mercredi 28 octobre 2015

New to payroll.


My cousin, a couple of his friends and I (total four) are trying to start a business developing/building websites for various institutions (small businesses, education e.g. elementary & high schools etc.). Since our services don't necessarily need brick & mortar, a good majority of the work will be at our individual apartments with the exceptions of meetings with clients to plan out their website.

I'm in charge of payroll, employee & client contracts and business banking -- the thing is I have absolutely no clue where to start. None of us are familiar with payroll and all the things I've listed, and non of us know a CPA. What books can I read about payroll, legal contracts and small business banking so I can have a sound idea of what I'm doing? I'd like to save money so I don't think I'll be enrolling in any payroll/bookkeeping classes anytime soon. This will all be self-taught and it will through trail-and-error.

I have this site:, to aid me but I need more.


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