mardi 20 octobre 2015

Businesses and products in Vietnam


I'm a Vietnamese who is currently living in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
I've been helping several business people who want to open and establish businesses in Vietnam, buy products from Vietnam.

In which:

+ My first client here was an American (Nepalese by blood). His name is Ravi Pradhan.
I translated his ppt file to Vietnamese, went with him to Vung Tau to conduct (translate and facilitate) a two-day workshop about leadership and management training.
Continue work with him sometimes in HCMc.

+ My second client was an Israeli – American:
I drafted for them a basic drawing on AutoCad for their planning factory site.
I went with them to Nha Trang and Da Lat for almost one week to find the source of supply,
visited local government office to get contact and info.
Went to local places to meet local people to find the raw materials.
I created a project idea picture for them to put into their report.
(The report is for them to look for investor(s) ).

+ My third client was an American who want to open an art-related entertainment business.
I helped him to work on business license, find a place to print his business card. Interpret for him with the logo designer.

+ My fourth client was an Israeli who want to open a service for babies.
I collected all info about kids, babies – related services in HCMc,
arrange a car for rent, then we went to visit all those places to get experience & ideas.
I also helped him to find an apartment for rent, motorbike for rent.
Connect him with people who can help him in the business, who can be his staff.
Help him to find shipping company, finding a business place for rent for his store.
Help him to find a business plan writer.

+ My fifth client is a US-based Filipino company. They want to expand their waste water treatment business. I helped them to go to a factory in an industrial park to collect information and data about the waste water facilities and quality there.

+ My sixth client is a French. He wants to open an agricultural farm in Vietnam to produce their own products. I help him to research on land rental price. I’ve found a Professor in a University who have experience and have done lots of research in this field to connect to him.

+ My seventh client is a Vietnamese-French (Vietnamese by blood, was adopted by a French family). He opens a business to sell machines from France to Vietnam. I help him to work on the content of the website and brochure. i advised him to not totally copy the content of the partner company in France, but write everything on his own understanding and experience which can make prospect customers understand easier and better. Help him to interpret when we were in a business conference.

+ My eighth client is a Turkish. He wants to buy Rayon fabric in Vietnam, and I helped him to research and contact with potential supplier(s)

I'm offering you similar service, if you want to open business in Vietnam or buy Vietnam products.

You may check my profile here


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