samedi 10 octobre 2015

Looking for horror stories about how tax agencies treated you

My name is Jacob Smith and I'm running a tax escape service for small and medium businesses. I've also started a blog where I want to share people's bad experience with tax agencies from all around the world and write about stupid or ridicules tax laws that are making life miserable for normal people and business owners.
I'm looking for people that has been treated bad or unjust by their tax agency, business owners or private persons.
Do you run a business and have some bad experience with your tax agency? Please share your story

Have you been in trouble with your tax agency as a private person because of some stupid tax law? Please share your story.
Since we have a climate of very politically correctness when it comes to taxes, I do understand some of you don't want to reveal your identity, or your business you're in, in fear of being recognised full anonimity allowed.

Sends me a pm here or contact me at orcleardot.gif write your story directly on our blog at Home

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