mardi 13 octobre 2015

How to get more sales with a trip wire

So I've implemented something in my business that has gotten me many many sales in the recent weeks, it's called a trip-wire. A trip wire is something that you offer almost at a loss to yourself to gain the customer as a client. Once they become a client, you can offer them something at a higher cost. It's infinetley more difficult for a customer to reach in their pocket to pay you money the first time but way easier to pay for something the second time. A trip-wire also has a much higher conversion rate. It's much better to get a conversion of 10% on a low cost offer and get more clients then it is to get a low conversion rate of .5% at a higher cost. Why? because you'll have more customers and customers are way easier to sell to.

Tell me what you guys think or if you have any tips that can help the forum.

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