lundi 21 juillet 2014

Promoting Yourself

Since I didn't want to hijack another thread, I thought I'd pose my question here. This is kind of an odd dilemma to have, considering my job is promoting the company for which I work, but I'm really bad at promoting myself. More than anything else, I think this is the biggest hurdle I face when I consider starting my own business. I know I have ability and I'm good at what I do, and I'm confident that I could find work, but I worry that I'll be so reluctant to promote myself that I'll miss out on chances that I'll need to capitalize on to be successful. It's not that I'm shy, I can stand up in front of a room of people and speak or write for a national magazine without an issue. The issue is more that I feel like promoting myself is like bragging.

Did anyone else have this problem when they started out? Am I just being nuts?

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