samedi 31 octobre 2015

R.I.P. Stacktron

You all saw it coming: Stacktron is dead. Now before you all start to riot because of such a travesty, let me explain:

Stacktron was on financial breaking point. We had money and people willing to give us money, but the issue was we were paying for things we really didn't have to pay for in the first place. Some of it was approached incorrectly, a lot of it was broken (constant server issues, etc.) and when we were first starting it I was convinced against my own instinct to do certain things, (like write a bloody business plan), and because of that I will no longer be doing business with those individuals as I have learned they have horrible business sense.


Okay, so we were gonna go down in about a week when I got a Skype message about buying Stacktron. We didn't have many clients, but the guy wanted to buy it for the clients. So, we took the deal, because why not.

Moral of the story is, trust your own instinct kids.

Now because I'm so incredibly interesting you're all most likely thinking, "What now Mr. Warren Buff---err, I mean Owen?" The answer is simple. I don't know. To be completely honest I'm probably gonna hang low and silently do something with someone else. I won't talk about it to anyone until it's launched and ready. We'll see. Until then my fellow business people! ;D

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