mercredi 23 décembre 2015

New Business problems

hello guys,
I have started a new business this year,
it is going well, but hard to promote, my product is unique and not known to the public, thus very hard to promote.
I am making sales but not enough for me to be satisfied.
plus, I am putting lots of effort to get each customer, most of them I get physically showing my product.
well, the product is Golden Stickers, its a great way to decorate almost anything with gold, from company logos, to your mobile phone and even cars..
anyone has any idea how to pump up the sales and exposure?
I have a website: but I generate most of my business from other sales platforms.
it is new business, and I would really appreciate if anyone has some points for new and unique products on market which people don't really know, but actually loving it once they try.
Again its much more difficult to promote new product then something that is already known to public and they are actually looking for it.
thanks a head,

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