vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Need Advice - custome product ( managing oversea manufature )

Hi! I'm new to all this so I'm unsure of what are the services and channels that are available to help me. I had some problems with the chine manufacture mostly in producing good quality checked product. Usually the sample/ prototype they made are good, but when it comes to production, about 30% ~ 40% of the product will have flaws. We have to do our own QC and pick out the once that cant be sold. My question is if there is a better workflow to this? Engage other company to manage the production and QC of the product? Is there any service that help you source out manufacture and also manage the oversea production?
Please advice. Thanks !

Who knows advertising through social media

want to know both fell advertising through social media? Kjoe

New Here

Hey there, I'm new to the forum. I just wanted to introduce myself. I look forward to learning from you guys. I own a small personal training business and an online baseball training site, but my specialty is in online paid advertising, specifically video ads. Talk soon!

Miles Noland

Are you using Google's Material Design standards on any web projects?

This year at Google I/O they heavily promoted their Material Design guidelines and standards. While it is predominantly geared towards app development, it seems their direction is to influence design standards for all of the web in general.


Material design is a comprehensive guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices. Android now includes support for material design apps. To use material design in your Android apps, follow the guidelines defined in the material design specification and use the new components and functionality available in Android 5.0 (API level 21) and above.

Material design for websites is quickly gaining steam, and Google is making design elements, templates, API's for website design readily available such as with their launch of Material Design Lite.


Material Design Lite lets you add a Material Design look and feel to your websites. It doesn’t rely on any JavaScript frameworks and aims to optimize for cross-device use, gracefully degrade in older browsers, and offer an experience that is immediately accessible. Get started now.
Material Design Lite

Just wondering if anyone has gotten into it, studied any of it or plan on instituting it into any current or future designs.

Are you using Google's new material design on any web projects?

This year at Google I/O they heavily promoted their Material Design guides and standards. While it is predominantly geared towards app development, it seems their direction is to influence design standards for all of the web.


Material design is a comprehensive guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices. Android now includes support for material design apps. To use material design in your Android apps, follow the guidelines defined in the material design specification and use the new components and functionality available in Android 5.0 (API level 21) and above.

Material design for websites is quickly gaining steam, and Google is making design elements, templates, API's for website design readily available such as with their launch of Material Design Lite.


Material Design Lite lets you add a Material Design look and feel to your websites. It doesn’t rely on any JavaScript frameworks and aims to optimize for cross-device use, gracefully degrade in older browsers, and offer an experience that is immediately accessible. Get started now.
Material Design Lite

Just wondering if anyone has gotten into it, studied any of it or plan on instituting it into any current or future designs.

Need help with market research

Dear all,

I am currently working on a business idea and would like to know people's view on it. It is based on building a healthy lifestyle. I am conducting some research in the form of questionnaire but I am also happy to do some phone interviews. Would anyone be interested in hearing my idea and answering some questions? I can also send you the idea and questions if you prefer to do it in your own time. I would really value your help and comments on the business idea that I am currently working on.

Warm regards,


Problems You Have With Your Website?


Whether you already have a fully functioning website, or you want to build one, what issues have you encountered? Pricing, the website generating enough traffic, Functionality, features on the website, etc.



Gray Labelz - any feedback?

have you ever heard of this company? Or maybe you have worked with them? Any feedback will be useful. Thanks

'About us' page from their website:


Grey Labelz GmbH is an Online Distribution Agency that places your products on various Private Online Shopping Clubs throughout Europe, U.S.A, the U.A.E, and A.P.A.C. Our Team provides you with the opportunity to sell your product across borders, thereby increasing your distribution channels, while at the same time boosting the awareness of your brand and the sales volume of the product.
As a Brand Owner you have complete control the online sales. The Grey Labelz GmbH Team will customize sales according to your brand specifications. You tell us when, where, and what you would like to sell.
We will then take over the whole sales process from product introduction to the successful delivery of your product to our partners.

Shopping Clubs
Grey Labelz GmbH will provide you with access to a vast portfolio of brands to choose from to host your sales.
We provide you with great sales offers and high resolution product and marketing pictures. You also have the option to pre-book your sales via our internal booking system.

Beginning accounting for a sole proprietorship

I am a little rusty on my accounting but if I start a sole proprietorship and put $100,000 into a bank account for it;

My bank account would have a credit of $100,000 because it has increased.

Would a drawing account have a debit of $100,000?

This would make sense to me because the first $100,000 I disburse is not really income to me but just me returning my money to myself.
My understanding is that the drawing acount shows, at the end of the year, what you are taxed on.

So, if I disbruse $120,000 during the year then I would get a K-1(?) for $20,000 for my taxes?

Does the drawing account stay there for perpituity? I mean, if I disburse another $120,000 the second year would I just figure the difference
between Jan 1st and dec 31st and then the second year get a K-1 for $120.000?

Hope I am not way off base here and not confusing anyone. Thanks very much for your input.

jeudi 30 juillet 2015

How to deal with tough clients

Honestly, the main issues i have are with content and pictures. I consistently have to explain that they have to provide content and that i am not an editor of content. I also explain that they need to pick the pictures. ANyone have advice on this?

Accounting Services for Small Business

I am really looking for feedback in this forum on getting bookkeeping help for small businesses. There are a lot of cloud accounting services available where you can sign up and have your bank transactions automatically upload to a cloud accountant. The nice part is that you don't have to scramble come tax time since your accountant has your business transactions but I am always concerned about security since it is in the cloud. Does anyone have any feedback on this?

Hello - 2nd atempt

So I originally posted too much about my site - Online Job Career Search Website: Bosscrawler but it read like a sales pitch and that was not my intention.

I am an Industrial-Organizational Psychology practitioner and I started the aforementioned site to help small businesses and nonprofits manager the crazy world of staffing employees and advertising. I can definitely say that the technical aspect of running the site has been a challenge. I am sure some of you there have had the same madness when it relates to php, html and SEO.

Nonetheless, I hope I can add to everyone's experience by helping them through my site.....well that is if this post does not get deleted as

Sorry admin/ harm intended.

Refurbished Iphone seller...


I am planning to get into the business of Refurbished iphone seller. There are many seller from Alibaba / Aliexpress who provide
iphones recertified for lesser price as like many other products. I have question on , if anybody worked on getting into such business and can share experience.
I have specific question on how to manage warranties on the products ?

Abhijeet R

If you are looking to hire a web designer, do this. Drives us crazy if you don't

Hey guys,

Tell me what you think of this video.

If you are looking to hire a web designer, do this? Drives us crazy if you don't

Hey guys,

Tell me what you think of this video.

How social media can skyrocket your sales

The new reality of Internet forces small online business owners who want to be competitive, to adapt to changing times. It is essential to implement different types of social marketing strategies to maintain and attract new customers. Online businesses that do not will be at a disadvantage to those that have already done so.

The world of social media is increasingly more competitive for businesses. You have to work hard so that your content can be seen by more people on the platforms that you tend to utilize, but it can certainly be done if you consider undertaking the following tips.

Send the Right Message to the Right Platform

Each social media platform has different purposes and thus draws the attention of certain people. Understanding this can make your social media marketing campaigns easier. For example, you definitely don't want to promote a law firm on Instagram nor Pinterest, as these online sites are for sharing photos, not really content.

Test each platform to see how your audience responds. Statistics show that women tend to spend more time on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook, while men enjoy Twitter and Google+ more.

Think Outside-of-the-Box When It Comes to Video Promotion

Contrary to popular belief, it is no longer all about the online site YouTube. Recently, the staff of Facebook announced that this year alone, they have had more video views than YouTube has had. It is important that you take this information to heart so that you can get more creative in your videos and upload them to as many online sites possible.

Getting in contact with a YouTube star can be very beneficial when it comes to making your online business grow, as she/he can talk about your brand in exchange of a free trial of your products or service.

Advertising Space

In a perfect world, your efforts on search engine optimization would be enough for all your marketing needs, as it is free, but the world is not perfect, sometimes we have to pay to attain an increase in traffic.

All major social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter offer opportunities to buy advertising space. When you pay for these ads, you expand your reach beyond your current community contacts quickly and effectively.

The most important thing is to start and quick. You do not need to know anything to do this. Create an account and set a goal to publish content. That is all! Millions of people use social networks around the world, which is proof that it's not complicated.

Post and Post Some More

Post and continue to post. There is no such thing as having too many posts. There are "experts" out there that discourage frequent posts. They think that if you post so often people will stop following you, but that is not the case. This is a myth. The only way that you will gain attention is through consistency. If people are not complaining about the number of posts you have, you're not publishing enough. In three years, one online business owner published over 1,200 videos on YouTube. That's almost 400 videos a year.

Know Your Audience

One of the keys to creating a successful business page on social media sites is to know what kind of people you want to target. If your target audience is made up of a particular industry of professionals, post content that covers news and hot topics about that particular industry.

Engage with Audience

Create an active forum for your audience. If users rave about the content on your Facebook's business page, respond to their posts. Include promotions and news events on your page to attract more people. Solicit feedback from your audience when they utilize your services or purchase your products.

