jeudi 17 décembre 2015

Hello from France

I am French living in Paris.
I have been working around 25 years in hotel and restaurant business (all position, mainly as chef, maitre D, director, owner) for traditional, brasserie and some gastronomical experiences (3 diplomas in this aera and participation in some cooking contests).
I've worked in a training company and trained people on sales and recruitment. I also hired for others. I lectured on many management and business subjects and still do when I see the opportunity to help.
I've had a business of importation and sales of scooters. Had position of business development for a European car wash company. Recently I sold a company I created 5 years ago which was a cleaning company (cleaning awnings).

My present situation : I'm in charge of commercial contracts for a Kuwaiti company in the luxury retailing industry mostly Franchise Agreement. I work as support staff in a lawyer office (one of the big 5). I learn (by myself as I always do) how to program and create applications. This will be my occupation for my retirement (I'm 53).

I am active on a similar French small business forum. If I can be of any help on this one too... I saw many good and pertinent advices on this forum, so I registered.

My business history is somewhat different than usual (for French people at least). I have always focused on adventure, it is not a long peaceful way to do things but it is the way I like to live. There have been some failures and many successes, I've met extraordinary people and I am happy about that.

If I can be of any help and advice for members I'll be happy to share. And if I have questions or doubts in one of my adventure I'll ask. Beleiving we know all, and incapacity to learn are ennemies of progress...

Have a good day,

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