vendredi 23 octobre 2015

Should we Include Pricing on Website - (Even Though Everything is Customized)

Hey Guys, I am not here to promote any of my services, actually I am here to more do a bit of research as we are looking to make some changes to our website and want to get our customers feedback.

We are an Internet Marketing Company and we currently offer things such as SEO, Social Media, etc. We currently don't have our prices listed on our website for the simple fact that we build customize marketing campaigns based on our clients individual budgets, we don't do "Premade Packages". However, we are debating rather or not we should put up "Recommend Budget Spends" or things like this on our website, as we feel that some customers want to at least get an "idea" of what they may be looking to spend, what is recommended, etc.

What are your thoughts? Should we put recommend budgets for different scenarios? Should we just not have ANY pricing on there? or should we try to put like "Buckets of Hours" for a set price so customers can see some sort of pricing points online?

You can take a look at our site here (Lindsey Interactive :: Kentucky Marketing Solutions) and browse and see how we don't mention anything of our service pricing currently.

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