jeudi 17 décembre 2015

Removing Website Files No Longer Used – How?

I take care of a website for a small part time town library on a volunteer basis. The site was a first put on line several years ago and since that time the librarian and one or two other volunteers have frequently changed the content. The problem is they all add files to the server but no one physically removes any when they are no longer needed. As a result there are now a lot of files on the site that are just adding clutter and taking up space. How do most people deal with this? Do they feel hard drive space is cheap and let the site grow indefinitely or do they have an easy way of removing them without creating problems?

I am sure if I try to do this one file at a time manually, it would be a monumental task and it would undoubtedly result in some files being removed that shouldn’t be incurring the wrath of more than one person. One solution might be a free software program that looks at all the files on the site and determines which ones are being used (have links calling them) and which are not, but I am not aware of such a beast.

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