mercredi 16 juillet 2014

Hello everyone!! Good morning!

I'm new to this forum and from the discussions that I've partaken in so far, I can say that I am more than happy to be here. I like the fact that in general all the threads are really resourceful and alive (because most internet phpBB forums have slowly dwindled in activity ever since Facebook came around), so it was a pleasant surprise to see that it's nice and lively here. :D

I am a loan officer that specializes in small business loans, and one day in the future (hopefully within five years) I am planning to open up my own business. I am reading a lot of marketing/business articles lately, and I figured why not network and connect with people who are actually doing it in practice, not just in theory. I really like the discussions that go on here, as they are very helpful. Also, if there is anything that I can do to help, I'll be more than happy to assist. :)

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