vendredi 9 octobre 2015

Moving to a New Server

Hey All,

Thought I'd let everyone know, I'm having the site moved to a new server. I think it's going to start sometime tonight (10/9/2105), though it may be tomorrow.

You shouldn't notice anything while things are being moved, however when I change name servers there will be a time where some people see the site on the current server and some see it on the new one. I'm mentioning this because it's possible if you post something over the weekend you might end up on the current server even though the site is on the new server, in which case it may not be there in a day or two when all the changes have gone through.

Just wanted to let you know in case you post something over the weekend and don't see it on Monday. It's possible it ended up on the wrong server.

I apologize in advance if something you write seems to disappear. If that happens let me know. Odds are I'll be able to access things and add them after everything is moved.

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