lundi 26 octobre 2015

Has anyone tried Robly Email Marketing

I had a few flyers a while back and a phone call last week and now have an appointment to talk to Robly in a few days.

I have been using Constant Contact for my email needs. I have been ok with them. I don't seem to have the time to use it as much as I should and with the limited use probably am not getting my moneys worth. I do want to do more with emails in the future. My only complaint with CC would be more in the range of it not seeming right that they provide the templates but if you want a mobile friendly template you need to buy it for $ 79.00. To me providing the templates should be part of their service but that is not really a big deal.

Robly claims to be half the price of Constant Contact and to get twice as many opens. They do provide mobile friendly templates for free.

I would be interested to know if anyone has used Robly and what their experiences were. I see more using MailChimp than anything but I believe they are about the same price as Constant Contact.

Here is a link to Roblys web site in case anyone wants to see the specifics of what they offer.

Any experiences anyone can share?

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