlap. The customer must take off picture to see next. Also I have got second pacage 20 picture, but 15 am sending by post office, e-mail, mms.

Prize: 1 foto – gratis,

single foto – 8$ ,

1st pacage (5 foto) – 25$,

2nd pacage (20foto) – 50$.

So how can i increase sell? How to speak with new parents? Maybe album isn't correct?

Have you got any sugestion to promotion?

Please help,

Sory for my launguage, i am learning eng


FREE Webinar: "When Do Mobile Apps Enhance Businesses?"

We are glad to invite you to attend our webinar on September 4th, at 10:00 AM (PST). The webinar deals with the problems faced by businesses, which struggle to occupy new mobile niches. It will be especially useful for startup businesses, innovators, and owners of small and middle businesses, who want to establish mobile presence.

Webinar - MobiDev


Good Landing Page Or No? I'm in the process of promoting a new fitness app.

It is now live and taking sign ups for Android/iPhone users.

Essentially what it this:

An app for personal trainers/clients that allow them to do meal plans, workouts, etc

All without ever meeting in person. It also allows personal trainers to track their earnings, etc.

What do you guys think of the sign up page?

One thing we're trying to do in order to get more signups is offering the first month free.

Then, it's only $5 a month.




hello every one


Percentage split with investor


I'm very happy I found this site; so far I've found some very useful information.

Here's my story. I am a professional chef who presently works as a private chef on a luxury yacht in South Florida. I've met a gentleman who is a very successful business man. His business is insurance and he's basically retired now. He's 70 years old, very sharp and a very nice man. That being said, he is very interested in possibly opening a mid-high end restaurant here in Miami and he wants me to run the place for all intents and purposes. I have 10 years service experience and 20 years in high end cooking. I would be running the kitchen first and foremost and hire front of house management. He would be a full investor. He's looking at 2/3rds on his side and 1/3 on my side for the investment. He said he will give me the 1/3rd at 5%. I see this as a loan that would have to be repaid before I see profits.

My question is; how do we split profits and repayment of the 'loan'? I will do all the work for what I can tell and I'm fine with that. By looking at this site there are ideas about 34/66 splits, 50/50 splits etc. I'm sure that if we don't go 50/50 at some point in the future, there isn't much hope for the partnership. Reading these threads it seems like anything else would cause a rift.

Should we split the profits 50/50 and his 50% would pay back the loan while I get the other 50%? Or should we split 50/50, 50% allocated to the loan and the other 50% profit side would be split 90% for me (because I do all the work ) and 10% for him? Or should we just have him take 66% for the loan and split the 34% equally and then when the loan is paid, we split everything 50/50? I'm sure that there are other types of splits and I'd be happy to hear about them.

I'm quite confidant that this could be a really nice project. This man has a lot of money to invest (looking at around 500K for now) and he's not hurting for a return right away. I would need to survive though so I don't know if I should take a salary or just a %.

All info would be useful. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge


jeudi 15 août 2013

What are some online businesses?

Does anyone have any suggestion on ways to start making money online? I need to get some money quick, it doesn't have to be a lot of money.


Business coach?

I started a Green Cleaning company in a city with just under a million people. I'm learning as I go, and doing ok, but I'm worried that I'm directing my time and resources in

the wrong direction. I have absolutely no business training. Should I invest in a business coach, or should I just be reading books? Which ones? If I go with a coach, how

should I find a good one? I don't know any other business owners to ask for help!



Wordpress theme infected?

My wordpress has been infected and I didn't even notice it. An associate notified me of this and is trying to fix it, so far has not been able to. In the meantime she has switched me to a temporary theme until she can figure it out. She said there was a brute force attach on Wordpress a few weeks ago. I didn't hear anything about that. Has anyone here been affected by this? This lady has taken me under her wings and keeps my Wordpress and plug-ins updated. Had she not been monitoring my website I would have never known, would I? Is there something I should be doing to keep something like this from happening again? Per her instructions I have changed my password to a more complicated password but was wondering if there was anything else I should be doing?



