jeudi 31 décembre 2015

How well do you think you practice personal and online security?

I run into it all of the time, but don't understand business people who only have/use one email address for every thing.

To me not only is just ridiculous to mix your personal and business, but it's just a huge, gaping, security issue.
The same email for every single thing you sign up for, every newsletter, domain registration, hosting, banking, Google, your smart phone, every form you fill out both online and offline, every account you me just makes you an easy target. Now hackers only need to guess one thing, your password...and it's also usually pretty easy to guess.

I try to counsel friends and clients to be a little more security conscious, but the prevailing attitude is "I just don't have time to keep up with 'all that'". Which just floors me as much as people say they want/expect better security.

What about you? Do you use at least more than one email address?
What other gaping security holes do you see people making every day?

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