jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Xmas Pitch in. Pay hourly employees to eat? Your thoughts

I'm having an arm wrestling match.
Christmas eve we close at noon and have a pitch in meal. 13 employees.
At the end of the meal I say a bit about the year, employees give me a gift card, I give out payroll with bonuses, they help clean up and we all leave.
It is all over by 1:45.
Salary and sales are not paid anything.
Salaried service manager turns in time cards and 7 hourly employees were compensated the extra 1-3/4 hours to be at the event.
I'm calling foul. He says it is a work function.
This is the kind of stuff... if I dwell on it it honks me. Pay them while they eat?
What do you say?

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