Hi im goldking and im 21 yrs old

Hello, im 21 years old and im very focused in business for 2 years.

I do own some online businesses, which i wont reveal here. I do not see a need to unless requested.

Besides that i have a 8 hr daily job too.

I am planning to work full time from home.

I am saving money every month so in couple years ill have 10-20k saved for my next part of my plan

Thx for reading ill answer any questions if they are related to my post... or business..


mercredi 14 août 2013

NEW PRODUCT: Ecommerce Website at a Fraction of the Cost

PokeNLink-A Web Community @ a Fraction of the Cost of a Traditional Website

PokeNLink's community-driven software has been in development for a little over 2 years. It is designed as an online platform for business owners to create their own web-based Exclusive Community. These communities facilitate customer and member networking and provide innovative marketing and data-mining tools, a customized online store, and an easy-to-use Admin Dashboard...all in one single location.

We believe that creative relationship networking and brand development drives successful business. The ability to connect, collaborate and market in one location engages customers and prospects and builds brand loyalty. We are also aware that businesses have to be cost sensitive as they strive to accomplish their business and marketing goals. As a result of this, PokeNLink’s customized communities and stores have been developed to enhance the customer and member experience at a fraction of the cost of a traditional website.

PokeNLink is a self-managed website, an ecommerce store, a social media tool and a marketing machine… all under one umbrella. As we begin marketing our platform, we emphasize the strength of community interaction and ask…How would a better customer experience affect your business?

Having just launched our pre-registration site this month, our following is still relatively small but growing quickly. We are currently targeting all small businesses and organizations lacking a web presence and transactional that would benefit from a streamlined online networking/marketing platform. For more information you can visit our RocketHub page and search for PokeNLink. Our promotion through RocketHub, which ends on September 1, offers your first year's renewal for free OR preregister for our end-August launch by calling 855-POKENLINK to speak with us or reply to this post for inquiries. We look forward to working with you!


Equitable partnership ideas

Hello all,

My GF and I are pursuing the purchase of an existing and thriving business. She is 30, has a HS diploma and two years experience and workind knowledge with this business, I am 40, have a Master's degree in Exec Management and 20+years of military service. She currently manages the store and performs nearly all the day to day functions and works about 40 hrs a week, but lacks the behind the scenes business knowledge and ownership aspect of the business. That’s where I come in. I believe my education, and diverse military background fills in where she lacks. In a sense we complement each other fairly well in both our relationship and this potential business venture. I have about 10 months before I am able to retire and commit 100% of my time to the business (although I do devote a good amount of time to this venture while at my current place of employment) and feel I am the driving and motivating force behind this/us. I do currently pick up shifts during the week/weekends and (will) take care of ownership issues in the evenings (as will she) once we close and become THE owners. She and I have nearly identical FICOs, are contributing the same Capital for buying the business. We are looking to use a veteran loan program through the SBA and local lender. So in essence, nearly everything that has gone into the business as far as risk is equal. In lieu of physically working at the store as she is, I am conducting the research, attending various necessary meetings, writing the business plan, and doing the 'due diligence' to keep the ball rolling in the right direction; basically doing the 'back office' management stuff while she works her 40 hrs. Luckily my current work schedule affords me to do this.

So during a recent conversation about our prospective partnership, what we both bring to the table and what that's worth in terms of our paying ourselves and partnership percentages (i.e. 50/50 v 70/30), we've come to a bit of a disagreement in what is equitable as to what we both currently contribute. Basically what should the partnership % splits be and based off of what? So what is considered a fair partnership percentage to both of us? What is the value of what each of us contribute to the business? I'm not able to physically work 40 hrs IN THE STORE like her, therefore, she believes she should have a higher salary and percentage of ownership/returns. I on the other hand, disagree because I am still putting forth time/effort into the business, including taking time off of work to meet with various people and conduct preliminary business AND work a few nights a week to assist where needed. She additionally feels that my current income and the fewer amount of physical hours contributed to the store is a factor on what I should receive as a partner. Again, I disagree. If I had 3 small businesses and 50% partnership in each, I shouldn’t take less from one business just because I have an income from the other two completely separate businesses. If I'm wrong, someone please tell me. The question is: is what we both contribute equal or does one hold more weight than the other?