Promote and Make Connections

You can easily promote your Facebook page in email signatures, business cards, or on your website. Make sure to make connections with groups, companies, and people who could need your services or products. For example, consider joining a group of parents if you are selling products for children. Post messages about your products with images and links to your website. Remember to do this moderately. You can also opt to advertise your products on the Marketplace on Facebook. On the Marketplace section, members can post information about the products or services that they want to sell, trade, or purchase. By default, your advertisement will appear in the pages of the people who are on your friends list.

If you take these tips into consideration, you will soon see how your business skyrockets in a short period of time, as you will be able to garner the attention of a lot of people.

Be the Celebrity

You must be the celebrity expert in your space. Post content that makes you the expert in your space. If your business revolves around dry cleaners, post everything that there is to know about dry cleaning, stain removal and fabrics, for example.

Global Reach Is In Your Hands

Make the planet your goal. Unlike traditional marketing, social networks allow you to have global reach. At first, you want the attention of whomever. You may have followers from China and India that may never buy your services or products but can share my content with someone who perhaps might become my client. It is important that you understand that anyone can view your content and be inspired to take some action.

Share Content

Be wise. Eighty percent of your content should be non-promotional information. Create content that varies: videos, photos, and articles. Sharing the content of somebody else is the easiest way to get more followers quickly. Yes, by sharing the content of your competition or other expert and giving them the credit they deserve, you will gain a lot of the followers who follow them. Smart, right?

Other Important Things to Take Note on to Grow Your Online Business:

Grow your email list

Yes, email lists are still very popular. Statistics show a meaningful percentage of people still check their email every day. According to a survey by the American marketing agency Exact Target, discovered that email is the preferred channel for the majority of customers. Since emails can be a great advantage in a marketing campaign, try to gain more subscribers. Provide a subscription form on your website or on your Facebook through the many applications. Make sure to provide incentives for customers to subscribe or create a competition for the same purpose.

Perform A / B

How can an employer tell if a social media campaign is reaching the target audience or discover which components go hand in hand with the taste of consumers? Easy, do an A / B landing page of your website and other pages as well.

Importance of Blogging

When you blog, you share your voice with people from different backgrounds and ages. Consistency is vital for blog writing so that readers can realize that they can depend on your posts for the type of information that they require. This can help you build credibility and thus become an expert on your topic.

Contrary to popular believe, promoting a blog can be a piece of cake when performed the adequate way. Of course, that’s if you take the following suggestions into consideration as much as you possibly can: create catchy post titles, use original or descriptive images, claim authorship with Google+, link to other bloggers while they do the same, create a list of influencers and then interview them, comment on other blogs, write articles as guest on other blogs, invite others to participate, integrate ‘click to tweet’ to posts, create attractive infographics, share content through social media online sites, increase the virility of blog content, create a Linkedln page, add link to your blog in your social media profiles, create contests, and talk about your blog anytime an opportunity presents itself.

As you can conclude, the power of social media is huge; therefore, try your best to post on a daily basis. You must be authentic. Many brands forget this. No matter who you are, how old you are, or what your business is all about, social media can be very good for your brand.


Frank Aziz

What actions for online fraud?

Hey guys, since most purchasing are being done online these days, what can you do when your should purchase from a source located in another state and you should run into problems such as making payment and not receiving either the product or your money back? I mean we would never make a payment with anything other than credit card so our money is safe but just for our knowledge what can we do legally to go after someone in another state?

B2B Sales Comp Plan - Hints, Help, and Everything More

Hello Guys,

We are looking to build a sales team and we are starting to work on the Sales Compensation plan, we are a Business to Business (B2B) company, so the rules are a bit different for a B2B company over a B2C company.

We don't have any real capital at the moment, so we are going to try to build a sales team of 100% commissions independent sales reps that can set their own hours, but we are running into a couple of issues of how to do it. I have a bunch of network marketing friends who have tried to help me with their comp plans, but it is really driven off of forming a team and profiting from people below them, but we can't do that with a B2B one.

So, we are trying to figure out different things like:

1. Should we base it off revenue? Gross Profits?

2. Should we try to get as MANY as possible in an area, or should we keep it low number so we don't saturate a market and set the reps up for success instead of the business name.

3. Should we do a HIGH based commission with very low bonuses or low commission with huge bonuses?

These are all things I don't know about when setting up a comp plan and sales strategy with it, so I am looking for ANY insight into what we should do, as we have to do it 100% commissions at the moment as we don't have any type of capital.

2nd Largest Burmese Python Caught In Everglades

A friend in Florida sent this to me as I've been very interested in the snake explosion in Florida since it began. This is the 2nd largest snake caught in the state, the first was 5 inches larger at 18ft 8in and was caught in 2013.


A massive Burmese python large enough to ingest deer and alligators was captured by a permitted python researcher in the Everglades National Park in Florida recently, CBS Miami reported Tuesday.

The python, found along a tram road at Shark Valley on July 9, measured a whooping 18 feet, 3 inches and was only five inches shy of the largest snake ever captured in Florida. An 18-foot, 8-inch Burmese Python was caught in Miami-Dade in 2013.

Park officials told CBS that the best news about this capture is that its removal from the wild will help protect the diverse wildlife in Everglades National Park. It’s believed to be the second-largest snake taken in Florida.

After its capture, National Park Service and U.S. Geological Survey interns who work on invasive species control projects were allowed to handle the snake to give them confidence and experience in handling Burmese pythons.

Everglades National Park spokeswoman Linda Friar told CBS that the snake was eventually humanely euthanized.

The snake was found to be a female that had not reproduced this season, and its stomach was empty.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has a Burmese Python Removal Program designed to control the population of the invasive snake, which was first sighted in South Florida in the 1980s. The species was officially recognized as a reproducing population in 2000 and since then sightings have grown exponentially.

Giant Burmese python captured in Everglades National Park |

Hi everyone, I'm Magento developer

Hi guys, I'm currently a Magento developer. I plan to create my own business in the next month . I hope that I will gain more knowledge in this forum to prepare for my business . This is my demo: store manager magento
Thank you for read my introduction.

mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Getting more customers

I've started with my friend a small business cleaning boats in our area. It's been about two weeks and we've had three customers the boats we clean are at our neighborhood lake and were looking to attract more people from our neighborhood and others. Any ideas are welcome.

Does a 301 redirect on an entire domain hurt the target domain?

So we bought another forum. We determined that it just isn't worth it to merge their threads over and I planned on setting up a global 301 redirect to the home of our primary forum. However, I don't keep up on SEO as much as others here since it's not a primary revenue stream for me, so I don't know how that will impact the target forum. I know that it hasn't had negative impacts in the past, but that was several updates ago. Are there currently negative impacts to the target domain if another already-established domain is globally 301'd to it?

most important marketing strategy for a new business


I am sure this will be subjective, but what is the most important marketing strategy for a new business.

I would presume seo takes important is blogging, social media etc.

And for an existing business, how important is it that the website is constantly updated?

Any help or insight would be extremely appreciated.


what are the best Invoicing Solution For Freelancers?

What affordable invoicing software for freelancers would you recommend with a small budget and easy to use?

First time business

Hi. My wife and I are looking to buy a business. I have accounting, tax, and payroll experience. And we both have customer service experience.

This place is in an upscale neighborhood and has an upscale feel to it. It is a convenience store but the name evokes Italy (a little) and wine (am lot). The products are wine, beer, cigarettes and smoking supplies, a small food area (shelf food
like candy bars, chips, canned goods, etc.). There is kind a rustic looking area with veru nice deli meats and they make sandwiches and pizza.

We are thinking of re-organizing with adult products in one half and the food products in the front half. They had been selling some ice cream but my wife really wants to sell ice cream. Neither of us is Italian but I guess that's ok.

I'm not really in love with the name or the front sign.

Here is my question; I am just trying to wrap my head around this whole business and decide what it is really going to be. It is hard to reconcile alcohol vs ice cream. And adult vs. family. And Italian theme or not. I wish I could crystallize what this business really is and what image to present. If I could do that I could work on a name and decorating theme and geberal presentation.

If we wanted to go with Italian maybe we could sell gelato or something like that. Or maybe organizing it in 1/2 adult and 1/2 food could make it just a little generic convenience store. BTW it is kind of small in square footage.

I would just like to hear any ideas or suggestions. Thank you very much.

mardi 28 juillet 2015


Hello everyone I'm new here. I've been read a lot of great threads and thought I'd join to learn and share more about small businesses.

Help needed

Our company is looking for services to provide business owners that are doing business with a compliment for doing business with us.

As a business owner, what are some of the things you need specifically?

Much appreciated.

Starting a small federal contracting / state contracting company....

Oh here goes.

I"m a 33 yo IT professional male in the DC area. I make a good salary (mid six-figures) but I've been getting tired of working period and I see how much money passes to me from the federal contractors I work for. I want to start my own small (at first) federal contracting firm. Initially my idea is I want to bid on some state/local gov contracts then I use those to build my portfolio to bid on some actual federal contracts. A few things are motivating me for this.

