mercredi 30 décembre 2015

How to scale my job boards?

Hi guys!

I currently have two job boards. One job board that I run on WordPress is absolutely free.
Anyone can post jobs and apply to these jobs. For these job board my target audience are studends and young professionals who look for internships or entry level jobs.

In the beginning I figured that students usually don't have much money and they will be less willing to pay for applying to jobs.
So, I decided not to charge anyone and let the job board "market" itself. Surprisingly, it did well and then I opened my second job board that has more powerful features that I can offer my customers. I want to target it for "IT project managers and other IT professionals".

Here comes the question, in your opinion whom should I charge - those who post IT jobs or those who want to apply to these jobs?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts

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