vendredi 25 juillet 2014

Finding distributors, setting prices, making a profit, many other questions....


I'm very new to this business running thing. I opened an Amazon store back in March and this has really been my first business venture ever.

I've always wanted to run a small business. Currently I sell mostly video games on Amazon because I know a decent amount about them and such.

My biggest goal is to have a retail shop in my town selling games and movies, and other items like that.

But I'm only 20 right now and don't know hardly anything about business or how to do this. I've been buying my inventory through auctions on ebay, trying to spend as little money as I can to still make money but it's really difficult and a lot of times I either barely break even or lose money...

I want to look into finding a wholesale supplier or distributor, but I don't know or where to look or even what to really say to them, because I highly don't anyone is gonna wanna do business with someone who isn't making money....will they??

I think also I should expand my inventory into other products but I don't know what to look into or how... Also, I live in Alaska so I feel like shipping anything up here in bulk is going to cost a fortune, which I do not have.

I don't know how to make enough money so that I can eventually open an actual physical store, which is my biggest goal for right now.

Aside from running a retail game store, I want to run some sort of Music venue, and art gallery, or some sort of artistic "collective" if that makes sense.

That Idea is not clearly fleshed out just yet but my town doesn't really have many places like that and I always think about how I want there to be a place where artists can meet and work together and network and share their work.

I have multiple Ideas for businesses but I know it would be better to focus entirely on one before venturing to another. I just honestly have no idea how to start or really anything about business.

I'm taking an intro to business class right now, and I'm debating on switching my major to business or at the very least minoring in it but I don't know what to study or if that really is helpful..

Honestly... I know I am young and don't know much but I WANT to know and I WANT to learn so bad.

So, any advice that anybody has would be so appreciative because I don't really know anybody well enough who runs a business that I can ask questions to.


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