1. I'm getting old.
2. I don't want to be a old engineer
3. I've been told by several different people at several different companies I've worked with that I have business sense and I should be a manager/start a business etc (i.e. why the hell are you working).
4. I have bumped into several people I know that are self employed (usually themselves and another person) and do the contracting biz and do well.

I'm a minority and I've been reviewing information at the site. It appears I need to come in under a 8i (small disadvantaged). This would make it a little easier.

Several questions.

1. I think the first thing first is I need to register a business entity, doing this shouldn't be an issue with sequence since I will have to do this anyway. I'm a little confused on what "business type" I should use. Ultimately I need to look attractive to federal/state customers so it seems a "Stock Corporation". I'm interested more in a LLC. In my state (Maryland) I can also go Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership, LLC, Non-Maryland LLC, Tax-exempt Non-stock corp, close corp and non-Maryland corp. I"m concerned I might choose a business type that would not be good for contracting and/or open me up to all kinds of problems. Imagine this will be more/less me (to start). It seems a LLC is much easier. When filing for a Corp you need to specify board members, incorporators, resident agents and initial stock price!!!!!

2. Do I need to have a business partner?

3. I have a few ideas for business names, are there any guidelines for this. I"m planning to use the name of a system I developed for a gov customer a few years back.

4. Please if you have knowledge in this area I would want to message you.


Adobe Photoshop CC Lite Portable plus Crack Full Version Free Download

Adobe Photoshop includes a lot of photo development tools which will twist your usual pic into a masterwork. Sometimes while capturing a photo it occurs that your hand is stunned and the ending result is a tad unclear and your snap will not be apparent. Photoshop CC Lite has a key for this chronic trouble as it has obtained a commanding Camera Shaken tool which will renovate your snap and will build it apparent. Photoshop will brightly follow the route of the shake and will examine it in order to overturn all the smudges from your photo. It has also got a very commanding Sharpen tool which will assist you in falling the racket feature from your snaps and will make it grind than before. You can make use of Lasso tool with free hand but if you require more correctness you can also utilize magnetic lasso tool which will sharply pursue the borders of the item you require to eliminate or remove. The healing tool has also been improved significantly. Wide work has been done on making the Heal tool more adaptable. Before the preamble of Adobe Photoshop CC Lite move able the users were only capable to mend the round shapes but now the user can heal all types of unequal shapes.

The Marketer's Life - Society Status & Comparison with others

I am a Marketer: SEO, SMO & Brand builder, I am not sure what I am saying is the view of just my society and nation.

Here in India, developers & designers (Talking about IT alone) and so on get most of the respect, while Marketers and Sales people are never respected equally, in fact most in the society consider marketing & sales as an under rated profession. To me there is no comparison, each and every profession is equally important and valuable.

Personally I feel proud about my profession, just like mother feeds her baby even if the baby don't want to eat. I consider marketing just as much as a mother's job of feeding her baby. But what about the same in your society or nation?

Hello Everyone

My name is eva green i m new this thread..

Is anyone here a digital nomad?

I've been reading articles about digital nomad-ing and it seems a really interesting thing to do.

This guy built his business by the beach for 1 year
Bali seems to be an interesting place
Building a startup while traveling

I mean I could work with just a laptop. But, I've never really tried to be a 'real' digital nomad who travels and stays long in one country.

Is anyone here a full digital nomad? Or anyone here considering this lifestyle?

lundi 27 juillet 2015

Is Google Adwords the only way to go?

I have always and still am a huge advocate for Google Adwords. I love you only pay for clicks. I love their are no contracts. I love you such control as to where ads pop up. With that said, am I being naive for not trying other advertising avenues?

Lately I been talking to sales reps for different online marketing companies and every time I am comparing them to Google, they can't convince me their system is as good.

I am a brick and mortar furniture retailer. I have 3 retail locations in the San Francisco Bay Area. The name of the business is Sofa Creations. We sell custom sofas, delivered to the customer in 2 weeks at affordable prices. Also comes with a seven year warranty. My site which is currently being redone is

Any suggestions?

I have been doing postcard mailers to 500 interior designers, property management companies, stagers etc. Just sent out my 3rd round. Got 2 sales from the 1st round, none from the 2nd.

Is it me or has Google Business become the devil

A client of mine asked me to change their address on listing sites so I get around to Google Business and they want to send a verification card which originally my client didn't want to have sent to the new address for some reason so the only other verification option was to send in a photo of the store front which wasn't doable either. The client eventually did agree to have the verification card sent and within a few days the client messaged me the code which upon entering on Google Business I received a message saying the code was incorrect. I contact Google Business to see what the issue is and the rep had to contact the client to verify I am administrating the account (which ended up being me having to contact the client because the secretary didn't want to answer a weird phone number). Finally after all that is done I am told by the rep that the account cannot be verified because the address is different from what is listed on the website. OMG I spent a half hour on the phone for nothing and gave them the worst feedback.

A program for recalling customer information

I'd really like a way to pull up job information on previous clients...

Let's say a customer walks into the business. They're a return customer, but it's been years since the job we did for them. I'd like to enter their name into a program and pull up all our past transactions. Currently, I'm sifting through years of paper invoices to get the details I'm needing. I'm certain there's programs that do exactly this, but what are they?

best way to serve customers?

I've been receiving so many emails and social media inquiries and complaints but I cannot manage it properly. Do you have any solution for this? I have heard of social crm but never really try it.

I need help with keyword ranking.. please help

Hello everyone,

I have been doing SEO for the past 1 year but all that I see is my page is at page 5 of google.
I don't know what I am doing wrong?
Maybe all that I am doing is wrong.

Can any kind soul please break it down for me?

This is what I am doing right now:

1) registering on social sites - I was told this will get me a backlink
2) blog posting - Do I need to write in my keywords here? or just answer to the topic of discussion?

Please advice me. thanks!

dimanche 26 juillet 2015

Hi mates!

Hello! I'm Maryann Farrugia, first and foremost i would like to thank the administrator for letting me join here. I'm a business minded person and I manage my own company. Even though i have my own i still need to learn more and i think this forum can help me with that and also i wanted to share my knowledge also in terms of sales and business related topics. I hope we're gonna be happy. Thanks mates!

Hello, this is Angela

Hello, my name is Angela Marcos and I am the owner of a tiny business with a strong vocation to be an emporium. My tagline is "More Than Beautiful Fabrics", which means that I sell fabrics that are beyond beautiful but also sell more things that are not fabrics, namely my own handmade products. I mainly run my business online (see my signature), but I also participate in shows and markets where I sell bags, quilts and other handmade items. I sew. I love fabric.
I stumbled upon this forum while searching about another type of business that my husband and I are looking at. I liked the forum and thought it would be good for me to join. I sure can learn a lot and might be of some help, too.
Thank you for having me here, I look forward to meeting you.

Need opinions on how to respond to a request to copy my website - Thanks!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

I received a message on facebook from another bookkeeper who owns her own bookkeeping company. She said she likes my website and wants permission to copy it. I asked specifically what she wants to copy. She mentioned a particular quote she wants to use with one of the words being changed. She also wants to copy my services page and price list. I’m not sure how to reply to this.


Windows 10 launches on Wednesday. Yea, or Nay?

I've been running the Windows 10 preview on my laptop for a couple of months now and I like it.
The official release is July 29th. It's a free upgrade for anyone running Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 for at least the first 6 months.

If you're running any of those versions of Windows now, you may have a little Windows icon in your notification bar inviting you to update.

I've been following news, podcasts, and shows about the update so I'm feeling pretty confident about it.

Anyone else looking forward to it? Will you wait a few months? Are you planning on staying put with 7 or 8.1?

samedi 25 juillet 2015

First Business: LLC or Corp? Taxes?


I'm new to the forum and this is my first post.
I want to start my own web design/seo business. It's just going to be just me and my computer essentially. So, where do I start as far as forms and taxes and all that stuff? Do I become an LLC, INC or Corporation?
I just want to make sure everything is done correctly with the IRS and I create my business correctly.

Thank You!

Starting a Children's Boutique.. Advice?

Here's my story (short and sweet):
I currently work full-time at my in-law's company. My salary is good and I do have job security there. However, I am truly not happy. I'm not happy with the work I do and there's so many changes that occur there that just create drama and an accounting nightmare! It's been this way since I started, so I can't say this is just a bump in the road. It seems to just be the way things are there. So - a year ago, I started brainstorming of what I could do to feel successful, add income and ultimately something that I could be happy doing and something I could be proud of. I started a business to sell children's clothes online. I have a website and good, quality inventory. Getting your website seen is HARD. I spent more money just trying to get it out there than I ever intended. Then along came a local "marketplace" where I could rent a space inside their store to set up my store. The idea is great. I have made sales there... but it's not bringing in a lot of traffic because of their hours/location and lack of marketing. Not to mention - they rented a space right beside me to someone selling children's consignment clothes. So that sucks for me!
For the past few months, I have been eyeing a location two cities away from the marketplace. It's a small stand alone store that is right at the busiest intersection in town. The store that was there before (a women's boutique) did really well - so well, in fact, that she had to move to a larger space! The rent is completely do-able, in my opinion. Here's my struggle: should I open up my children's boutique at this location? I will have to get a loan. It's possible that I could keep my current job for a while (my business partner would just have to work there full-time until I could do so). Is a children's boutique a good business venture? Am I stupid to leave my current salary? I know I wouldn't make 'as much'. However - I truly believe I would be happier doing this. It's also an all-consuming thought, day after day... so what does that mean? Honest opinions and advice please!!!