With it being an LLC, I'm still learning but a bit confused as to how we will ultimately pay ourselves back. Do we increase her salary? Do I get a salary? Do we both get end of year bonuses? Is one of us paid in dividends while the other is paid as an employee? Ultimately, I want to create a partnership that won't destroy our personal relationship and is something we BOTH feel is fair and equitable.

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!




sometimes when we are working in internet,we need to have a blog. But what is the difference between paid blog and free blog? which one is important?


new tools


I have interest in SEO. I know something about it. And for better performance I need to know about the new tools / features of SEO. If you have any links/news about it pls share it .


Business plan


recently I am going to start a restaurant. I need some creative idea for that. I want to make my restaurant a little bit different from others. So, pls.........any



Basics of Internet Marketing


This is my very first post. I am interested in Internet Marketing. So,I need to know the key terms of it. So,if you have any source or links you can post it here.


welcome everybody

hello friends,

I am Rushu from Bangladesh. I am a new comer in this forum. welcoming you all.


Best headline/ad you've ever seen?

I've seen a ton of awesome (convincing) ads, and have read a bunch of amazing headlines, so I'm wondering which ads/headlines have stuck out in your own minds?

A recent one I saw (on the subway) was for a language learning institute, and they had a picture of a bench, with a sign next to it that read, "Wet paint." However, there was also a body mark on the bench that signified that someone hadn't read the "Wet paint" sign and sat on it. On a panel next to the image, it read, "Don't get stained. Learn English."

I saw that has a perfect way to compel a need and CTA.



mardi 13 août 2013

Taking the fear out of tackling your side projects

A lot of the new posts here talk about the fear of starting something on the side. I ran into this article that I think hits all of the nails right on the head.


I used to let fear of a failed side project keep me from trying new things outside of my normal workload. Or worse, I constantly had ideas for side projects but never actually started any. My day-job was comfortable, so I didn’t want to fail at something new. But, the truth is, I wasn’t pushing myself and I certainly wasn’t growing. My skills stagnated.

Read the original article here:

Make Your Side Projects Wildly Successful: Treat Them Like Experiments - 99U


Hello friends

hello friends my name is santosh kumar gupta, from kathmandu, nepal, and i have a small business of my own. I am very much interested in such forums and jobs . So kindly supervise me for the progress.


lundi 12 août 2013

Business account used for personal (groceries) one time...


I have a quick question about the thread title...

Here it is. I have a business account with X amount of dollars in it. I went to the store, left my personal debit card at home on accident and paid

$250 for groceries with my business debit card. I can replace the money, but do I need to fill out any paperwork in order to maintain the separation

between business and personal uses? This is the first and only time I plan to use it this way. So far I have only used my business account on business expenses. I just want to make sure that I will be able to still write the business purchases off during tax season.

Thank you for reading.



Hiring the formally incarcerated...

There is an effort going around to get businesses and municipalities to hire ex-cons. One of their programs is called Ban The Box, referring to the box on job applications asking about past criminal offenses. Do you think that a person with a past, but has completed their prison term, finished their parole/probation on good terms should get a second chance to re-enter society with a clean slate? Would you hire them in your business?


