mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Foreigner wanting to Register an online based business - Where's the best?

Hi, I mentioned in my intro post that I'm somewhat entrepreneurial and I have an idea for a business but am struggling to get my head around the laws and whats best for foreigners. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!

My situation: I am a New Zealand citizen currently working in and out of the States (based in Florida for majority of the year) on a B1/B2 visa. This job is on a luxury super yacht, paid salary from the Cayman Islands into an offshore account. This will be the funds for my business.

Ok….setting that job aside. I am an idea for an online directory for the luxury yacht industry focused on entertainment activities for yacht crew. Where businesses can register, pay a fee and have their business advertised on a websites focused just at the tens of thousands of yacht crew. This will start in Fort Lauderdale Florida, eventually moving throughout the states and eventually international.

My questions are:

- Where is the best place to register a business like this that is based online, with no 'physical office'?

- and then once registered do I have any limitations on where i can/can't operate/sell advertising to businesses?

- If I were to go international in a few years time, will this business register be affected and limit selling advertising to a business in the like of France for example?

- And finally, the big and ugly word, TAX. This is a tricky one for me. If the company was registered here in the States what are my tax obligations? I (and other investing partners) would only receive dividends from profits, so how would that be taxed? Would that then bring the income from my other job (outside of the US and independent of this business startup) into question due to myself being an owner of an US business?

Or….. Is it best for me to register where I have citizenship in New Zealand? but then, can I operate overseas? ahhh:confused:

Such a confusing issue for me!

Any tips, advice, pointers will be a great help!



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