Business Plan (target market : male students)

after several day struggling with activation problem. at last i able to post something.

So, im planning to sell shirt w. collar, slacks and formal shirt.

by selling only these 3 products, my target market is only Male college/university Students.
also, the place should be far from town. Therefore, i use postage as the delivery channel to customers.

the way i promoting the products by entering each of the uni. student group in facebook. As far as i concerned, each uni have their own group on fb to relay info n so on. So, i just needt o get into the group n start promoting.

Next, the most interesting part of my plan is i use affiliate marketing.. its where i reward any customer that able to refer/promote my item to their friends.
Since student love spending money n in need of money, i think this plan should be able to attract the students (i hope).

*but ofcoz, before i start to apply this plan, i would gather any information relating to such as if my price is affordable for them or anythings related. (online survey)

any suggestion and comment?(especially on my target market. male student?)

vendredi 24 juillet 2015

Getting burned with non payments. Need payment processor that protects digital goods

Looking for a payment processor that fits our business. We are located in USA.

We are a small marketing company where we generate specialized contacts that are sold to 3rd party businesses.
The 3rd party can order anywhere between 100$ and 2000$ worth of contacts at one time.
We've been burned twice now for non payment.
The contacts we sell are useless to us once they leave our hands.

We've looked at traditional merchant accounts but they don't seem to fit us.
-Too many fees.
-Too many undisclosed details.
-Simply not enough volume to justify it...

Of the online modern ones:
Paypal is no good because it doesn't offer any protection for the sale of digital goods.
Square seemed good enough but it seems to be a customer service nightmare and random freezing and deactivation is offsetting.

key points:
*100$-2000$ sporadic order processing
*volume is low (under 4000$/month)
*need protection from chargebacks for selling digital goods

Thank you!!!

I Really need some Help

I am very open to help from anyone who is willing and has some knowledge about starting a small business. So here it is:
My friend and I have been cooking forever it seems and we really love to cook. I love to make cakes and pies and have since I was a child with my aunts. I love it and I love to cook now as adult. I have cooked cakes for friends and co-workers for wedding and birthdays and I love it. My friend and I started to cook for some other people who we really didn't know because they found out that we could cook for large groups of people and the food was good. My friend she can cook some of the best Southern foods and fried foods. We have begun to think lately that we wanted to open a small restaurant, but then we thought about "Catering On Wheels" we would provide catering services to anyone who need them for whatever event they had. I was needing help with putting together the business plan and making it look really professional, as well as seeking funding to start up. I have somewhat of a business plan written up but I could really use some help.

Google Panda 4.2 is rolling out (for sometime): Anyone felt changes in SERP?

Please share if you had any noticeable change on your/client websites, and any measures you would recommend.

jeudi 23 juillet 2015

internet business service tax

So I'm expanding my dog training business in a strange direction. I will be establishing a brand and finding customers for dog trainers all over the US. They will not be contractors. The dog owners will pay me a referral fee in the form of a reservation deposit. The remainder will be paid to the dog trainer directly from the dog customer.

My question is how to pay taxes on this service. I don't think sales tax applies but the taxation on services varies from state to state. Is there software for this? Does quickbooks have a solution? HALP!!

Small business tracking orders and vendor deliveries and paying paying bills.

We don't use popular shipping companies like ups or DHL etc
Shipping is by independent truck companies contracted out by our vendors.

I want to quickly match and check:

pdf BILLS + packing slips. +. purchase orders

They are in mostly PDF format. I want to see them visually one on top of each other so I know it's complete and have all 3. Then I can pay the bill.

I want to see quickly and visually what paperwork I have and what I'm missing from vendors and the warehouse.

They are not reliable and I often have chase them down for paperwork. Also, some come by fax, some mail and some email.

In the real world I would use a huge cork board and put the purchase order up, then the packing slip when it comes and then the bill to pay.

But I still have to dig through email, call people, email repeatedly etc and then print these out.
I would rather not print anything.

Right now faxes are getting emailed to be - not in PDF form. I ca see the image of the fax but I don't know what format bell canada are sending it as.

I've looked everywhere and can't figure out how to do it. I've googled for apps and programs but I can't solve this. I wasted 6 hours yesterday trying to sort everything and this happens once or twice a month and drives me crazy.

What is current marketing startegy of real estate in Noida?

Hello guys,
please tell me everyone current marketing strategy of real estate in india, noida.

File Hosting affiliate marketing

Would like to hear from you guys on a file hosting website - - Easy way to share your files. Its a dropbox kind of website- providing 50GB for free on registration and 5TB for premium members. Idea is to grow the user base, beginning with affiliate marketing and then get into other aspects of internet marketing like press releases and blog posting. Of course, Adsense is an option as well. Like to hear ideas from you guys.


How do you protect yourself from any legal problems?

Hey guys, I would like to inquire about legal issues when dealing with "high risk" items. We tried quite a few products in the past but some products such as perfumes, jewelry, designer apparel and certain electronics like mobile phones are high risk items. Since we've already established that any merchant we should intend on purchasing from is not obligated to provide a copy of their ID proving that they are the same person as named on the AOI or EIN doc they have produced, then this means we will need to purchase purely on "faith" that they are legit. Now what happens if that merchant should be obtaining the goods we are purchasing by illegal means or that the products show be fake and all of this without our knowledge, could we be fined or jailed because of that?

mercredi 22 juillet 2015

Marketing software to small business

Hi folks - this is my first post (other than my quick intro in the newbies section) but I'm trying to get some ideas on how to market my new CRM software that we built for small businesses. Some quick background: I've been consulting on SugarCRM/Salesforce products for over 10 years now (and 8 as my own company) and one thing here in Canada that we have an issue with is the cost of the products (our dollar is getting killed right now) and the fact that we simply don't have businesses as well versed in technology.

I find that I'm really successful getting people signed up with it when I meet with them face to face. So one approach I am taking is calling all of the regional Chamber of Commerces and trying to setup speaking events and contribute to their newsletters/blogs. So far so good as I already have a few that are on board.

Has anybody else tackled this kind of thing? The product itself has been designed with input from small businesses, it's just I know a lot of them might touch Facebook but don't really go out looking for these things which is why I've found MeetUp groups and networking events good so far.

Would appreciate any ideas. Cheers!


Canadian entrepreneur joining on in!

Hi everyone, I haven't used forums in a long time but after talking to a good friend of mine he seems to find a lot of value in some of the groups he belongs to so I'm hoping between my experience I can help others but hopefully some of you can give me some critical feedback and ideas too. Looking forward to connecting!

Holding & Operating Company Setup for Multiple eCommerce Businesses

Right now I operate multiple eCommerce websites under one S-Corp. My thought is to separate each of those websites into their own S-Corp or LLC under one Holding Company.

My problem is I would use the same shipping warehouse to store inventory and ship out orders for all my websites.

One thought is that I have the holding company own all the inventory and essentially the websites only own the brand/domain and are paid a commission on sales, however I didn’t know if this approach would protect the holding company from any liability from customers where it would own the inventory.
What would be better – Holding company owns inventory and pays commissions to website operating companies, or the website operating companies own the inventory and pay the holding company or a separate “Fulfillment Center” Operating Company a warehousing/fulfillment fee?

I want to take the easiest approach. I also sell on an online auction site that is known for closing accounts for random reasons so I figured I could dissolve a LLC or S-Corp if this where to happen and start a new one under the same holding company easily enough.

Would you do an LLC or S-Corp for the holding company and operating company?

New here

Hello everyone, I'm new and planning on opening up a business here soon. So I'm here to learn some more about the starting process, legality, etc. of opening and running a business.

Best Way To Gain Clients?

Alright, so I have joined a company called Stacktron. We're a cloud Minecraft and video game hosting company. However, I'm having a lot of trouble. We only have 5 clients at the moment and I am wondering what the best way to get clients is? Do you guys have any idea how I could go about getting clients?


Again my Post isn't Showing

I had a same problem before my post aren't showing from few days. why ? i didn't do anything that is against of the rules and regulations of the forum. then why i had this same issue again and again ???

