samedi 10 août 2013

Anyone selling clothes and sourcing from China?

I hope posting here is OK - I'm trying to track down clothing retailers who currently source products from China to interview as part of my university dissertation.

I'm looking for online clothing retailers who currently source products from China. My name’s Andrew den Hertog and I’m currently writing a dissertation as part of my Masters of Science degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the University of Liverpool (Student Number: H00018053). My dissertation topic is “How will changing trends in Chinese manufacturing affect sourcing decisions for small online clothing retailers”, and looks to understand how the effects of changing economic conditions, wages, logistics costs, and alternatives may affect online clothing retailers that source from China.

I’m trying to identify a small group of 5 businesses that match the following criteria and would be willing to partake in a roughly 20 minute interview entirely at your own convenience:

• Sell clothes through an online storefront

• Head office is located outside of China

• Source clothing/apparel from a manufacturer inside China

• Have fewer than 500 employees (small-mid sized business)

The types of questions asked will be related to the following questions, and your company’s details can remain anonymous at your request:

• Have you noticed the rising costs in sourcing from this region, and if so, how has it affected you

• Is cost a major driver in your decision to source from China? At what point would the cost-benefit become unattractive?

• Given the rising costs in sourcing from China, have you considered sourcing elsewhere? If so, where?

I really appreciate the participation of any stores that match the above criteria and will strive to ensure the interview will be conducted succinctly. There are no difficult questions, and I won’t need to ask any sensitive or financial details of your company – just around the above problem domains. You may also pull out of the interview at any point in time in accordance with my university’s policy.

If you’re willing to participate, please email me at: andrew.denhertog [a-t] (ph: +61 9733 6626) with the following details and I’ll schedule a time with you that suits:

• Your Name

• Your company’s name

• Preferred interview format (Skype or Instant Message or Other)


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