vendredi 25 décembre 2015

What productive thing do you want to get done before the new year?

For me it was wrangling all of my emails and accounts. Specifically Google.

I've been with Google since before Google Voice, Google business, Google Pages, Google Knowledge graph, Google Plus profiles, rel="author" tags, Google Play Music and before Android.

So it goes without saying as all of these things came up over the years that I didn't want my personal stuff with business stuff, or different businesses or interests combined, and ended up with a 5 accounts (and emails that I don't use for anything except junk) that were a mix of personal, business, voice numbers, Android devices and so on.

I love Google and the bounty of tools that they have provided us, but managing Google accounts to keep business from personal is a pain in the ass and everyone knows it. Even Google.

I finally got it all cleaned up and down to 3 accounts.
1 business, 1 developer, and 1 personal, each in control of their perspective Google Business pages and Voice numbers and connected to the proper devices web pages and other social media accounts.

I also removed all of the gmail addresses from those accounts and changed all of the log ins to their perspective private or business email addresses. And last but not least, got everything organized properly in Outlook and on the devices that I want them connected to.

It was hours of work, especially removing business related stuff from personal accounts, choosing nicknames, rewriting profiles, privacy settings..blah, blah, blah... but it finally all makes sense now.

So what about you? What's the thing you've been putting off that you really want to get done before the new year starts?

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