New Business : Production Agency

Hi everyone.

am planning to open a production agency in Kuwait for BTL material like printing, stickers,banner signages..etc. as a third party.
i am already working in this filed for 5 years, i know the market very well i have the contact with the suppliers and the important thing that i have already couple of clients that will shift with me (one big account).

my main concern is that i cant find the way to make this business bigger in the future, since the competition in that filed is not easy but i know i will make it but how to go bigger !! what would be the next step.

thanks in advance.

mardi 21 juillet 2015

Hello I just moved to Thailand, Could I help your business?

Hello, my name's Jake!
So I've just moved to Thailand and just realizing how cheap things are out here. I'm English with some experience with programming and I also have a wonderful Thai girlfriend who I live with.

I'm hoping somebody on here could use my position in Thailand to help them with something in their business. Maybe you would like to hire Thai people for translation. I can't think of much myself which is why i'm on here, to ask you business guys. Maybe you are thinking about setting up a business in Thailand and I could help you find out the information. Please skype me: yacobm8 or comment below :)

Why only offer 25% ownership of a new company.

Good afternoon all!

I am a new member and am grateful that a community such as this exists.

I live in Canada and have been approached by a friend with a new business idea that he would like to team up with me on. It will be his first business, and of course mine too.

I am very excited about the idea and feel that we both bring equal FUTURE value to the table, although today I bring much less than him. He is an experienced manager with lots of experience in hiring, training, budgeting, people management and scheduling. He is also very capable in the sales department.

I have had much less experience in the work force (being 6 years younger.) My value is mostly intangible at this point. I know for a fact that I will very quickly bridge any gap that might be apparent today.

So, this brings me to my reason for being here today:

He has offered me 25% ownership of the new company, he will own the other 75%. I am his best choice to partner with as his other options are proven to be unreliable and not nearly as easy to work with.

1. Why is he only offering 25% to me? is there a "secret" benefit to owning 75% of a corporation that I am unaware of? (He did let slip at one point 2. that he had read a book that he was afraid to let me read based on this topic, if you can name that book I would be very appreciative!)
3. Based on the future value that I will bring to the company is it fair to say I am worth 50% today?
4. I am aware that this is his idea and he could go elsewhere, but I am his best option. He will not succeed nearly as swiftly or as smoothly without a partner. Should I be firm and take no less than 49% of the company?

Any advice you have based on your experience would be very highly appreciated!

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Best regards.

Notification Bar always has 1 notification

I have a friend request that always shows up in the notification bar in the upper right of my screen although I've responded to it.

Not a big deal, but slightly annoying.

Expanding; Should I Borrow, Or Use Personal Cash?

I plan to expand my business. I have the personal capital to finance the growth, but I am not sure what the best options are.

The company is incorporated and has excellent credit. It has shown good profit since its inception.

Given the cost of a loan, would it be better to just pay for the expansion using my personal cash? Or, should I finance the expansion and pay interest? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each option?

It is a simple business, and I use an accountant for payroll and taxes, but I didn't want to consult him and look like a complete idiot. So, I'm reaching out in this forum (since y'all don't know me) for advice. And, anyway, he bills me for everything. I wouldn't be surprised if he billed me for ink if I borrowed his pen.

lundi 20 juillet 2015

Golf company: first stop, T-shirts!


Starting a company in the golf industry, the first line of product is going to be t-shirts (simple i know). However I plan to make this project more of a learning experience - "lowest apple." I've been involved in app projects, and music projects - although have never launched an e-biz 100%

Can anyone provide me with "steps" that I should take to get from point A to point B? All I have is the idea/t-shirt designs..


What's your obligation to your broker?

We have a broker who gets his commission from the suppliers but he is getting us a really great pricing on one specific product and he is asking us what our selling price is. We are thinking of also giving him a commission on our end in good faith so he will be getting from both sides but are we obligated to tell him what our buyers are paying to us? If not, would any of you guys here think we should divulge that info to him please?

What to do when you can't get supplierto accept money owed?

Hey guys, the electronics supplier we started with ended up being a flake, unprofessional, unreliable, non-responsive you name it so we've moved on to different suppliers. 2 weeks ago I had emailed that supplier for the 3rd time asking for instructions to send her the $1400 we have had sitting in our account for over one month now. I am thinking of sending her an email tomorrow telling her if she does not respond by this Friday we will do with her funds whatever we please, maybe use it to build our new website or something. Before I should send that final email I would like to know what liability we may have if we go this route? Or any other ideas please?

Project Fi... early access

Sounds cool, coverage is mostly the big cities and interstates, but the price is great if you travel overseas a lot and want a 6" phone. For now... I just hope the chipset gets adopted by other carriers.

dimanche 19 juillet 2015

Hi SBF -- From MA

Hi Everyone,

I am new and came across the forum while searching for legal answers and thoughts on my contracts. I am an Online Business Manager/Systematization and Implementation Consultant... short version - I help manage online businesses, implement virtual staff and train the staff to support a business owner.

I look forward to learning a lot from SBF and the members! :)


How can import duties protect businesses which creates new industry in a country?

In very poor countries like Somalia, if an entrepreneur started a business never started before in that country, producing a product which's really highly demanded in poor countries, he produces a flour.

Somalia always import flour from neighboring countries. And after started his business, let's say he realized that his products are expensive than the ones being imported. Would the country protect that newly created industry despite the fact that it's cheaper if the flour is being imported from neighboring countries? Not to mention that since it's a poor country and flour is their common food, none is sure whether it's people would try swallowing the fact that the prices suddenly rose up.

So, what do you think?

samedi 18 juillet 2015

Do you need of driving lesson?

Hello Everyone !

As a driving lessons west Lothian, we pride ourselves on providing a high standard of instruction at competitive rates, giving our pupils good value for money lessons. Anxious students can rest assured of a friendly, individual trainer and training is always both comfortable and professional.

Visit: - www{dot}inspired-driving{dot}co{dot}uk for more information about Driving....


Are you looking for buy concerts tickets?

Hello Everyone !

Ticket Hub is a website that helps fans search and explore the world’s live entertainment tickets. Ticket Hub is secure place to buy all concerts, theatre, festival and sport tickets with 125% money back guarantee. Ticket Hub has award winning event tickets network with 100% guarantee secure.

Visit: - www{dot}tickethub{dot}club for more information about Ticket....


מגוון רחב של ניסיון של משרד עורכי דין מלכה

שלום לכולם!

הקבוצה של עורכי דין שלנו יש מגוון רחב של ניסיון במספר העניינים משפטיים. אתה יכול לסמוך על מחויבותנו להאזנה למצב שלך ולהציע את דרך הפעולה הטובה ביותר, ללא קשר לאיזה סוג של עניין משפטי עם יש לך עסק. אנחנו מתלהבים השגת התוצאות הטובות ביותר עבור לקוחותינו, ואתה יכול להיות סמוך ובטוח כי תהיה לנו לעבוד קשה בשבילך. למידע נוסף, בקר עורך דין גירושין בחיפה

בקר: - ???? ??? | ???? ????? ??? ???? ????' - ???? ??? ????? | ???? ??? ??? ???? | ????? ????? | ????? ??? | ????? ??? | ????? ????? | ?????? | ??????? | ????? | ????? | ???? ??????? | ???? ?????| ???? ??? | ???? ?????


vendredi 17 juillet 2015

Private Security Company

So I plan on joining the Military this coming up February. A contract with the US Army lasts up to 4 years to service. So I have been thinking about what I want to do when I get out of the Military. My number one option I want to do is start a Private Security Contracting company. Not like a small one that guards power plants and such. I am talking about one that get contracted by the US Government to go over to Afghanistan and Iraq doing different security operations and transportation of goods.

The average operator in "Blackwater" (AKA Academi)" was getting paid $810 a day for their services. I would like to start something like that. Let me also note, I am not a very rich person. I am middle classed with working parents. Currently have no money saved up and want to know what is the best way of getting started today. I have researched lots of things and know the legal situation and such. I am asking more money wise.

Christopher Kyle (Aka the "American Sniper") started one right once he got out of the Navy Seals. His company (Craft International).`

Anyways, thanks for reading, I hope you have the right answer for me!

Small business tracking orders and vendor deliveries and paying paying bills.

We don't use popular shipping companies like ups or DHL etc
Shipping is by independent truck companies contracted out by our vendors.

I want to quickly match and check:

pdf BILLS + packing slips. +. purchase orders

They are in mostly PDF format. I want to see them visually one on top of each other so I know it's complete and have all 3. Then I can pay the bill.

I want to see quickly and visually what paperwork I have and what I'm missing from vendors and the warehouse.

They are not reliable and I often have chase them down for paperwork. Also, some come by fax, some mail and some email.

In the real world I would use a huge cork board and put the purchase order up, then the packing slip when it comes and then the bill to pay.

But I still have to dig through email, call people, email repeatedly etc and then print these out.
I would rather not print anything.

Right now faxes are getting emailed to be - not in PDF form. I ca see the image of the fax but I don't know what format bell canada are sending it as.

