mercredi 14 octobre 2015

Question as to efficient market research methods

Hello, everyone.

I am a newbie would-be self-educated market research assistant. I have been learning the ropes for some time now and I will continue to do so. Even though I am doing fine enough, I am making projection about how I will be good enough than I am doing now in terms of market research in particular. That point is hard to guess because I just wonder how can I find more companies to contact in Internet 5 years later than I do right now as long as I employ similar method. So my question is:

What is the most efficient way to find list of companies on Internet? Does any body know whether there is a sole database that categorize the types of companies, in high numbers in fact. Because you know , using google to find them isn't convenient way to come up with a list of companies in hundreds thousands, for example, in Romania or Italy because even a proper Internet research only enables you to find a handful of companies but the thought is, there gotta be lots of companies existing. You can't expect yourself to accept that there is actually few flooring contractors , for example in Romania, which has 20 million citizen,( I could found only 14 flooring companies in Romania, is that a joke?), but unfortunately I haven't been able to find more than score for any country.

That kind of thought led me to think that how I should revise or improve my research methods in order to come up with more companies. I deeply appreciate your kind comments, recommendations, clues etc.

Thank you.

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