lundi 21 décembre 2015

Managing Employee Workflow and Scheduling with Software?

I am the owner of a small agriculture consulting business in the united states. Our work is very seasonal, depending on the growing season. During the winters we tend to spend a lot of time in the office reviewing our previous year. We explore our expenses, look at our inefficiencies and ask ourselves where can we improve. All has been fine and well in the past, but this year I hired two more full time employees. They have proved to be very valuable assets, and have shown initiative in improving and modernizing our data systems, advertising, and day to day work flow.

There initiative has been well received, but during the previous week both have expressed concern over similar issues, at different times, and in different meetings. Both have pointed out a lack of planning. In the past with only a few employees, planning wasn't exactly a top priority. We all worked in tandem on the same project. With more employees now, working on separate projects simultaneously, and sometimes on separate parts of the same project, I understand their confusion.

To address their concerns, I am looking for some type of planning and employee task management software. Something akin, but more flexible than the outlook calendar. What employee management software have people used in the past, and/or can recommend to address employee management, workflow and scheduling?

Thank you,

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