I've looked everywhere and can't figure out how to do it. I've googled for apps and programs but I can't solve this. I wasted 6 hours yesterday trying to sort everything and this happens once or twice a month and drives me crazy.

internet business service tax

So I'm expanding my dog training business in a strange direction. I will be establishing a brand and finding customers for dog trainers all over the US. They will not be contractors. The dog owners will pay me a referral fee in the form of a reservation deposit. The remainder will be paid to the dog trainer directly from the dog customer.

My question is how to pay taxes on this service. I don't think sales tax applies but the taxation on services varies from state to state. Is there software for this? Does quickbooks have a solution? HALP!!

jeudi 16 juillet 2015

Not sure what to Debit

I am running a internet marketing business selling affiliate products for commission. My question is, I joined a site that teaches me how to do affiliate marketing, its training, how can I account for this.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Should I dive right into business after high school?

I am 16 years old, and I will be finishing high school next year. I have many business ideas, and I will be attending college next year. I know that this may sound like a challenging task, but I want to have a job while attending school, and potentially starting a business at the same time. I currently have an ok amount of money saved up ($2500), and I realize that using it all when I don't have much to begin with is stupid. $2500 isn't really enough in any event, but I will have enough soon.

Ok I am going on a tangent, but my main question for you guys is - how do you think I can start? I want to start small at a stall at a local organic farmers market (I want to sell bottled juices). I've already figured out what I would need: a decent enough juicer, plastic bottles which would be ordered in bulk from Alibaba and some sort of labeling to show what my product is called.

Hello All....

I wanted to stop by and say hello. My family just started a new business so we are in the new business mode. We will take any and all tips regarding starting a new business. We started to test the waters by adding a few items on Ebay. This online option has done extremely well for us so we just launched our new site ( We are now looking to expand find better ways to get our name out there....

Since we are new and want to sell, sell, sell....any suggestions you guys have, please throw them at us. I was also looking for places to find customer looking to buy in bulk....Like a bid type sale. Any suggestions on where a small business owner can registered?

Thank you in advance.

Just starting out

Hello everyone,

I work for a small family owned business, we build custom cars for customers mainly in the older models. We have a website with a online store with a large volume of products listed. The website has been neglected for many years and in my option looks outdated. I started here 2 years ago and have worked my way into taking over all our online activity including sales. The website generates a fair amount of traffic with around 2,500 - 3,000 visitors a month but by looking at the sales you wouldn't guess that. My question is what would be the best way to generate more traffic / sales to our site. I am in the process of updating products and information but its slow going with just me behind it all. We are also very active on forums by posting sales and project updates of our builds here, I feel like my wording of our ads and post is not always the most exciting. Where would be the best place to start looking into ideas to improve my posts?

Forgive me if this is in the wrong place,first post.

Thank you in advance.

Website Link - Hot Rod Parts - Custom Hot Rods - Paradise Road Rod & Custom

Is leasing a crane a good idea?

I am planning of leasing a crane. I had been a crane operator for a few years but then changed my profession and went abroad. Now I am back in Toronto and I want to lease a crane and start a business, What do you think of it? Can this be profitable?

Business Management Courses from IIFT Delhi

Talentedge Education offers Online learning is a popular way of learning things. Whether you are a student, teacher or just a professional to brush up your skills and knowledge, it will help you a lot to grasp things learning is a term used to describe study materials bca from sikkim manipal university provided by various educational and training websites for free. Internet based learning also refers to distance or correspondence courses that are offered online.They may include free video lectures, papers and books and so on. American Diamond Jewellery

Jewellery Shop India is manufacturer of original birthstone,gold diamond jewellery, gemstone beads jewelry, Earrings rings, sapphire rings, Pendants, ruby rings and certified gemstones at New Delhi in India. manufacturers of original gemstones & gold diamond jewellery

mercredi 15 juillet 2015

48% of all CMS websites are WordPress, and other stats

According to WordPress makes up 48% of all websites online who use a CMS, a 7% (+1,149,956 domains) increase in usage.
Even more interesting Squarespace (+151,867) , Wix (+154,783) and Ghost are also seeing a market share increase.

Overall, a crap load of people are building new websites over all. 328,852,063 Domains were indexed online this quarter.
More here: Entire Internet CMS Usage January-July 2015 | BuiltWith Blog

How To Get Good Links In Google?

Alright, I don't know what this is actually called so I'm gonna call them good links for now. Basically, I want to make it so when you search "Stacktron" into Google, my business's website comes up with a bunch of links as seen here with Rackspace.

How is this achieved and what is it actually called?

Buy Wholesale Cheeper or Make Products?

I have a startup to where I sell fishing weights and lures. I make good profit on weights and can compete, but lures I can make a profit but can't compete well if I account into the price my labor. I don't pay myself for labor. For pricing my products out I priced them out as if I was paying myself so in the future I don't need to "raise" my prices. I can buy lures from Wholesalers cheeper than what I can make them if I count my labor time into it. If I don't count my labor into the price I am way under other wholesalers.

My question is do I buy from wholesalers or should I make the product. Which would be better down the line? Same time right now or save money?

Hello from Kenneth

I'm Kenneth, How are you guys? I'm looking forward to know more about how starting up a small business. Thank you!

mardi 14 juillet 2015

Start up business with foreign exports?

I am relatively new at this so all the information I could get would be greatly appreciated.
So, I'm planning on starting a new business of course and already have funding and ideas in the works.
It is a clothing/fashion company and I would like to have certain products created in Mexico (I have plenty of friends and clients ready to help out there) but I would like to know the basics for importing products internationally, any laws or regulations I need be aware of? Taxes? Etc.
any help would be great!
Thank you!

Product Pricing Advice

My company sells custom products directly from a manufacturer, and the manufacturer has attached fees with special rules (the fee is a flat rate that is based on the quantity of the order and all of the custom options chosen) to some of their products. Traditionally we would pass these fees directly to the customer, but now that we are pushing more into e-commerce it's getting difficult to manage and explain the special conditions and the fees.

What I'm wondering is if anyone else has similar situations with their product costs and how you have dealt with it.

SEO Services

Search engine optimization (SEO) is something that every business online needs to consider.

With millions of users online searching through places like Google, Bing and Yahoo, it would be a shame to miss out on someone who is looking for exactly what you got.

If you or someone you know is looking to take that next step and generate more leads for your business online, please visit my website and message me to schedule a free consultation.

Best Regards,

Sean Martin - SEO/ Social Media Strategist / 9514542176
Attached Images

RIP Flash

Multiple Ventures? One Business Structure or Several?

Okay, so currently I do Internet Marketing for clients, where I provide them websites, I provide them online consulting into their marketing, seo, social media, etc. Now, I have started an online auction company that I run through the same business structure (The same LLC), however, I have some other ventures as well (ALL ONLINE BASED) that I would like to do as well.

All of them are ALL online based, meaning all the transactions will take place online, all products will end up being dropped shipped or things of that nature, but it will be multiple eCommerce types of businesses.

So my question is, should i keep them all under my single LLC that I have now (Lindsey Interactive, LLC) or should I make individual LLC's for each venture?

Off lease laser

Sam Lehrer is the founder and CEO of MedLaser Depot, Off Lease Laser and the Laser Repair Depot. These companies provide a cost-effective efficiency to the medical laser industry with repair, replacement and refurbishing services. This saves medical professionals the costs of completely replacing an older version of a laser and, instead, allows them the opportunity to have it examined and refurbished to suit current standards.

The introduction of laser technology continues to pave way for experimentation with new procedures. The precision of the laser means surgeons can operate with a correctness that would be otherwise impossible using traditional tools.

Sam Lehrer’s connections and depth of relationships within the industry, allows him to choose the best equipment for resale. This ensures that clients receive the highest quality equipment available on today's market. The companies also work on individual requests for specific pieces of equipment. Many buyers have specific requirements that may not be met with current/immediate inventory status. They also have the ability to search for specific requests.

Lasers are an integral part of medical advancement. With continuing advancement in laser technology, laser-based procedures will only become more available, affordable and effective.

lundi 13 juillet 2015

Hello Everyone! I’m Tommy

I’m Tommy and I’m a professional online entrepreneur that specializes in teaching others how to start an internet business and make money online.

Submitted press release with inaccurate information

I submitted a press release about a local summer camp being offered and got the location wrong - I stated 'Performance Art Center' when it is really 'Performing Arts Center'. I am thinking of sweeping this error under the rug since the incorrect name still brings up the correct location in search but is it worth sending a corrected press release?

Additionally this is the first press release job I have ever done so I am not sure if it there is more negative impact on my reputation by sending a corrected press release or to have the location (which is not my client) become irritated with the incorrect name.

Programming Languages. What do you do and how did you get started?

Bill sparked another subject in another thread and I wanted to continue the conversation for others to chime in.


Originally Posted by billbenson View Post
I agree with you in regards to WP. I'm just a big proponent of using databases. You can do so much with them.

You can get a script off of Hotscripts and slightly modify it for your application and put it on your website. Or just modifying the page on WP.

What language do you do that in? SQL? Python? PHP?

I'm starting to get into some coding and programming but there's a lot of languages.

Everyone says to start with Python and the rest comes easier.
What did you start with, PHP?

