samedi 26 décembre 2015

Starting a Design Firm - help?

Hello, im a graduate of Architecture and a recent passer in our board exam. As i found out, starting my own firm isn't as easy as college made it out to be,lol. but i already drafted out plans on expanding my network.

For now however, i need referrals from people who are directly connected to prospective homeowners - these are real estate brokers/agencies.
In return for their referral, im planning a 20% or higher commission rate for their referral depending on the size of a project.

I also consider this an investment on the real estate broker as land value is only going up and construction is booming and i need as much referrals as i can get...

Is it too aggressive? The conventional way of architects getting clients is too passive - waiting for someone to refer them without any prior action, or until someone notices them.
Sitting and waiting is simply not an option for me.
Sorry for being a little bit too idealistic on this, but what is your take on the matter?

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