Partner submitted false information to Minnesota Revenue

We were in business for a year, 4 of us equally holding 25% each. We have a document signed stating this is the case. We met regularly, each week to discuss business details. We had trouble paying our bills in the first year. In one meeting we voted 1/3 in favor of delaying payment of our sales taxes. When the business closed and everyone walked away, the balance with MN Rev remained outstanding. Logically, MN Rev assessed all of us personally by virtue of the signed partnership agreement I submitted to them. There were no ownership adjustments made throughout the duration of our business existence. About a year later, I could see one partner was no longer listed as and owner in our business profile with MN Rev. I called a MN Rev representative and asked her about that. I sensed that she seemed to think there was something underhanded going on with that. She insinuated enough for me to realize that the business partner, who now suddenly had no ownership in the business, had submitted documents prooving this. I requested a copy of those documents but was told they were confidential and could not be released to me.

The result of this was that everyone's wages but this partner's was garnished or a lien was placed on their property. This was her intent of course. I am not sure how to proceed since she did sign the dotted line stating profits and losses are the responsibility of owners according to theri shares.

How can I gain access to the documents submitted which reversed her ownership? and how badly is she breaking the law if she is lying in those documents.


I'm an award winning columnist

O.k., couldn't resist spreading the word a bit, because I'm proud of this. I write a column called "Ask an Expert" (yes, after I've ranted about experts I know the title is a bit ironic) for an industry magazine. Another writer and I trade off months. The column was recently entered in the 2013 National Azbee Awards of Excellence and we won the gold medal. Needless to say the recognition is nice and makes the days when I'm struggling with word count and deadlines a little easier. :)

Here is the release about the awards.


How do I figure out if it will sell?

Hi everyone, I recently formulated a digestive enzyme that may help people who have difficulty digesting certain foods. Unfortunately, such a business will cost me around $10K in startup costs, so I need some way to test the market to see if this product will sell before I invest so much into it... How do I do that?


Tax on trading forex?

Hi guys

I am a trader of forex.

I would like to know that how does the tax system in South Africa works once you start making a living from trading forex.

I started trading for myself only at first. Now that i have become more experienced and successful there has been investors approaching me to invest their money.

I currently manage few clients accounts. I trade for these guys and give them returns of 5% to 10% a month based on the capital they invested.

The remaining profits after the payment of 5% to 10% a month goes to me.

Could someone help me determine what should i declare to SARS and when should i declare this?

Also tell me what part should my investors declare to SARS?


Help! Is this a good idea?

I'm wanting to open a quick lube shop and the place i want to open it is perfect but the land is expenses. The average income in this town is $122,700 and there are no quick lube or repair shops within 15 miles. The traffic count is around 16,000 a day. The land is right over an acre and cost $455,000 so with all and all I would need to take a loan out for around $550,000-$650,000, will I be able to get a loan for that much? Would it be better just to do a long term lease with the option to buy?

This will be my first business but I have been an ASE certified mechanic and manger of a mechanic shop for the pass five years and want to start my own now. I also have an associates in business. I know this is a lot of money for a first business but according to my business plan if all goes right I will have no trouble making my loan payment and pay everything else. My boss always said "if you're going to do it you mine as well do it right." I could buy in a different place and spend half the money but I would not make near what I would at this location.

Any info or just advice will be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.



Hello everyone. I am a novice on this community. I'm looking forward to share knowledge and get information as well. I love to post quotes, motivational quotes, inspirational videos and more. Hope I enjoy my stay here.


First Time Home Buyer Texas

For fist time home buyers in Texas, the city of Texas has introduced a new scheme with multiple benefits. First time home buyers refers to potential people who will be owning a home in their name for the first time or ones who do not have any possession of a house in the past three years. is very good Financing service providers


24Option Affiliate Program - Binary Options Marketing


I've come here to share with you the huge success I'm having marketing for 24Option Affiliate Program.

The results are completely phenomenal. The conversion rates have been higher than ever.

So if you're looking for a new place to send your traffic, whatever it is, give Binary Options a go.



dimanche 11 août 2013

Hello small business forum

Hi I am SEO Sovereign. I provide Social Media Services, SEO Services, and Article Writing.