Claiming existing stock when starting a new business?

Hi, newbie user here. I've been thinking about a side business doing some online selling through EBay and some other sites of inventory I have been acquiring through private sales via Kijiji, etc, and some of my own personal purchases over the last couple of years. I never really thought about starting a business, but I think it might have the potential to make about $1000 to $3000 / month in sales.

My question is, since I have not kept any receipts or even received receipts for a lot of the items that I have purchased, is there any way to claim this startup inventory as a business expense? I have kept track of how much everything has cost me, but without receipts am I going to have to pay tax on the whole sale without the cost of the inventory offsetting it? Can I get an "appraisal" of the stock and use that value to claim for startup costs?

Any advice would be much appreciated!


It's B-ACK!

In case you didn't realize you missed the 1980's....

Something that always makes me laugh (marketing related)

You service providers (web designers, graphics, fellow writers) have all heard this a million times:

Me: The price for your writing (website, graphics, etc) is XYZ.

Them: Oh... I'm a startup. I don't have XYZ. How about one page for X, and once the business takes off, I'll come to you for the rest.

In other words, in their mind, the business is "taking off" even with a crap site, lousy writing, poor graphics, etc. It makes me wonder why they even contacted me in the first place.

Happy Monday!

Is it a good idea to invest on buying exact match domain

Hi recently found a domain named on a auction site. When made a research on the exact match name listverse it has a total visitors of above 1 million. Have an idea of buying this domain with a cost of $5000 dollar and restablish the site with proper contents to get a large visitors. Want to know if buying this domain is a good idea, also would like to get suggestions about investing on exact match domains.

dimanche 12 juillet 2015

Tips on Passing out Flyers?


I have a business that specializes in political paraphernalia. I have identified a few markets that are highly ideal for my product, and i would like to pass out flyers as one of my advertising methods.

Please let me know if anyone has any tips or experience with passing out flyers. Especially tips on ideal locations. The cities I have identified or mid-size cities.


Purchasing Business I Manage - HELP !!!!

Hi everyone

I am just about to purchase the business I have worked for for 28 years, but we have come up with a stumbling block and wondered if anyone had any ideas.

The business is a car/cycle parts and accessory store and has been trading for 41 years. The cost of my purchase is approx 150k which I will pay 30k upfront and the balance will be paid out of the business profits over the following 5 years.

The owner also owns a number of properties including the shop which are included in the business. I am only purchasing the stock, goodwill, fixtures and fittings. We are being advised that having the properties in the business creates problems for my purchase. Legal costs go through the roof and the 20% corporations tax needs paying somewhere along the line (could be 10% if the properties were not an issue by taking advantage of entrepreneurs benefit allowance)

The only way forward is to make the company as it stands insolvent and create two new companies, one for the store and the other for the properties. Does anyone have any ideas of the cost of this procedure? We have had a few rough estimates of between 30k and 40k, which I feel is crazy. To take advantage of the entrepreneurs allowance I would pay 20k on day 1 of the new business (written agreement that the business is transferred to my name), after a year pay a further 25k to officially purchase business and only pay 10% corporations tax. What would be the legal implications of this?

Is there any other way of proceeding with the purchase?

Thanks for any advice given, any more information required please ask.


What Do You Pay?

I'm curious what small business owners are paying for their websites to be created and/or maintained by someone else. Or do you do it yourself?

1. How much did you pay to have your site built?
2. How much do you pay each month for maintenance or do you do it yourself?
3. Are you charged hourly, monthly, or yearly for maintenance? What about domain and hosting?

samedi 11 juillet 2015

Batteries in Products Manufactured in China

Does anyone have an opinion about whether to have my Chinese manufacturer include batteries in my electronic novelty item? I will be selling the product on Amazon and possibly Ebay. Some similar items come with batteries; others don't and the end customer is expected to supply their own. I'm not certain about the quality of the batteries that the manufacturer will put into my product, but it would be far too labor intensive and costly to insert my own batteries before shipping to the end user, and it would be nice for the end customer to receive something that can immediately be played. Having said that, I'd hate for the end customer to receive a product with defective batteries in it (especially after I would have advertise "batteries included".

Any advice or opinions are welcome.

LLC or Corporation Help??

I have read that as a corporation you basically get Double taxed, it seems like you would have rto pay youself out a certain amount as the owner. But because a LLC is the newest entity, it doesn't look like there is tax structure created for LLC's yet. So you have to decide to be taxed as a S Corp, C Corp, or Partnership. If your business is not a partnership though, then you're forced to be taxed as a corporation, meaning Double Taxed.
I'm trying to figure out which would be better for my company. We hire subcontractors, not employees (if that matters).

I appreciate any insight please!!

Business Entity Help anyone??

Our company is currently a LLC partnership, but both partners are splitting. We are starting with a new EIN but keeping the name. How should we go about deciding if we should continue as an LLC or a Corporation? Pros and Cons?
We are a company that travels, we hire subcontractors, not employees.

Any Info is appreciated!

What are some great courses on PPC advertising for my small business??

Hello Everyone!

I am new to the forum here and would like to see if any of you great and successful folks could point me towards the best PPC marketing courses that I can utilize for my consulting business.

Thanks in advance!

Just got a new website built and need SEO help - where do I start??

Hi. I own a new paintless dent repair (like a bodyshop repair facility) and we travel from storm to storm in different states. We got a new website built for $650 but it comes with no SEO. The website builder had a friend to refer for the SEO but I didn't feel comfortable with him or his prices. We want to get our website "SEO friendly" and figure out how to do this without getting hammered for ridiculous prices or some sort of contract to pay every month if not necessary.

Here is my website: Dent Teks - Home

Secondly, what is the best SEO method for us to get all the benefits of SEO and top page ranking everytime we set up in a new state or storm since we are a traveling mobile business? Our business heavily relies on "review" based websites like Yelp or Google reviews etc. Also, obviously, top page ranking as well.

Also, any other advice to stem more traffic or business that would be great. We have used google adwords but they are pretty pricey. Yelp has called us about advertising services but haven't tried them yet.

Any help would be appreciated!

... Retail????

I have a few in house fabrication projects coming up next week and I decided to start buying supplies and parts that I know I'm going to be needing. My shopping list consisted of:

1) 24 ft of 1"x1" 10-12 gauge stainless steel tube, grade not critical
2) 10lb roll of stainless steel mig welding wire and small tank of proper gas
3) 6 x 6" c-clamps
4) 4-6 x 4" c-clamps

It's a simple order aside from the tube. Most farm/welding supply stores should carry everything but the tubing and I should be able to get that from my local steel supplier. I can't believe how wrong I was.

1) I had to settle for 19 gauge unknown grade stainless tube (yay mystery metal) since I can't wait 3-4 weeks for delivery.
2a) Had to contact a local welder and buy the wire from him.
2b) Have to change my process from mig to tig since I can't get the gas any quicker than the tube (two of these places never heard of tri-mix welding gas).
3 & 4) Had to go to 3 different stores for the clamps and still only found half of what I wanted. Not to mention that at 2 stores the employees there didn't know what a c-clamp is (tried to sell me U-bolts).

Being told that they will only bring in these "specialty" items on an as ordered basis was frustrating as I live in the dairy capital of Canada and there are countless backyard fabricators here.

I understand that companies are reducing inventories and these retailers are entry level jobs, but this was just ridiculous.

EIN Info- Anyone??

We are starting a new company, How do I get an EIN? Our company travels, is there a way to change the address asscoiated with the EIN everytime we travel to a new location?

How to switch ownership of a domain on GoDaddy?????

Just as the tite friend has a website that he wants to transfer ownership in my name. It is with godaddy - what do I need to do. There is no money involved so it is not a sale. Thanks.

My first accounts submission, share capital issue

Dear all

I would very much appreciate some advice on the below issue. I apologise in advance for its elementary nature but these are my first returns.

Im employed myself but Im also the director of a company I opened with a friend as a hobby/side show. I created the company on Nov 13 and have to complete my accounts relating to Nov13-Nov14 by the 28th of july 15. When I opened the company I gave it share capital of £1. Subsequently I spend roughly 13k for supplies, stock and exhibition space. some of the money was paid through the company account and some through my own personal account for ease of use given I only had a cheque book for the business. What i never did was to increase the shares of the business. is this something I can do now to reflect that 13k have been "poored" into the company. there is nothing iffy about the expenses by the way, no travel entertainment or substinence all pure stock buying. I did look into professional advise and was quoted £850 which to me sounds rather steep for a company with 0 sales so far and 20 lines of expenditure. Im sure an accountant can sort this in 30mins.

Does anyone ahve any advice as to how to deal with the above?

any pointers much appreaciated

Sole Proprietorship, LLC, or other? (Independent Contractor)

I'm a recent dental graduate and will begin working at a local dental chain next month. At my last meeting with the owners, I was told that I will be considered an independent contractor, as are all of the other dentists who work for them, and that I will need a business bank account. Although I will need a "business" account, it will not be an actual business. There will be no growth and I won't be hiring any employees, other than myself. All I would need it for is to receive my pay every month and move a percentage of it to my personal account, leaving behind money to pay quarterly taxes. Knowing this, would the recommendation be to have a sole proprietorship with a DBA associated with the business account, or make an LLC/other? If it's just a sole proprietorship with DBA, am I still eligible for business tax deductions and other write-offs, or would I need an incorporated entity? I'm getting an initial consult with a CPA early next week, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can beforehand so I can have a decent conversation with him. I know a lot about dentistry, but they don't teach us much on business! lol Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Business name and available URLs

Hi everyone. I am preparing to start a business right now I'm focussing on business name and URL issues.

About 10 years ago, my husband and I sat down and brainstormed names for a business for kids stuff, and after two hours, came up with a relatively simple name that didn't have someone squatting on every URL variation (just half of them!). I registered the URL and have sat on it until now. The URL (.com domain) has a dash though because people were squatting on all the versions without a dash.

Now, I'm revisiting this issue because I want to go ahead and start the business, and I'm concerned that having a URL with a dash will be suboptimal or look unprofessional. I expect to sell my products on Amazon, but also to maintain my own website for selling things. I will not have my own physical store, so the website is essentially my home-base.

I've contacted the name owner of the non-dash version, and they want $4K for it. I don't think it makes sense to pay that right now
1. because things could just not work out at all and then it'd be money down the drain, and
2. because I resent the fact that people have gone squatting on every two-word combination URL.
Yet, I sense that down the road I'll want the URL, and if I continue asking, they'll just raise the price and this will be a thorn in my side.

Let's say the company name were something like Butterfly Toys:

Would you
1. Start your business using, with the possibility of never getting ever because they'll keep raising the price past what you want to pay.

2. Start your business using because it, and its .org, .net, .info. .whateverelse version are all cheaply available.

3. Scrap it, and find a different business name that no one is squatting on the non-dash versions of and get them all *now* even if it means going for a less-desirable business name.

4. Start with either 1 or 2 and then change business names later if this issue can't be resolved even though your products would have the original name (and possibly URL) engraved on it.

Profit sharing/shares given to key leaders?

Hey folks,

We've been in business for about 6 years. I have a great group of people working for me. A few of them have been with me for a long time, and once since the beginning. The one who has been with me since the beginning has incredibly loyalty and commitment to helping our company grow, though he has a bachelors in business administration and could seek employment elsewhere at a bigger company with a better starting salary. He doesn't want to do that though because he is intrigued by being somewhere that he can help create the culture.

He is an hourly employee currently and probably will be for a bit longer - though hopefully not too much longer. He will be the first salaried when he does go on salary. Being that he is so committed to growing the company and the culture I would like to give him a part in the business. He's not going to be purchasing a part because I'm not interested in a partnership really. I would like to give him a portion of the profits once we hit a certain amount. We are currently working on paying off our business debt and will grow debt free from then on.

I would like to say that once the debt is paid off and we hit X amount is net profits, you will begin receiving X percent of the profits per quarter.

For example, I could say at 100k net per year you will receive 1.25 percent of the profits per quarter.

Quarter 1 we net 25,000 he gets $312.50
Quarter 2 we net 18,000 he gets $0
Quarter 3 we net 40,000 he gets $500.00
Quarter 4 we net 35,000 he gets $427.50

My questions are:
Is this a good idea?
Should I do profit sharing or should I actually give him a percentage of the company for maximum reward/reinforcement?
How much should I give?
If I do profit sharing, does my example work? At the end of the year do I need to also give him the unpaid portion of $18,000 from Q2 since we ended up netting $118,000? Or should it just be calculated per quarter? Maybe I should make it 1.25 percent of each quarters net over 25k?

Thanks for all the advice!

Scanning a barcode and showing a picture on the screen

Hi All,
I'm new to this so please go easy on me.
I'm wondering if anybody can help?
What I'm trying to do is scan a barcode and have a picture come up on the screen, I'm running a fish auction and this will speed up the process dramatically.
If I can also in the same barcode number have the sellers information on it so I can keep track of where they came from that would also be great.
I have a scanner and a barcode label machine, I'm lacking the skill and software.
Can anybody help?


Want to run online cloth business from maryland

HI All,

Question background:
I want to sell clothing products(T-shirt, saree(asian cloth, Handloom)) in online from my home(in maryland). I will collect products from asian country. I will operate my business from maryland & want to sell in whole USA.
My total investment will be around $6000 & no plan to expand more till getting success. And i am expecting less than +-10 orders/month. Even 0 :) or even 50 max!!

Can anyone please help me on below points considering my above description:
1. Am i need to open LLC? How much cost it will take?
2. My home(stock) in maryland. If i need to ship an order to other states then am i need other licences except LLC?
3. Does any sort of licensing is required for my such little business? Please consider i need to ship orders in different state with my website name.
4. Is it possible to ship orders to other states without any license? What will be the risk if am not licensed.

Will appreciate your guideline.

Getting traffic but still no sales.

Hello, I just started an online store. I created what I think is a really attractive website and I got others to view it as well and they agreed it looks great. The problem is I do get traffic to my site, but no sales. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. My website is Meeleeboutique . I really thought I did my homework with this but I'm just lost as to why no sales. My prices are not too much I made sure of that, and the items I have are relevant. So what's the problem?

Free e-books from Microsoft

Mostly technical but a bunch of marketing stuff in there as well. And all are free without giving an e-mail address or anything like that.

MSDN Blogs

In case you wanted to add to your eBook library.

NYSE Mysteriously Halts All Trading

Just took my lunch break, sat down at my computer and saw this:


All trading on the New York Stock Exchange is halted Wednesday for unknown technical reasons – heaping yet another worry onto investors already rattled by global economic concerns.

Internal technical issues are being blamed for NYSE trading to shut down at 11:32 a.m. ET. The shutdown is also affecting the NYSE MKT exchange, a market for small companies.

Such outages are extremely rare in U.S. markets – but the halt brings up memories of the August 2013 “Flash Freeze” when trading on the Nasdaq was halted for hours. The NYSE is saying the problem is due to a problem with NYSE systems – not any sort of external attack.

Traders on the NYSE floor were standing around looking at blank trading terminals where no bid or offers were being exchanged. Trading in NYSE-listed stocks was still occurring on other exchanges, including the Nasdaq.

In a statement, the NYSE says: “We’re currently experiencing a technical issue that we’re working to resolve as quickly as possible. We will be providing further updates as soon as we can, and are doing our utmost to produce a swift resolution, communicate thoroughly and transparently, and ensure a timely and orderly market re-open.”

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security did not have an official statement about the computer outages. However, the agency said there was no immediate indication of a coordinated cyberattack. Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo White, says in a statement, “We are in contact with NYSE and are closely monitoring the situation and trading in NYSE-listed stocks. While NYSE is working to resolve the situation, NYSE and NYSE MKT stocks continue to trade normally through other trading venues.”

NYSE mysteriously halts all trading | America's Markets

meal kit delivery service

I am planning to start meal-kit delivery service ( like blue appron / hellofresh ), like there are so many already back in my coutry.
After research, I could see there are couple of cities which are still left out and no competetion.
I have few question while pursuaing this idea

1) I dont have COOK in my team, and I am thinking to use some of the existing receipes and go ahead with that.
and get Cook if business clicks. is it good idea?
2) should I manage without mobile app for few months, unless it picks up?
3) What should be good marketting techniques to bring business to most of the crowd?

Please provide any inputs and suggestions.

How do i do an email blast to welcome new users?

Hello, I would like to blast out my online services to other businesses. (i'm a new start-up and no one knows me yet). I'm wondering what is the cost effective way or if possible free solution to blast out between 300-500 emails at a time to potential customers. I will be blasting emails on a weekly basis. Any solution, pls?
Thank You.

Electronic Recycling Pickup - Deborah Ferrari

Hello All,

I'm Deborah Ferrari. I'm new to this forum ans this is my first post here. I would like a discussion and suggestion for a small business or we say work for social cause. I'm thinking of a business in which one offer to pick up all the e-waste that's been collecting in people garages — old televisions, broken laptops, defunct cellphones — and bring them to your local electronic recycling facility. Hence preventing environment from harmful effects of e-waste and also making money out of it.

Looking forward for you suggestions.

Deborah Ferrari.

Hi there, I'm back.

Just wanted to say hi, missed all of you and looking forward to participating in some discussions.

Lenders for Start up costs

Hello everyone,
Do you guys know any lenders who will provide a pre-qualification should you decide to move forward on a business venture?
most lenders I am finding wants your business to exist for at least 2 years. I basically need money to start my business first. Buy equipment, licensing and money to rent the warehouse.

Any thoughts?

Letterhead options for email and docs?

Hey guys, how can we get a professional letterhead for both our invoices, purchase orders and business emails? I tried asking around on fiverr but seems no one there has a clue. First let me ask this, I have seen some pro looking signatures in emails from business people which has a logo with customized text, how can we get that please?