Its nice to be a member of your forum. Hopefully we can all get along together. :D


Outsourcing/Offshoring Partnership

Hi all,

I am Kim, I'm from the Philippines a country in SE-Asia, I was looking over the internet for a business partner, I saw this nice page and it seems that someone will really be interested to my proposal here.

Let me start by saying this, Our country is in boom of Outsourcing Business right now. BPO industry accounts for almost 1.5% of our Annual GDP of our country.

Many american's and foreign investor are diving in this business here in our country, unfortunately as local resident without enough budget I cannot start my own Outsourcing Firm, but with the help of you my future business partner, everything will be possible.

This will be a great opportunity between you and me.

Please do contact me back for more information on my email of my skype ID - kimprotacio

Kind Regards,



Hi there

Kim here expert in Outsourcing/Ofshoring and ERP.

Hoping for friendship and business partnership :)


samedi 10 août 2013

Phone service option for my business needs

I am starting a small business with 2 other people.

We are opposed to having a phone service that answers with a recorded greeting.

We will not always be in the office.

Here is our ideal thoughts on a phone service:

1) Customer calls the ONLY number for the business, lets say it is 111-222-3333

2) All three of us have ringing cell phones

3) When one of us (Jane) picks up, the other two cell phones(Adam and Joe) stop ringing.

4) Customer says "I was looking for Adam, could you put me through to him?"

5) Jane says "Sure, one second" and transfers the call specifically to Adams phone

6) If adam doesnt pick up, it goes to his voicemail

Google voice is SOOOO close to fulfilling these needs. The problem is that google voice cannot transfer the call directly to another phone, it can only transfer the call to ALL other registered phones to the account. So, in the scenario above, Jane would hit * to transfer, and both Adam and Joe would start ringing again, but the customer SPECIFICALLY asked for Adam. The customer will be annoyed if Joe answers.

Long story short, does anything exist out there that fulfills this need?


Hello from ARPA Communications - Better Email and Cloud Services for Your Business!

Hello Fellow Small Business Owners!

I'm Chris, and I'm one of the owners of ARPA Communications, a hosted services company catering to the needs of small business. We offer an email solution that syncs your email, calendar, and contacts with all of your devices in real-time and allows you to better communicate with customers and colleagues. We also offer traditional web hosting. Each member of our staff has over 15 years of experience consulting with small businesses and we price ourselves on being easy to work with and serving our customers.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your forum. I hope to learn more about how small businesses become successful. If I can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

<please set up a signature through Settings>


What were the first steps you took? (literally)

For those that own your own business, what did you do the first few weeks? I'm talking about getting customers, legal and accounting issues, setting up, etc. Did you feel overwhelmed? Sorry for so many questions, I just can't find any other really helpful sites on starting a business...:o


Any MMA fans here?

Just reaching out to see if we have any MMA fans on the forum. UFC? Bellator? Cage Rage?

Pretty much any organization or brand of MMA.

If so, I'd love to talk about the upcoming events with you!


Are there any aspiring copywriters out there that want a small project for practice?

Get some practice with a real live client...... Runners run, fighters fight, writers write.....

IMO my writing sucks.

I would give you feedback in regards to number of hits and quality of leads your ad generates as well.

I want to hire some one to help me in a small trades business but I am quite particular about who I would communicate with and I want the copy to be clear about this to minimize the one sentence replies to my email box.

PM me for details if you are interested.


Starting A Cleaning Business?

Anyone have experience with this? It is always something that has been in the back of my head and here's why:

1. I know a guy in my hometown that did it and made decent money (a town with 6,000 people)

2. I assume the startup costs are relatively low

3. Every business is a potential customer

Some things I'm worried about?

1. Is this business too saturated now?

2. Is it hard to find clients? I mean, you are basically asking them to trust you to come in their business unattended.

3. I'm not sure what to charge. I mean, I can research but in my particular area, it might be a little tough.

What is everyone's thoughts on starting a cleaning business? A good move? Bad move? Thanks!

Also, if anyone does have experience with this and can give me some "must haves" that would be great!
